"The rich must get richer, but those riches mean naught if not used for good."

Thiji Higuri is an eccentric Lalafell of the Dunesfolk persuasion whom was raised in the Near Eastern island of Thavnair. He was part of the first batch of adventurers who migrated to Eorzea in pursuit of their dreams, yet despite being a Dunesfolk, he abhors the desert climate and prefers much colder areas, making him an eccentric among his kind. Thiji is of noble blood hailing from a family of renowned Goldsmiths, Weavers, and Alchemists that have established their small empire within the Sagolii Desert, extending their business from Thavnair known as the Higuri Regalia.

Thiji sor Higuri, the Diamond SultanThiji Higuri is an eccentric Lalafell of the Dunesfolk persuasion whom was raised in the lands south of the Sagolii Desert. It has been revealed and confirmed, however, that his heritage originates from the Near Eastern nation of Thavnair. He was part of the first batch of adventurers that have migrated into Eorzea in pursuit of their dreams, yet despite being a Dunesfolk, he abhors the desert climates and prefers much colder areas.Thiji is of noble blood hailing from a family of renowned Goldsmiths that have established their small empire within the ocean of sand, extending their business from Thavnair known as the Higuri Regalia. He is also known as Tiny Mask and Icy Prince.By proxy, Thiji Higuri is on the rise of becoming a Pirate Lord of the Bounty thanks to the efforts of his parents, as Radz-at-Han is a haven for pirates to safely inhabit. His clan also has some power within Thavnair's aristocracy, as the noble houses living within Radz-at-Han are the ones in charge. The extent of their power is inconclusive, but considering how opulent the Regalia has become, it is safe to say that they hold a good deal of it.With the advent of the Dragonsong War, Thiji Higuri (Age 22 at the time of this event; now age 31) has grown even further to where he now stands over thirty-eight ilms tall, which is the tallest any Lalafell male has been seen. Aside from that, he is quite the handsome specimen sporting long, icy blue hair with white highlights that stops at his lower back; depending on how the light hits him, he can be seen in either his primary or secondary hair color respectively, creating a clever illusion (His hair has gotten somewhat longer following Operation Rhalgr's Beacon; age 25 at the time of this event).His left eye is the same color as his hair, and his right eye is a silvery-white color, similar to that of his highlights. Because of his delicate features, many people have misconstrued Thiji as a woman. He is nevertheless aware of his external beauty, and is thus unoffended by such claims; he, in fact, hates embarrassing others whenever he must correct them.He is always seen wearing robes or some sort of raiment with tints of blue, white, and/or gold.As per Dunesfolk customs, he wears a teardrop-shaped gemstone on his forehead, representing his zodiacal alignment, but closer inspection reveals that the gemstone is actually an amethyst soul crystal, carved in the shape of a teardrop and bearing the symbol of a jewel-adorned turban, smoothly etched and faceted to give off its brilliance. This "Soul of the Sultan" worn upon Thiji's forehead is the source of his knowledge of jewel and clothcrafting. As Thiji's time in Eorzea continues, he gains further expertise in his craft and shares it with his people back home to better benefit the Regalia at large, and to provide insight for any aspiring makers of fashion.At first glance, Thiji would be seen as having a calm demeanor. Incredibly reticent and quiet, he fits the criteria of a tactician. Also a selfless gentleman, he seems to attract a lot of female attention; given his small stature, it further accentuates his "cuteness". He does not talk much, and always keeps to himself. One may even say that he is "in a perpetual state of thought" given his focus. When he walks, his strides are more dignified and careful aside from the usual Lalafell "waddle," and while doing so, his hands are either folded in front of him or behind his back as most royalty would.Whenever he is in a pensive or otherwise bad mood, Thiji tends to give people the cold shoulder (pun not intended), acknowledging others through either a nod or if they are lucky, a wave. He means no disrespect towards others when he is in this silent state for in other times he is friendly and sociable. His cold shoulder is trounced by his even colder stare. Though he is a benevolent merchant-lord, his countenance is one of emptiness, said by some to freeze one to their very core. But despite this, Thiji can act very calm and collected when the situation demands it, which leads others to believe that his coyness is merely a ploy to exemplify his cuteness when in reality, it isn't a ploy at all -- he's simply, in other words, an eccentric nobleman.

Lord Fafastima & Lady Mimizo
Voice References (Respectively): Ed Trotta & Mela Lee
The father and mother of the Mythrite Sultan, respectively. Thiji and his brother Horu's color scheme are derived from them. Fafastima was originally the one in charge of the Higuri Regalia while his first son rose to prominence. A jovial and intrepid man, he made a lot of daring efforts to better himself and the Regalia, which included establishing a branch within Ilsabard, and more recently, wresting a fleet of ships from a rival pirate gang. Once the Regalia was well off, he resigned his role for other pursuits with Mimizo, passing the reins over to Thiji. After the release of the PiB Catalogue, he took great interest in the Hive Sherwani, and made it his signature outfit as a Corsair.Mimizo is the ideal image of a proper lady: demure, refined, self-sacrificing, and a faithful and loyal wife. However, her martial prowess is incredible, and was passed down to Thiji, while his knowledge and mastery of mercantilism came from his father. She possesses a pair of aetherially-attuned bladed fans with an owl embroidered on the cloth, implying she is an expert Dancer, as well as being the tutor of Veeveena. She respects her firstborn son's motives, and does her best to keep his secrets well-guarded (the biggest one being that he is a peerless Dancer like her mother). She has also bore more sons and daughters than everyone within their circle had originally believed, alleviating the pressure from Thiji somewhat by securing their line for him.Looking to aid their family empire in their own special way, Lord Fafastima & Lady Mimizo took it upon themselves to establish and head the Mythril Wavetraders, a merchant fleet within the Regalia which also partakes in anti-privateering countermeasures, extending the Regalia's reach through the waters of Hydaelyn's numerous oceans, and unofficially making them Pirate Lords of The Bounty.Lord Fafastima & Lady Mimizo both revere Nald'thal, but the Magus Sisters even more so due to being born of the Near East.

Lord & Lady Higuri

Horu Higuri, Diamond Vali Ahad
Voice Reference: Steve Cannon
His younger twin brother, Horu Higuri is a mirror of Thiji. They share the same eye colors, but Horu has a silver left eye and an icy blue right eye. Also, his hair is more silver with icy blue highlights. Thiji does not speak of his brother much in open conversation, but respects him nonetheless. He is currently married happily to Umimi Umi, Head Secretary of the Main Branch, and has two children: Kakasu and Kakashoa.As next-in-line for the title of "Mythrite Sultan", Horu is the new Mythrite Prince, and as such, is acting head of the Regalia whenever Thiji is not present in the Main Branch, and is devoted to his family and duties. Most of his time is spent chronicling his brother's journeys, tending and training his children, and ensuring the good health of the Main Branch's sanctuary.

Prince Horu

Lady Nyra, Mythrite Owl of Nald'Thal
Voice Reference: Helen Mirren
The family pet and mascot of the Higuri Regalia. Nyra is a proud snow owl adorned with a crown of pure Mythril, and the symbol of Nald'thal is etched across her breast. She obeys only the Higuri Clan and is always seen with either Thiji or his relatives. She is called when "the Scales are tipping once more," which is some sort of code that is uttered relating to merchants. Nyra usually appears whenever there is coin to be had so as to facilitate the spirit of good business, and enjoys seeing fellow nobility.

Lady Nyra

Princess Telphie HiguriWhile Thiji's father Fafastima was still running the Regalia, he had implemented a prototype Branch Headquarters closer to the borders of Ilsabard in an effort to achieve better relations with the Garlean Empire. During this time, he met with a mature Elezen by the name of Telphie, an oprhan who had spent her days making ends meet under the banner of Garlemald. She was also revealed to be a mechanical genius to rival even that of Garlemald's more seasoned engineers (Her skill then equated to the Garlean title of "kir" - later, to "lux"). But what also surprised Fafastima was that she was young - too young, even, to be working in such dangerous environments. As a result, he won her freedom from Garlemald's clutches and made her an official member of the Higuri clan, making her Thiji's sister.Telphie is a young Duskwight of twenty-four summers with a figure that would make one believe she was actually much older. She sports gorgeous platinum pink eyes and sea green hair, and is seen in specially-tailored garments to accommodate her form. Her greatest achievement was creating a small fleet of refurbished magitek bits made in the likeness of owls. These "Owlbits" are further augmented with a larger, mythrite-plated chassis to make them less disposable.After liberating her new homeland from the Telophoroi's schemes, she took up the art of somanoutics - the practice of Sages. This, augmented with her aptitude in magitek, resulted in her becoming a fusilier of healing and harm - a "Magitek Maestra", she calls herself. With her custom-made nouliths serving as the "master units", both they and she can freely control her new-and-improved Owlbit Fleet which Telphie has renamed "The Children of Nyra".She is not stationed in any of the Branches as of now, so she is mostly seen wherever her older, diminutive brother travels, serving as an Angel in her own right. Despite being a beautiful woman of tact and decorum, raised under the generosity and elegance of the Regalia, Telphie has cast off her demure shell and is lending her support in a more active manner, becoming bosom friends with Swoztu as well.Following the routing of the voidsent incursion from the Thirteenth shard, Telphie has made the executive decision to assist Garlemald in a more permanent position, serving in Youmei's tribune with the rank of "nan", putting her magitek knowledge and newfound mastery of somanoutics to good use as "Architectus Magiteci" whilst also working towards fulfilling Lord Fafastima's previous ambitions of establishing an Ilsabard branch of the Higuri Regalia.

Princess Telphie

Thiji Higuri, Diamond Sultan
Lord Fafastima, Head of House Higuri
Lady Mimizo, Diamond Valide Sultan
Hours of Operation: Flexible; by appointment/reservation (advance notice is given)Buisness Location/Address: Goblet, Ward 7, Plot 43 (Aldenard Branch HQ); Shirogane, Ward 16, Plot 60 (Othard Branch HQ) [Both are in Balmung]The Higuri Regalia was originally founded as a family-run business specializing in the manufacturing of gems and textiles, with their greatest export being Mythril. Following the war to liberate Ala Mhigo and Doma, Thiji Higuri steered a new course for the Regalia to become the titan of the fashion industry it is today. With nine successful clothing lines to date, the young noble, now retired from adventuring, spends his days bringing new ideas into the realm of fashion and leveraging his opulence towards giving back to the people of Etheirys.The Higuri Regalia is run by its Master and Adjutant, or President and Vice President, respectively. These are usually helmed by the Padishah and the Vali Ahad. To facilitate the management of the empire, each branch is overseen by a Head Secretary, who answers only to the President. Under each Head Secretary is a personal Advisor who reports directly to them, as well as any Angels and Regalia workers they may have under their wing. This helps ensure a healthy balance of power and flexibility amongst the chain of command as the company continues to expand.The emblem of the Higuri Regalia is a depiction of an owl wearing a mythril crown with outspread wings grasping a mythril ingot with its talons. This symbolizes majesty, wisdom, and generosity. Another emblem - used as a poster ad - shows Thiji Higuri in a "Blissful Trance", sitting atop a lotus flower with an open right palm and a left palm pouring gil onto a bowl. Beside him is Lady Nyra, resting upon a mythril ingot clutched in her talons, and in the background are two marids adorned in jewelry, pouring vats of water behind Thiji.The motto of the business - "Where There is Power in Beauty" - comes from the crest of the Higuri family - a snow owl resting inside of a blooming violet alyssum, symbolizing status, intelligence, wealth, and beauty.

The Mythril WavetradersAfter a successful sting operation within the high seas of the Bounty, The Higuri Regalia now has access to a merchant fleet dubbed the Mythril Wavetraders, and their distinguishable emblem is a mythril bar embroidered into a pink cloth made in the likeness of a cresting wave - a symbol representing the business and pleasure that only the high seas can bring.Serving as an extension of the Regalia's presence through Hydaelyn's waters, the Mythril Wavetraders is a both a merchant guild and fleet comprising mainly of eight caravels, four clippers, two galleasses, and a pleasure barge - all modified from the Thavnairian Dhow. While Thiji handles the inner workings of the Regalia alongside his Angels, the Mythril Wavetraders are headed by Lord Fatastima and Lady Mimizo, whose intrepid tendencies spurred them to support their son's efforts, serving as the mercantile and logistics arm of the company.Because of Thavnair's reputation as a pirate haven, however, they are far from defenseless; these repurposed merchant vessels were formerly warships, which enables them to engage in anti-privateering efforts, ferrying the Angels and other warriors into battle against anyone unfortunate to encounter them. Because of the naval power they now wield (backed by their own airships and submersibles), House Higuri holds some modicum of maritime influence as Pirate Lords of the Bounty.

Now spanning the Three Great Continents and even beyond, the Higuri Regalia had successfully completed a chain spanning from the realm of Eorzea in the west to the Far Eastern islands of Hingashi. Now that they have a great deal of momentum, the Mythrite Sultan proceeded to commence with an initiative he’s kept on the back-burner for some time. Being dubbed the PiB (Power in Beauty) Catalogue, this is the Mythrite Sultan's magnum opus, and the flagship product that serves as the precursor to future fashion faithfuls taking their first steps towards aesthetic enlightenment. It is - in essence - a constantly updated magazine dedicated to Haute Couture featuring outfits of the highest quality that only the Hannish minds which comprise the Regalia can create. These custom outfits are commissioned from the Aldenard Branch Headquarters, and are woven together and brought to life at the Main Branch in Thavnair. Those with tails need not be alarmed, for the Regalia always thinks ahead and modifies their wares to allow the tailed races free range of movement.

=Pre-Calamity=As a noble and heir to the ''Higuri Regalia Empire'', Thiji was taught proper manners and the trades of his clan at an early age. Prior to the Calamity, he had spent a lot of his free time reading tomes and scriptures, and because of this, he was more and more fascinated by his newfound knowledge. Although he wanted to see his clan's empire prosper for many winters to come, Thiji wanted something different; he wished to stand out more. In the desert he found a spool of what appeared to be hempen yarn and a loom with which he could practice the art of weaving in his spare time. In his early teen years, he had fallen head over heels for a female Dunesfolk named Shishira Shira that was also a noble hailing from a goldsmithing family that specialized in red/crimson jewelry. He was incredibly shy towards the girl, but they were good friends as they shared adventures within the sea of sand. Unbeknownst to Thiji, Shishira had another friend of hers by the name of Memejora Danajora, whose family was one of the main mineral concerns that conducted trade amongst the Dunesfolk within the lands south of the Sagolii. As time marched on, Thiji would seemingly begin to win Shishira over, but it would all be put to waste when he was rejected for Memejora, for she merely saw Thiji as nothing more than a good friend. Shishira and Memejora's parents would eventually arrange a marriage with her and him. This heartbreak would serve as the foundation for how Thiji acts in the future.=Mid-Calamity=Because of his recent heartbreak, Thiji did not really socialize much, nor did he even share his issues with his maidservants. Thus, he kept himself secluded when he had the chance, honing his own talents along with his innate talents of his lineage. At the age of 15, Thiji had a well-rounded knowledge of Weaving and Goldsmithing. He had also trained himself arduously with two-handed weaponry such as halberds and poleaxes that he had discovered within the sands, and taught his fellow Dunesfolk how to defend themselves from the predators of the treacherous desert. Whenever he was alone, however, he hurried home to study the powers of Thaumaturgy and Arcanima, making himself proficient in ice magic to combat the scorching heat of the Sagolii. He had discovered his incredible aptitude with aether control, and was able to summon his first construct -- Fubuki the Sapphire Carbuncle. He would somehow use this knowledge and heightened wit to bring his people to outstanding glory -- and to perhaps exact sweet vengeance upon Memejora for stealing his would-be, first-ever girlfriend. However, when the Calamity struck, he had first surmised that a time of great turmoil would befall himself and his clan. Beholding the wrath of Bahamut's Mega Flare, and the destruction of the satellite moon of Dalamud, the Higuri clan assumed the worst. But it would seem that luck would be in their favor as they were virtually unscathed from the crippling of Eorzea.=Post-Calamity=From the terrible doom that came upon Eorzea, the ''Higuri Regalia'' would find themselves blessed with great fortune. The Calamity unearthed numerous veins of precious Mythril that complemented many fine jewelry, and is known for its durability and light weight. It was then that in the advent of the Seventh Umbral Era, Thiji's clan began to specialize in the making and manufacturing of Mythril-based products, ranging from cufflinks to necklaces and even monocles. The resourcefulness of the Higuri clan ensured their empire's survival for the next five winters. It was during that five-year period that Thiji would become adept in his own teachings, mastering the basics of Thaumaturgy and Arcanima, and even having formidable skill with two-handed weaponry. He had also trained his mind, as well, for he did not ever forget what Memejora had done to him, and what Shishira did to his heart.Anticipating the fact that Memejora's family would seize the opportunity to strike it rich by monopolizing the Mythril market, Thiji had spent a week learning of the mineral concern's schedules, breaks, and shifts of every employee. In the dead of night, he snuck in with Glacius and Fubuki, smuggling the veins of Mythril from the mines back home before his quarry would grow suspicious. After another week of successfully draining their "cash cow" of all that they deemed would be worth, Memejora's family's mineral concern would arrive to the ''Higuri Regalia'' the next morning, and after a heated argument between his parents and Memejora's, they found themselves penniless as they bought back every single piece of Mythril they originally intended to sell to the ''Higuri Regalia.'' The fallout from this event resulted in the marriage between Shishira and Memejora to be countervailed. Additionally, the mineral concern and ''Shira's Lightsday Best'' had to now work under the ''Regalia'' in order to pay off their debt, but before such a debt would even be repaid, they would already be bought out by the Mythril Masters that were the ''Regalia''. Shishira and Memejora threw Thiji a glare, who then gave one of his own before pointing a finger up several ilms from his face. It was his little trademark gesture with a hidden message: ''"I have seized victory without so much as lifting a finger."'' The young Dunesfolk had singlehandedly overthrown his abrasive and small-minded nemesis and gave his clan the key to many doors that would send them soaring through the world of commerce...Then, at the age of 20, Thiji had finally decided to spread his clan's influence to Eorzea by taking the next caravan northward, bringing his personal maidservants '''Sesena Sena''', '''Sosona Sona''', and '''Susuna Suna''' with him. Taking a liking to the jewel of the desert, Ul'dah, Thiji had bought a novel from a peddler to help alleviate the boringly long trek across Thanalan. (which was written by '''[[Tahrara]] Kivenera'''. He did not speak at all during the journey since he was so attracted by the novel.)=The Mysterious North Wind=
In an effort to achieve his goal of aiding TALE from the shadows, Thiji Higuri studied archery in Gridania and assumed the guise of the ''North Wind'', a masked rebel Bard of unknown origin that seemingly aided those in need. He kept his identity hidden as a simple weaver of Sunsilk Tapestries and a goldsmith of Esthaime's Aesthetics/Lapidaries. After a fornight of successful battles as the dashing Bard, news spread like wildfire to the Mythril Eye the Harbor Herald, and the Raven detailing the various events and deeds done by the ''North Wind'', repeatedly stating that he is neither friend or foe, and that citizens of Eorzea keep an eye out for this seemingly threatening "masked hero."
The ''North Wind'' has been involved in numerous activities regarding the people of the Adventure League including the assault against the Garleans in Northern Thanalan, the silencing of the primal Ifrit, and numerous forays into various areas such as Cutter's Cry and the Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak. It was then that rumors had begun to spread that the ''North Wind'' was tempered by the Lady of the Vortex -- Garuda -- and was made into one of her champions. This caused some confusion, however, as a quartet of Ixali sisters -- the Huelocs -- are also of Garuda's elite warriors, and each sister was named after a cardinal direction.In a recent battle in Halfstone to contain the Sahagin threat, the ''North Wind'' appeared once more to aid in the assault, fighting alongside '''Ari Amariyo,''' '''Aegyl Chevalier,''' and '''Hollow Thorn.''' His songs and arrows were more than enough to help push back the scaled menace into the Sapsa Spawning Grounds, and further in they encountered the Serpent Reavers -- the pirate thralls of the Sahagin that have been drowned by the Lord of the Whorl. Hollow Thorn felt saddened that she had to take the lives of her own kin, but the ''North Wind'' consoled her and renewed her resolve, for the turned Roegadyn were beyond saving, and needed final rest. After routing their forces as best they could with their Chocobos by their side, the ''North Wind'' vanished, leaving behind only a rose for the then-grieving Hollow Thorn.He made another appearance in the East Shroud at Larkscall, when the elder primal Odin arrived atop his onyx steed, Sleipnir. Several members of TALE -- and a multitude of other adventurers -- rushed to do honorable battle with this powerful entity, and after hours of painstaking turmoil, they had vanquished Odin, sending him back into the aether. After the battle, the ''North Wind'' saw '''[[D'asee]] Pauwee''', and gave her his signature gift -- the red rose. After picking up the flower, she had wondered why he did such a thing and gave him the nickname ''Tiny Mask.''About a week later, the people of TALE had noticed that the winds had begun to stir within Coerthas. A large group of TALE's finest -- led by Doyenne '''[[Aveline]] Blue,''' raced to Natalan, cutting down whatever Ixal was foolish enough to stand in their way. To their surprise, they encountered the ''Four Winds,'' and with careful planning, they systematically defeated the four sisters. Finally reaching the aetheryte where the ''North Wind'' was holding a wind cluster, because of their successful victory over the Hueloc sisters, the crystals' power dimmed, which would result in Garuda's weakening. However, it did not stop the Ixal as they had already amassed enough crystals to strengthen their goddess, which forced the Adventure League to seek an audience with her.They divided their forces into two groups: one would lay low the Lady of the Vortex and prevent her coming into the realm, while the other stood guard to prevent the inevitable Ixal incursion from reinforcing their goddess. The defense was spearheaded by ''[[Connor Stone]] the True,'' and it was thanks to his shield that the second party were able to hold back the birds. Once Garuda had been defeated, (and much to her joy) D'asee picked up Garuda's feather and immediately headed for the exit, whereas Thiji's bow -- worn and weathered from countless battles -- had reacted with the Howling Eye and the plumes left over by the harpy queen, resulting in a powerful new longbow that could harness the wind itself.=The Aftermath of Natalan=After the battle, the ''North Wind's'' identity was already revealed. '''[[Shienne]] Mimieux''' had explained to him that before the Seventh Umbral Era, there existed a period in time where the Grand Companies of Eorzea were in conflict. At the time, she had served the Immortal Flames, and one of her greatest nemeses was none other than the ''North Wind,'' who resembled and acted just like Thiji. He was an agent of the Gods' Quiver that had thwarted Shienne's missions on countless occasions that would result in her eventual respect for the masked Lalafell.Reconvening in the Sagolii Desert, Shienne's uncanny deduction skills enabled her as to what Thiji was attempting to do all this time: to aid the Adventure League from the shadows, only to reveal himself at the proper time. His actions upset numerous members, including Tahrara -- the opulent Dunesfolk Lalafell of which Thiji has a huge crush on -- and '''[[Dyne]] Ikapine,''' her fiancee (who was so frustrated in him that he was jostled down an incredibly high dune, humiliating poor Thiji). On the other hand, several members were relieved to know that the ''North Wind'' was Thiji all this time, for his actions have gotten them further and strengthened their courage.Unfortunately, Thiji's shortcomings -- along with his upsetting tumble down the dunes -- had caused him to quietly resort to a life of seclusion. His feelings toward the Adventure League are skeptical, but he has no point in sharing his talents to those that would not even accept him. Up until now, he has been in solitude, losing himself in his mind to plot whatever grandiose scheme he may have hidden in his sleeves next...=Finding the Tactician=His long hiatus from TALE-related activities have given Thiji an incredibly long time to think towards his purpose of being in Eorzea. He had spent most of his time on an isolated cliff overlooking the Holy See of Ishgard with his faeries and Glacius to keep him company. Before too long, however, he would be met by Tahrara, whom was following his faerie Solabelle, who, for some reason, was carrying his linkpearl. After braving the cold, she would find a masked Scholar whom was standing atop one of the many monoliths placed atop the cliff. The masked scholar in question was none other than the recluse himself, and after a brief inquiry, he revealed that during this entire time since the incident in Natalan, he had been listening closely to the TALE linkshell, but did not openly speak. A grin appeared on his face as he explained that Shienne was ousted from the Company due to a dispute that erupted from the linkshell. Though Tahrara shared his sentiments of her eccentric character, she offered that Thiji's intellect be used for TALE's own greater good. At first, he was reluctant, and said that he needed more time to himself to contemplate the matter.The second time he was visited, Ser Dyne accompanied his fiancee to the Steel Vigil. After a burst of warming light from Solabelle greeted the couple, they would find Thiji standing on the same monolith as before. After a brief joking session, Thiji recalled the situation with Shienne to the Plainsfolk, which he then added to it saying that he was battling the Lord of Crags, which Thiji furthered added that such a matter -- albeit trivial -- had disrupted his focus, and made the battle in the Navel that much more difficult for him and whomever was with him at the time. Like the cunning schemer he is, Thiji pointed out that ''"Such confusion within the enemy ranks would allow an opportunistic strategist to strike swiftly before they would have a chance to recover from their own chaos. Thus, victory would be attained... without so much as lifting a finger.''" It was unclear as to whether or not this was an intimidating fact -- though it is highly unlikely that it wasn't. Before being left alone, Thiji offered them a tray of crowned pies for the journey back, but apparently Dyne has a dislike for sweets. D'asee arrived to Camp Dragonhead moments after their departure to take the pies out of Dyne's hands.Several other minor visits by D'asee occurred due to her keen sense of smell. Whenever Thiji was cooking or having a picnic, she was conveniently there to share a bite with him. During their time together, Thiji was at first reluctant to speak with D'asee -- talking about the past and what lies beyond the stars -- but eventually he would grow into her and soon found a friend in the jovial Seeker. At the Floating City of Nym, Thiji had made a promise to D'asee that he would always have food prepared for her whenever she would be hungry, and she replied, "Tiny Mask had best keep his word! Un, un!"The third and final visit would be by Tahrara once again in Mor Dhona, who seemed frustrated. While Thiji was quietly reading to himself atop of a giant boulder by Silvertear Lake, he would find her come into view, and a conversation broke out. Joining her back down to earth, he explained that he had begun to think that others had forgotten him, only to be retorted by Tahrara that whenever he wished to be sought out, he was never available, and he never spoke on the linkpearl. Thiji's love for Tahrara would be made apparent when he spoke why he played such mind games with everyone. However, after some soothing words from the violet-eyed Dunesfolk -- and a heartfelt apology from the lonely strategist -- he would finally be forgiven, and was granted another personal linkpearl by Tahrara (since the original one was malfunctioning, as per her claim). Now reborn into a new (but still lonely) Lalafell, Thiji Higuri now offers his full service to the Adventure League of Eorzea, using his intellect for their greater good -- and perhaps for whatever purpose he may find out there.

=A New Era; A New Lalafell=As Thiji slowly built his reputation within TALE's ranks by offering any support possible, the time had arrived for the Eorzean Alliance to make one final push against the Garlean Empire via Operation: Archon. A number of adventurers from all corners of the land had volunteered to assist in the operation, and Thiji was of no exception. The counteroffensive involved the systematic occupation of the various Garlean outposts strewn throughout Eorzea (Castrum Occidens, Castrum Marinum, Castrum Oriens, and Castrum Meridianum/the Praetorium). After taking Castrum Marinum from the hands of Rhitahtyn Sas Arvina, Thiji and his fellow adventurers in TALE were able to proceed with the counteroffensive. It was there that Thiji commended Rhitahtyn's valor, for he did not think that he would ever find anyone else on the planet that would be his intellectual equal (at least during this point in time).With the Garleans thrown into disarray by the joint attacks from the Grand Companies, the final battle against the Black Wolf took place in the Praetorium once Castrum Meridianum had been occupied by the Immortal Flames. After some engaging diatribe, and a (not-so) climactic battle, Gaius would be laid low, along with the Ultima Weapon, as well as the mastermind behind it all -- an Ascian named Lahabrea. The resulting victory ushered in the coming of the Seventh Astral Era, and Thiji would be happy to know that his actions served for an overall greater cause, but he was still unsure about what precisely he wanted in Eorzea.Several suns after the battle's end, Thiji would run into Aveline in Horizon, where he was going to survey the land with his maidservants for any Mythril. It would be delayed, however, as he would be invited to lunch with the Doyenne at the Pissed Peiste over by Vesper Bay. At first, she would be surprised that Thiji still remained within the Adventure League after the events in Natalan, but the Lalafell had ambitions that would require TALE's aid in order to accomplish. He told the Doyenne that he aspired to become one of the Syndicate so that he would use his power to aid the less-fortunate. However, Aveline stated that his dream was not uncommon, for a great number of people share the same wish. It saddened Thiji to know this, but Aveline saw just how noble the young Dunesfolk's heart was and informed him that it is the everyday deeds of people -- including themselves -- that make Eorzea a better and safer realm in which to live in.With this newfound knowledge imparted unto him by his feline-hearted leader, Thiji Higuri would finally find out what he wanted to fight for in Eorzea -- wealth. But not simply personal wealth... but a wealth that could be shared with the people, and thus earn him the recognition he so desires.=First Starlight=Back home, Thiji Higuri only heard of stories about the wondrous Starlight Festival that befalls Eorzea during the winter season. When he rose from his bed in the Hourglass one morning, he gazed out from the window and saw snow falling upon the streets of Ul'dah. Like a little child, he rushed out of his inn room to witness the beauty firsthand. Being a lover of the cold, he was overjoyed to see such a sight, and during his merriment, he would run into members of the Ivalice Trading Company, whom are allies of the Adventure League.One of the members he would encounter was Zeiyth Iyerah, a Keeper of the Moon miqo'te that was well-known in TALE. He had known her before, however, due to the fact that the two of them have run into each other on many occasions during their adventures within Eorzea. She and her friends, including her mate, J'hyan Tia, were enjoying the festivities, and it was J'hyan's idea to set the little Lalafell up on a date with the beautiful Miqo'te woman.At first, Thiji politely declined out of respect for J'hyan, but he insisted, and after a convincing argument from him and his companions, Thiji was finally swayed and happily accepted the offer. The following sun, he had reconvened that evening with Zeiyth, wearing his best robes. As they got to know each other, and exchanged gifts of mythril jewelry, Thiji pointed out that this was the first-ever Starlight Festival he has ever experienced, and that the snow fascinated him. What was ''more'' interesting was that Zeiyth noticed that Thiji was not as timid as he usually was when speaking with beautiful women -- perhaps because he was on something as important as a date.It was thanks to this event, and Zeiyth's warm-heartedness, that Thiji was able to smile again. Furthermore, the little Lalafell had at last found himself a girlfriend (more or less) after a score of lonely winters. Their date went well, and ended with a soothing cuddle session within an inn room at the Quicksand (what follows after that is entirely up to the reader).=Housing Hijinks=In the wake of the Seventh Astral Era, Thiji's relations with the Adventure League had begun to grow, resulting in stronger bonds. However, when the Grand Companies issued out the order of opening their respective residential districts for adventurers to auction plots of land for their own ends, things began to change in a radical manner. This "housing boom" roused adventurers the world over to acquiring the necessary funds with which to buy their plots, which, at first, did not seem like such a big deal.Thiji thought that this would be the perfect chance to pursue his dream of sharing his wealth with the people, and so he did his own part in aiding the Adventure League in acquiring their own home, for he had learned that their previous headquarters was taken from them in the Calamity. It was during this time in which TALE's longtime leader, Aveline Blue, resigned this position and passed the crown over to her second-in-command, Sha'ir [[Rikitiki]] Tavatiki. As his first order as Doyen, he required every member within the Adventure League to donate a set amount of gil per day (25,000) into their coffers so that they would eventually amass the money to buy a mansion.The little Lalafell had his own plan of attack. But before he would commence, he had noticed that due to the fact that everyone was saving up to ''buy'' a house, there was very little activity going on in the markets, resulting in massive undercutting of goods and loss of potential profit. This mildly upset Thiji, but with perseverance, he would help his friends in any way possible. Utilizing his knowledge of weaving, goldsmithing, cooking, and alchemy he crafted in solitude within his own secret hiding place in Eorzea. This served several purposes: he would be able to fashion his wares with little to no distractions; he would be safe to craft without the competition figuring out what exactly he was making; and he would have the proper means to think on his next move.Meanwhile, he ordered his maidservant Sesena Sena to acquire timeworn maps during her harvesting expeditions and delivered anything she found to the Adventure League via moogle mail. Her two sisters retreated back to Thiji's home area to find some help of their own.=The Solemn Tactician's Unveiling=After numerous suns slaving over looms, stoves, and alembics; after grueling hours carefully manipulating the market prices, Thiji Higuri had acquired an exceptional amount of gil from his efforts. Though he wishes he would have attained more, the markets were not as lenient. When he was spending so much time by himself in quietude -- with nothing but his faeries to keep him company -- he did not realize right away that the Adventure League was reaching a crunch period!Several competing Free Companies were eyeing the plot of land that TALE wanted within the Goblet, Ul'dah's residential district. It was only a matter of time before they would see the plot occupied by another Free Company. However, that did not shake Lord Thiji. They were at least 10,000,000 gil short of the 100,000,000 large plot that they had their hopes of getting, and Thiji knew that it was time to unveil his strategy.Using his personal linkpearl, he contacted Lady Tahrara and requested her and Hearer Hollow Thorn to meet him within the Sagolii Desert. Hours later, the night sky would give way to the rising sun. His quarry would finally arrive, meeting him out in the sands. Happy to see and hear him again, Tahrara gave him a friendly hug. After a dialogue between the three of them, his ''Eos'' faerie, Solabelle, appeared by his side and whispered something in his ear...Seemingly pleased, Thiji beckoned the two ladies as he pointed to the horizon. Their timing could not have been better as they saw a chocobo pulling a wagon beneath the light of dawn. But that was not any regular chocobo. It was his trusted steed and companion, Glacius. He had sent Glacius with Sosona and Susuna to request the ''Higuri Regalia'' to offer some of their surplus funds to aid in the Adventure League's cause. Glacius endured the journey for nearly two suns and finally found himself reunited with Thiji.Asking the ladies to brace themselves prior to opening the large mythril chest, he gave them a smile before doing so. A whopping five million gil was safely sitting inside! He split it between the two of them, asking for nothing in return, but Tahrara gave him another hug in excitement. Hollow Thorn nearly did the same. This reduced their goal to half, and after another sentimental exchange of words, they left Thiji to his own devices.Not two suns later did TALE manage to obtain the remaining 5 million needed to buy their plot. Everyone was overjoyed by the news, but Thiji kept his cool. He celebrated in his own way: thinking on what to do next with his time. As everyone frantically placed furniture about the HQ, Thiji, in his generosity, had given his maidservants a much-needed vacation as a reward for their hard work. As they made the journey back home, he got himself accustomed to his new home -- one he could share with his fellow eccentrics in the Adventure League of Eorzea.=The Solitary Noble=After numerous trials and tribulations - and the past revisiting his mind countless times - Thiji has been struck with a seemingly perpetual state of melancholy. He had first been excommunicated from the Adventure League due to his callous actions (and almost summoning a frenzied harpy for his own selfish gains), which resulted in the loss of numerous friends' trust.As time went on he had established a base of operations for himself and his maidservants in the Goblet, forming the Aldenard Branch of the ''Higuri Regalia''. Here he would use his wealth to distribute helpful goods and supplies to the adventurers of the land at free and reduced prices, hoping to bring some stability to the market. This has earned him some much-needed praise, and was even smiled upon by those who still considered him a friend.But tragedies continued to plague the Mythril Prince as he took Mamai Mai under his wing and eventually fell in love with her. Their relationship lasted for only less than a moon until they went on an expedition into Snowcloak to face the Lady of Frost known as Shiva - an elder primal said to have laid with a dragon, and was thus revered to as a savior of the Harriers - the group of heretics that blindly serve her and Ysyale, their leader. She succumbed to the Diamond Dust, but perished with a smile on her face, happy that she had been given a second chance at life thanks to Thiji, and that she was able to find love before passing on to the afterlife '''(Refer to [[Thiji_Higuri#Mamai Mai|Mamai Mai]] under the Friends & Family section for more details).'''Moons later the noble came to a realization, and as events unfolded and escalated to the uprising in Ul'dah, he has become paranoid and overly cautious of whom his real friends are. Because of this, he spoke privately with several characters that played an integral role in his life in Eorzea (including the Lady of Amethyst, Tahrara Kivenera; her fiancee, the Hedge Knight, Dyne Ikapine, and the Hearer Hollow Thorn, as well as the Hyuran noble of House Fortemps, Lady Iieha Kiltias) and told them all that because of the events that have transpired, he can no longer see the light, and that Menphina and Nymeia have been tugging at the threads of his fate since he had been born.He further informed them that he would seek the path of darkness to find his own purpose in Eorzea, and that he shuns The Lover and the Spinner both, taking his destiny into his own hands. He reassures himself of his confidence to master the darkness and use it to his own advantage thanks to the assistance of Puffy, a new "friend" of his he found within the World of Darkness. He accepted his loneliness and his sorrow, and vowed that he would change for the better by aiding others whenever possible, and for making amends with the people of the Adventure League.Now armed with only his wits and his tried and true friend, Glacius, the lonely prince sets forth through the dark path before him as he ventures into the heavens, hoping to find out what he wants in this realm - or why he is even here.

=Seeking and Taming the Dusk=During his time as a hermit, Thiji set up an oriental training dummy outside of his Headquarters, taking precautions to "close" the establishment for remodeling and restocking purposes. With a Doman weapon lent to him by his bodyguard Shiro (which was pretty much a simple Katana), he trained for bells on end, hacking and slashing repeatedly at the dummy to hone his skills.However, his reclusiveness would be short-lived as there were talks of the unlikely finally happening - the Gates of Judgment - for the first time in over a millennia - have at last opened itself to the adventurers of Eorzea. Seeing this as an opportunity to find his path, Thiji wasted no time planning an expedition into Coerthas and sought out to Ishgard, where he would finally take up the greatsword and become a Dark Knight, putting aside the axe but maintaining his role as a defender. It was through this new discipline that the Mythril Prince would find his purpose for being in Eorzea.His cunning and peerless skill with the blade -- piled with his personal training on the dummy (which has now been reduced to a stump at this point) -- allowed him to soar through the ranks and quickly learn the inner workings of the Dark Knight trade. Although he felt like an outcast, he felt closer to his goal with the darkness by his side. One day, however, when he would reach the peak of his abilities, his inner darkside awakened and fought the Mythril Prince in a one-on-one duel. With the memories of his past love interests and the Spinner and Lover both burning in his mind, Thiji retaliated relentlessly, using his full power to tame the darkness within, and after a grueling bell of struggle, he had overcome it.Now having wrested control of himself again, his darkside had conceded to him, but knew that deep down he yearned to be set free -- both Thiji and his darkside. Should such a time come, he had suggested to Thiji that he should never be afraid to call on him, for their might is incredible when joined as one. The Mythril Prince now continues his journey into Coerthas and beyond to play his part in the Dragonsong War.=Unlikely Acquaintances & Old Wounds=With renewed vigor and a new hairstyle to boot, Thiji Higuri set out into the Coerthas Western Highlands. He was immediately drawn in by the vast and stark beauty of the snowy landscape before him as he showed off his Dark Knight abilities with the best of them. There were reports, however, of Harriers operating in the northern section of the highlands. Knowing of his past experiences with them, Thiji wasted no time to investigate on this matter.As if the Wanderer's own will possessed him, Thiji charged onward with Glacius close behind as they saw an abandoned farmhouse known as the Gorgagne Holding. As he saw Harriers stationed around the outer perimeter of the area, visions of Mamai flooded back into his mind. This resulted in something within Thiji to snap, and wasted no effort in making sure that every Harrier foolish enough to cross his path met the bloodiest end imaginable.He mutilated and maimed any Harrier that stood before him, regardless of gender. With little difficulty at all, he had breached the Holding and saw a soft glow from below... he had assumed the worst as he felt a familiar chill as he made his way down to the basement.After opening the doors, he immediately slew the remaining Harriers within and saw before him a dragon shrine -- no doubt dedicated to the Dravanians that plagued Ishgard. But who he saw in front of it made him seethe with rage.The one responsible for his downward spiral of sorrow, and the culprit behind his (supposedly) only love's death -- Ysayle, was before him after so many moons. He had wanted nothing more than to reciprocate the pain he felt onto her a thousandfold, but not before hearing her case about how the Dragonsong War even started.After allowing her the ability to escape, however, what truly angered Thiji was the fact that he had to work together with Lady Iceheart if they were to have any leeway towards stopping Nidhogg's rage, even with the aid of the Azure Dragoon, Estinien Wyrmblood. The bit of reason within Thiji's mind allowed him to play along for now as they journeyed through Dravania...=A Prince Awoken=Tagging along with Alphinaud, Estinien, and Ysayle, Thiji had arrived in the Dravanian Forelands. There they would journey to Anyx Trine, a home for the dragons that guard the sacred Dravanian mountain known as Sohm Al.Throughout their trek, they were ambushed by bipedal insectoids known as the Gnath. They had been plaguing the dragons recently due to the escalating war, and have even resorted to calling forth their own primal. In order to reach Sohm Al summit, their deity had to be slain if they were to have any hopes of continuing their quest.Thiji reluctantly agreed to partake in Ysayle's plan to feign surrender in order to identify their god and ultimately slay him. Given Thiji's love of strategy, the plan went without a hitch, and they were taken deep within Loth ast Gnath into the summoning chamber. It was there that they met face-to-face with the Wrath of the Colony; the Lord of the Hive -- Ravana.In a bid to sway the Gnath into ceasing their hostility, Ysyale challenged the fourfold master of the blade to battle. Once the terms had been set, she used the Gnath's own collected horde of crystals to invoke the powers of Saint Shiva and commenced combat with the savior of the Gnath. Thiji was revisited by images of his vengeful fight against the Lady of Frost, which enticed him into battle, but he also knew that it was foolish to challenge a primal in their own home territory.After seeing Shiva becoming easily overpowered, he felt so disgusted by her shameful display that he wanted to spit into her face, but that would have to wait as Ravana immediately challenged the Mythril Prince, and left him for the arena in which the sacred rite of combat would take place: Thok ast Thok.Gathering some fellow adventurers that were also trapped within the chamber, he led the charge and engaged Lord Ravana. As the fight progressed, Thiji was changing... it was not his darkside, but his inner lust for battle that had sparked during this conflict. After surviving a seemingly fatal blow by the Chandrahas blades, the Mythril Prince had awoken -- he began to fight like a demon possessed, proving that quality is indeed better than quantity.After an impressing display of skill, he had overtaken Ravana, and secured his victory. In the aftermath of the conflict he scolded Ysayle on her incompetence and how she was no better than the other adventurers that have futilely threw themselves into the faces of primals and failed miserably, and that one day the entire realm will know of the man that will own the battlefield as he attains martial perfection -- ''The Mythril Prince, Thiji Sor Higuri.''=The ''Regalia'' Ascends=
While the Mythril Prince was becoming more and more skilled in the ways of the Dark Knight by the day, he was paid a visit by his closest friend -- one of the first he ever made since coming to Eorzea: the Hearer, Hollow Thorn.  Finding the solitary noble out atop a remote tower within Coerthas on the back of a spirit known as Bedlam, she had come to inform Thiji of something that she knew would grab his attention.
"Ysyale is dead.  The Garleans shot her out of the skies atop Abalathia's Spine."-Hollow ThornWith this knowledge, it would seem that Thiji would feel happy that she was finally out of his life, but quite the contrary - he was even more upset over the notion of not being able to carry out the deed himself.  He mentioned, however, that he had gained some respect for Garlemald by ridding the world of one less primal - more importantly the one responsible for his inner turmoil.  And though Hollow Thorn wanted to agree with him, she knew that it was meant to be.After she had left him to get away from the cold, he spent an entire sennight thinking over everything that he had gone through in his life and adventuring career.  He realized that spending so much time being a reclusive mope over a simple solitary desire was completely unnecessary; all the negativity that he had experienced could have been avoided if he only saw this sooner.  Mamai wanted him to move on with his life, despite her being happy to have found love before she passed on.  Although Ysyale may have seemingly destroyed his one chance at happiness, she atoned for her transgressions in the final act; she wanted peace, but she sought it out in the wrong way.The night after his epiphany he took Glacius out for a long ride around the Sea of Clouds, finding the highest island he could, for the full moon was shining down upon them, and he had wanted to beseech Menphina for an audience.  He had pointed out that the sole purpose of this ever-long wait to find his beloved was because it was a test of his resolve.  She nor Nymeia were never cruel to him to begin with; they were merely at work, searching for his princess.With his trusted Chocobo and friend as his witness, he swore a solemn oath to Menphina that he would no longer give in to his inner demons and smile every day, doing what has been doing so since his arrival - aiding the people of Eorzea through the benevolent services of the Higuri Regalia, and to use his powers over darkness for the benefit of the realm.  He has at last let go of all of the negativity - all of the emotional and psychological turmoil, and his hatred towards his "nemesis."Backed now with additional staff, and with some remodeling and restocking done, Thiji has once again opened the Higuri Regalia to the public, ready to do his part in the economic struggle by offering items at free and reduced prices as he assumes a new and improved moniker: ''The Mythrite Prince.''=A Second Chance at a First Impression=Now with the events of the Dragonsong War dying down, the newly-crowned Mythrite Prince has taken great strides in aiding the land, including occasional giveaways of powerful Mythrite products and the occasional Moonlit Moggle Moglobe. Meanwhile, his Angels have begun full-scale operations throughout Aldenard, going on ventures and maintaining the Regalia's good name. Their recent efforts have allowed them to amass enough funds to completely remodel the ''Higuri Regalia's'' Aldenard Branch Headquarters' exterior, along with a few excess funds left over for additional indoor furnishings. Pleased of their work, Thiji gave every one of his maidservants a moon's vacation to spend as they please. During this moon, Thiji had begun his own efforts in being the first in Eorzean history to don a Goldsmith-exclusive set of gear known as the Gemmaster's attire. He had come across a few shortcomings along the way, giving the non-high quality items to his fellow merchant and friend Tahrara Kivenera for her brother to utilize instead of outright selling it.Once a moon had passed, Thiji had decided to pay a visit to Saint Adama Landama's Lichyard in Eastern Thanalan, where his beloved Lady Mamai rested peacefully. He had seemingly been paying his respects to her all day before an unexpected friend arrived -- Hearer Hollow Thorn. Being summoned by Thiji's own Angels, the two had shared a very profound dialogue over everything that had transpired up until the present, touching back on key events such as his lover's death, Ysayle's atonement, and his own descent into darkness.''"I have let go of those feelings a long time ago; I do not want to lead a life that is wrought with hatred."''
-''Thiji Higuri''
Hollow Thorn was incredibly elated to hear those words from her best friend's lips, and that he was on the right path once more. But just as he believed his emotional rollercoaster to be finished, the news he next received merely extended the ride: his reapplication into the Adventure League has been accepted. Reluctantly, he would meet Hollow Thorn again in The Goblet at TALE HQ, where he would await his interview with several other officers -- but this time, it was Lady Tahrara herself conducting it, with Midge Momocha as a helper, and later, Dyne Ikapine.After going through the usual questions as per the TALE norm, Thiji was occasionally hit with memories of the past, which threw him back into a state of mental seclusion. It had been nearly two whole cycles since he had been excommunicated, but that was more than enough time for both parties to rethink, heal, and eventually reconcile. But even despite understanding the gravitas of his actions, Thiji maintained silence whenever something distasteful was thrown at him in a verbal manner; this state of selective mutism is one of the many eccentricities of the Mythrite Prince's that often become the main reason as to why he is so misunderstood at times.Because of his ostracism (or if preferred, his prolonged reclusive status), he did not disclose much to everyone at first, which caused them to worry for him. But even though Tahrara, Diyne, and Midge were more than willing to rekindle friendships with him, Thiji was still overwhelmed by his current feelings - piled with everything else that had transpired in the past. In spite of this, they reassured the reticent noble that he has companions to reach out to, which is what he wanted out of TALE to begin with: companionship.Tahrara Kivenera had approved of his reapplication and happily reinstated him into the Adventure League as Hollow Thorn gave him a spare linkpearl, warmly welcoming him back home (though he had a few ice-related comments from several other members including the Doyen). Still unsure of it all, Thiji is nonetheless determined to prove that he has changed for the better, even if he must do so in silence.

=A Knight for a Friend=Moons thus went by, and Thiji had begun to show lots of improvement in himself as he continued to aid the land with his peers. His attachment to Lady Tahrara had nigh dispersed; he considers the energetic Summoner Zeth as his brother; a librarian of Stillglade Fane, Riven Astralyas - a new addition to the Adventure League - shares his love for excellent literary works (namely Tahrara's), and he has ''even'' taken an interest in Midge Momocha, the Adventure League's resident shaman. In his free time he would privately train himself, ensuring that his martial prowess remains as keen as possible.Though after a recent ambush from an unknown assailant outside of ''Higuri Regalia'' Headquarters - which he had easily thwarted with the use of his "demonic-like bladework" (as described by aforementioned assailant, who turned out to be his longtime friend Lazin simply conducting an experiment of sorts), he had pointed out that although he is incredibly skilled with two-handed weaponry, the use of the greatsword lacks finesse and fluidity, and was only meant for power and sheer force. As he conversed with the ''Shinobi'', the Mythrite Prince informed him of his bodyguard, Shiro, telling him of a certain breed of warriors trained to combat people such as she. Lazin humored him and pointed out that the Samurai were what she was referring to. He had informed him of their code of honor, and their flowing movements with the Daikatana, a weapon not unlike the greatsword in terms of strength, but skill -- which Thiji knew all too well is what mattered in the field of battle. And thus he had set his path on mastering the way of the warrior - the code known as Bushido, and should such a time come, he will be the first to receive notice.A sennight later, he was visited by his best friend Hollow Thorn, reminding Thiji of her second anniversary of when she became a Hearer, and he knew that that entailed lots of drinking, making merry, and everyone walking around in their undergarments. After all she had done for him, he was more than willing to join her and the Adventure League over at Hauteur Humiliations, the cafe that was established right outside of TALE Headquarters. As the cafe reached full capacity - and after Hollow Thorn explained the synopsis of the event - the ever-popular "Who Looks Good In A Subligar" contest went underway, and many a great entry was taken, including the Mythrite Prince himself. This indeed shocked everyone, for Thiji was not one to come out of his comfort zone very often.As the competition wound down, however, an unexpected entrant arrived to the scene - the mysterious shroud spirit known as Bedlam Route revealed himself to everyone. At first it seemed like nothing too serious, but the spirit began to seduce the Hearer with sweet words and suggestive gestures. It was at this point that Thiji immediately knew what was going to happen, and distanced himself from the rest of the party. Thoughts of his tender moments with Mamai began pouring into his mind as Bedlam and Hollow's conversation continued, but what happened next would change the Mythrite Prince forever.Desperately wanting to be near him, Hollow Thorn had vied to accompany him on his journies, but Bedlam rejected her plea, telling her coldly that "The wind cannot be tamed by anyone" before vanishing from the area, leaving her distraught and heartbroken. At the same time, he had felt such incredible anger from what had occurred, combined with his memories of his only love dying in his arms, but then he found a well-hidden path to take - one that he knew was the right thing to do.It seemed as though he was not listening at all, and after everyone said their goodbyes (and almost bringing Midge and - surprisingly - Valin Todarin home with him), he gathered his thoughts once more and reflected on everything that has happened up to this point. It was thanks to Hollow Thorn that he was given a second chance at being part of the Adventure League; he taught him to smile, and to find his own "love", which he had found on the battlefield. As the first and best friend he had ever made since coming to Eorzea, it was time for ''him'' to lift ''her'' spirits, and after a long silence, he turned on his linkpearl and comforted Hollow Thorn, stating that he will do everything in his power to keep her and, to a greater extent, the Adventure League, smiling. He has made more friends than he realized, and vowed to be Hollow Thorn's knight - even if the entire realm of Hydaelyn were pitted against her.In his heart and mind he finally knew that this is what Mamai Mai wanted for him - to live the life she was not given the opportunity to; to make the best out of each day in her name, and to be a pillar of strength for those whom had lost the will to do so themselves - to be their sword and their shield in times of hardship. Everything he had learned up to this point had come full circle now, and he will do all that he can to keep his friends from suffering overlong, for the last thing he would ever wish on anyone - even the late Ysayle - would be to endure the pain he once did.=From Royalty to Divinity=Now that events have died down in regards to the Bedlam incident at Hauteur Humiliations, Thiji Higuri has found sufficient time to rest and relax while bolstering the influence of his Mythril/Mythrite empire. He has grown so successful that he has attracted the services of a new Angel in Yuanji Yuji, a Doman Dunesfolk. What would happen later, however, would change things immensely.The generosity of the Mythrite Prince and the ''Regalia'' as a whole attracted a Free Company of freelancers known as the Nebulous Sabotenders, led by Navei Asue. It was moons ago that Thiji's Angels noticed them as next door neighbors in the Goblet, and during their time prior to their move, they would give the young prince praise and adoration every time he so much as left his estate. Nebulous claims that they have been around since before the Seventh Umbral Era, but they had just recently heard of the ''Higuri Regalia''. He would be visited by regulars such as Bahati Pashto, a Seeker Miqo'te and wife of Lior Aras, an ex-Gladiator Midlander; Haila Wetyios, a Xaela Au Ra female adept in the Summoning arts; Kaim Kralj, a formidable Miqo'te Dragoon who seeks to resurrect the Allagan warrior-caste of Onion Knights, and Amadiaux Begnaud, an accomplished Duskwight Elezen miner.Their admiration for the Mythrite Prince has reached to such a point that they revere him as some sort of deity. There are certain points in time where they even dedicate entire days to expressing their thanks to the young Dunesfolk and exploring for hidden treasure around Eorzea in his name. Humbled by Nebulous' praise, Thiji and his philanthropic ways have earned him a powerful ally. They had just recently moved to another ward somewhere within the Goblet, but they still make an effort to visit the Headquarters of the ''Regalia'' whenever possible, so that they may bask in the icy blue radiance of the Mythrite Prince once more. Now if only they could all control their raging addiction to the Fantasia potion...

=A Flame Born from Frost=Working together with his newfound allies and Angels, Thiji Higuri was able to make a good name for himself by using his wealth to give back to Eorzea through item giveaways and advertisements for the ''Regalia''. Unfortunately, however, something was looming over the Mythrite Prince's head like a cloud... it was the return and revival of his most hated holiday -- Valentione's Day, where the noble house of Valentione reaches out to adventurers and citizens alike to spread good tidings of joy and love. For obvious reasons, Thiji was very despondent in even participating in the event, in which this time fortune telling via tarot cards was used to divine a couple's fate (Though in ''one'' particular drawing he had learned that he was destined for a life of wealth beyond his wildest dreams, but that did not come as much of a surprise for him).He had spent a majority of the holiday moping around HR Headquarters as usual, icily scolding anyone insensitive enough to tease or demean him. This, of course, led to the concern of Head Secretary Sesena Sena and her fellow Angels, wondering what they could do to aid their downtrodden lord. Advisor Yuanji Yuji asked around TALE Headquarters for any events they had planned for the holiday, and after a heartfelt talk with the Mythrite Prince, she had managed to persuade him to attend their event hosted in the Goblet -- a blind date raffle.With a clear mind, Thiji put on his best clothes and made his way to the Adventure League's abode, where they had already begun to kick things off downstairs in their basement/bar. Being led in by his best friend Hollow Thorn, he immediately joined the fold and awaited his match... after a few moments, he would be paired up with Claus Bell, a Highlander Hyur. In the background was a disappointed Valin Todarin regretting not being chosen as the Mythrite Prince's date, having instead been paired with the MC, Cole Taylor. Knowing it to be folly as to question random draw, Thiji complied and began to break the ice with his partner.The night went on and everyone would get to know one another - Thiji highlighted his efforts to create a world without poverty, and to give back to the people of Eorzea after so many had suffered from the Calamity, for he deemed it was "not fair for him to sit in luxury as a result of the world's destruction." Eventually it would come to a point where Cole would begin asking questions that the "players" had to answer to their dates. Though Thiji was reluctant to answer some (such as who in TALE he thinks has the nicest-looking posterior), he had started to get mildly annoyed by certain others or the answers thereof (most of TALE thought that the Mythrite Prince and Valin Todarin would make an excellent couple).Having no qualms towards same-sex relationships, Thiji had begun to express his annoyance over the linkshell implying that everyone was attempting to ''shift his sexuality'' after being single for so many winters, which slowly ate away at him as the night continued. After showing a considerable amount of restraint, however, he persevered and went through the night without having to chide anybody. After what transpired on that Valentione's Eve (and nearly dodging a photo shoot to inform his Angels via linkpearl to prepare an Arquebus), the Mythrite Prince had begun to believe that it was all staged to be a trap, but he was thanked by regulars such as Dyne Ikapine and Missy Solara for actually coming out and (or at least attempting to) enjoying himself.However, he was still plenty frustrated, and decided to take his anger out on crushing the Maelstrom and Order of the Twin Adder in the Frontline for about a bell. A few decisive victories later, Thiji received a "private" call on the linkpearl from Etone Greennote, whom had apologized to him earlier that evening for his planned associate not arriving on time. After being asked to return to TALE HQ, he reluctantly accepted after taking a moment to feed Glacius. Upon arrival, Etone escorted him inside and into his private chambers, where what he had witnessed next was truly unexpected...The lights were dimmed, and in the center was a ''magnificently'' prepared feast of meatcakes, kaiser rolls, fine wines and morel salads. His date, however, was an old friend he had met in the not-so-distant past -- Nanago Nago. She had visited his mansion several times over the last winter, and upon knowing that this young lady was Etone's ace in the hole, he was very shocked yet relieved that ''someone'' wasn't trying to "convert" him.Admiring and taking in the atmosphere (complete with Etone providing music ''and'' singing accompaniment), he and Nanago would take their seats and their date would commence. It would go well for the first few minutes as they exchanged small stories and keeping up to date with people and events, but as their conversation went on, Thiji had sensed something wrong about Nanago... she was not as positive and cheerful as she was when they initially met. Nanago began telling him how she studied the ways of the stars and cards, seeing how fate worked... at first Thiji didn't question her motives behind it, until she approached him.Revealing a small parchment from her person, Thiji inspected it and saw an old advertisement for the ''Higuri Regalia'' when he was little (...er). As he attempted to piece things together, Nanago explained to him how she was born into nobility as well -- even going so far as to call herself a spoiled brat. She was always promised things she could not have by her father, until one day she had asked for a Prince. Her father would oblige her by sending letters to the ''Regalia,'' only to find out after countless moons of arduous waiting that nothing ever came back because ''her father never sent any letters to begin with.'' Then the Calamity would rear its ugly head and destroy everything she cherished -- her noble status especially. With nowhere left to go and no one to turn to, she turned to a Miqo'te named N'Talyn Aliowne to learn the ways of the con artist to steal and lie her way back to the top.With nervous, quivered breaths, Nanago continued and informed Thiji that her goal was to find and marry the Mythrite Prince as a means to bring her back to her noble status and not out of love. This was a secret kept only by her and his Head Secretary, whom had become close to each other after several encounters on the field. Fearing the worst, Nanago lowered her head and made her way back to her seat before Thiji would begin ''empathizing'' with Nanago, sharing his story of how he did something similar to an old friend and former crush of his (See Pre/Mid/Post Calamity for more information).At this point Thiji felt his heart sink as he shed a single tear, completely unsure if love was even worth the trouble anymore, emphasizing about his wayward romantic life and the many misfortunes he's had to endure up to this point, and how much longer still he would have to wait before Menphina would finally find him an honest love, and shared with everyone his romantic dream of becoming a sorceress' knight in honor of a play he frequents. Reaching further into the truths behind dreams, Nanago approached the Mythrite Prince once more and utilized the powers of Astrology to divine their fate, per Thiji's permission. Casting their future into the winds of fate, she would draw an arcanum from her deck, and what she saw made her blush bright red...She had placed the card on the table in plain view for Thiji as she once again retreated to the opposite end of the table. The room was silent for a few short moments before Thiji had finished analyzing the card -- it depicted a mighty weapon being frozen over by the silvery light of the moon; it was ''The Spear.'' Thoughts began to race through Thiji's mind as he discerned the meaning behind this card -- he had always praised the Fury for keeping him close and had never led him astray in the darkest of times. But seeing this card before him -- and ''Menphina working in tandem with Her older sister'' -- he had discovered that he was truly blessed by Halone, for She even cooperated with the Lover to move heaven and earth to bring Nanago to him...Nanago was silent, but Etone intervened at an impeccable time, urging him to give this a chance. Money was no longer a factor, for it would yield only a shallow relationship. Without an audible response, Thiji would approach her this time and take her hand in his, calmly and genuinely forgiving Nanago for her intentions before sealing it with a gentle kiss to her palm. She did not say anything, but he would escort her to her room after expressing their deepest thanks to Etone for setting up the private date. After saying their farewells for the evening, Thiji was finally by himself, exiting TALE Headquarters before gazing at The Spear once more, gathering his thoughts...He had endured so much pain all his life; he had suffered constantly over time, trying to hide it all behind a smile; he had given up countless times on even trying to mend his broken heart. He had loved and lost, and even futilely pursued those whose hearts were already spoken for. He fell into darkness just for comfort from his turmoil, and became a recluse to everyone he cared for. He sacrificed his own personal happiness just to see others smile instead, knowing that it hurt him inside seeing so many happy couples laughing and enjoying themselves, and never asked for anything in return for his services. All this he had lived through for over a score of winters filled with solitude where his only friend was his Chocobo, Glacius... but now, after so much has transpired, he can lift his head high, for he is adamantly faithful in Halone knowing that he is always in Her schemes. A fire has sparked in their hearts - a flame given life through the Goddesses of ice.''The Mythrite Prince had at last found his Princess.''

=Trifectas of Fortune=With the realm constantly changing, the Mythrite Prince has decided for him and the ''Regalia'' to take action. Now that he has found a love interest in Nanago his resolve has boosted tenfold to reach new heights of power and wealth. After a grueling sennight of gathering, he had attained the proper materials (with the help of the extortionist Rowena and her "House of Splendors") and was granted the Tetrabiblos - an ancient set of four tomes (bound into one for the sake of simplicity) that teach about the philosophy and practice of Astrology. This intrigued Thiji greatly as Nanago had a fascination of stars and celestial bodies. Capitalizing on this, Sesena summoned Nanago over to Headquarters to see the tome for herself.She was utterly astounded by the tome, going so far as to stress her lord to be careful when using it, which he then promised. Offering the Tetrabiblos to her per her request, she flipped around until she came to an empty binding page, and as an unexpected move, kissed the page, causing Thiji to nearly collapse in total shock. This was originally intended for luck, but unbeknownst to her was that the Tetrabiblos was an Anima Weapon - a living, breathing entity in the form of arms. Practically a part of him at this point, Nanago's gesture embedded her feelings for Thiji inside the tome, resulting in a constant loving embrace whenever he would equip it. In other words, the "pang" he felt was not of pain - ''Nanago had kissed Thiji's very soul and those feelings keep him serene,'' which works incredibly to his advantage, as Thiji thinks best when he is collected.Meanwhile, the Angels have discovered yet another byproduct of Mythril from an unprecedented source: Sesena was out practicing her shooting skills with her younger sister Sosona out in Bloodshore, where they found a Plainsfolk Lalafell woman named Meriri Meri, whom they saw riding by on Chocoboback, firing arrows at a band of pursuing Kobolds. At first they would rush to aid her, but her skilled use of the bow was plenty proof that she had it all taken care of. Ever seeking to expand her group, Sesena took the initiative to confront her and inquire of the event that just transpired. After introducing herself, Meriri explained that the Kobolds were after her for making off with an abundance of an ore known as Lumythrite and Eikon Mythrite, which was, as she put it, "Mythrite ore that the otherworldly creatures spit all over!". Without hesitation, she was offered an audience with the soon-to-be Lumythrite Prince and demonstrated the ore's capabilities. Utterly pleased by this discovery, Thiji had welcomed Meriri Meri into the fold with a smile, earning her a spot amongst his Angels.As a result of her fealty, Thiji's twin brother Horu decided that he had served his brother faithfully and returned home on happy terms to manage things with his wife and Celuwen. His parting gift to his dear brother was ''a fortified pugil stick made entirely of Mythrite, which awakened hidden strength Thiji believed he had casted away a long time ago.'' It would seem that Halone had blessed Her faithful twofold: not only a blossoming relationship in Nanago, but a new opportunity to tighten his grip in the Mythril market. However, now with several other challenges ahead - the Hall of the Novice to educate new and aspiring adventures in going down the proper path; The Feast to make a name for himself amongst his peers on the field of battle; whatever the hell is laying dormant inside of the Flagship in Azys Lla, for starters - Thiji and his Angels will be busier than ever for the moons to follow.=His Romantic Dream=With the continual discovery and development of new and improved items, the ''Regalia's'' profits skyrocketed in a matter of suns. With this massive financial momentum, it was time for the Mythrite Prince to make his move. As the Little Ladies' festival continued on, he trained by himself in secrecy whenever he was able, making sure no one caught on to his motives until the time was right.During a calm picnic/date with Nanago Nago in the Churning Mists, he told her about his "secret life" posing as the mysterious North Wind and how his actions influenced a good number of the Adventure League's members. She laughed at first due to her jokingly asking about him being a "caped crusader" in the past (more like ''masked crusader'', anyway) but humored her nonetheless. When night fell and the clouds dispersed to reveal the night sky, he was given a rudimentary lesson from her about the Spire's Gate and the Spear's Gate, as per her Astrologian training. She said that the Spear's Gate was always nearby the Spire's, which was symbolic to their blossoming relationship. To Thiji, however, this meant a great deal to him, and would only serve to further his ambitions.Remembering about the "civilized form of combat" known as Frontline, and rumors spreading like wildfire about a new arena of conflict known as The Feast on the horizon, Thiji took this time to hone his skills - by crushing any and all opposition within the Allagan ruin-littered island known as Seal Rock. He would participate in this campaign for a full sennight whilst training in between times of peace. When the time for the reveal would come, he was asked by Nanago to divulge the details of a play he mentioned in the past. He was reluctant at first, asking her to give him time, which prompted her to declare that the two of them should conduct another date, much to the Angels' excitement.During their conversation, however, Thiji noticed something strange happening to the night sky: stars were twinkling in the direction of the Coerthas Western Highlands as if trying to lead them there. He went ahead to investigate and awaited for Nanago to catch up, but when she arrived at the Ninth Vare in western Coerthas, she saw no sign of her Prince - there was only a figure amidst the blizzard, standing solitarily atop the tower wearing ornate plate armor. The armored figure would hold Nanago in his free arm (he had a ''Mythrite Pugil Stick'' in his right arm at the time) and silently gaze upon her. Startled at first by the sudden action, she knew it was Thiji, and slowly removed his helmet to reveal him, uttering that "Her Knight has arrived."Winters ago he hung up his lance (see "Rumors" for further information) and vowed never to embrace the Dragoon's way of life again, but with Nanago coming into his life, he had been given the inspiration needed to fulfill his romantic dream: to become a Sorceress' Knight. Overwhelmed by joy, Nanago had told him how she was all alone in the world before Thiji came, and made her own vow to become the Sorceress worthy of his protection before saying their farewells to retire for the eve. He was elated to have been accepted by Nanago to be her Knight, and thus his dream would come true: an opulent master of gemcraft, and now a stalwart protector for a beautiful Astrologian.=The Coming Storm=With his dream realized, the Mythrite Prince seemed content with the current direction his life is going. With renewed skill with the lance, a lady to fight for, and his ever-supportive cadre of Lalafellin maidservants, Thiji Higuri was prospering. At certain points, however, he would be confronted as to precisely ''why'' he was so... jovial. With an uncanny display of deception, as if acting out for a play, Thiji and his Angels were able to ward off any curiosities his friends may have had -- all to build suspense for when he would finally reveal that he - the Ice Prince - found love after so long.Deciding to pay a visit to TALE Headquarters to show off his latest costume in remembrance of a "Feudal Fairytale," Thiji discovered his best friend Hollow Thorn with the nature spirit Bedlam Route, along with several of their friends, sitting around the fireplace in the basement of their Headquarters (with annoying Hatching-Tide music being played from the Orchestrion ''several meters away''). What he had heard next would bring great joy to the Prince -- Hollow Thorn became betrothed to Bedlam, much to everyone's surprise. But what brought him great joy also caused great sorrow. As the overwhelmed Roegadyn was choking back tears of joy from all the excitement, mixed feelings of envy, grief, and concern swirled in Thiji's mind. He was happy for his best friend to finally fall in love, but he had also grown envious of her finding it before he did. This would mean he would most likely be invited to their Eternal Bonding ceremony, which he has only ever attended once - for his brother, although the experience brought great pain to his heart.Days later Hollow Thorn would find that her keys to the ''Regalia'' Headquarters had been made off with. The ensuing conversation led to Nanago Nago being the culprit, which would result in the Hellsguard being ousted - albeit involuntarily - from the ''Regalia.'' She continually accused her of being the same conniving shrew of a woman she had been since N'talyn took her under her wing, and warned Thiji to keep a mindful eye on his valuable possessions. Despite this, he knew she had changed and saw through Nanago's bluff of "Sosona letting her in." Fortunately for Hollow Thorn, however, she was able to seek shelter within a hidden series of tunnels created by her husband-to-be, though he would miss her company dearly, even after offering another set of keys for her, which she politely refused.After nearly a sennight of divining the heavens, Nanago brought news to her knight about a "coming tempest," a great storm that was fast approaching. They had no clue as to what it could mean, but Nanago was determined as ever to piece the puzzle together. In the meantime, Thiji would continue honing his skills, assuring he stays wary for the trials that may come...

=Compression Confessions=The Hatching-Tide had finally come to an end. During the several sennights after Jihli Aliapoh's antics had passed (which include Thiji's 23rd Nameday celebration, where he shared some well-deserved alone time with his sorceress), Thiji had spent much of his time honing his skills in The Feast, aiming to make his mark not only as a Master Goldsmith, but as a venerable combatant. Nanago, on the other hand, had spent an immense amount of her own time analyzing star charts - new or old - gathered through her own efforts or with the aid of Thiji's Angels, seeking the meaning behind a Forbidden Gate. After uncovering all she could, she hurried to the ''Regalia's'' headquarters.From the numerous conversations he had with the Adventure League and his best friend alike, his many winters knowing only loneliness, and the ''exceptional'' acting of feigning said loneliness, she had fashioned a special star globe for Thiji as he would arrive. Once he reached the Purification Module, Nanago had halted him, explaining to her knight that she had studied his prince carefully, and was able to unearth the mystery behind the "Tempest" she had kept divining from the stars. His Angels circled around her, giving off concerned looks and murmurs, and the air would feel uneasy as Thiji threw caution to the wind and approached her.The Sorceress created a large barrier that filled the entire mansion from within, and everything suddenly went still - his Angels charged Nanago in alarm, weapons drawn, and Nanago was stuck in her pose, levitating several ilms off the ground with outstretched arms... Thiji was alone. Whenever he spoke, the words echoed in reverse, and it was deathly silent for a few moments until he heard a familiar voice - his own.Stepping out from ''his own body'' was a sparkling, astral doppelganger of Thiji, but this one was different - he was everything the old Thiji was - arrogant, quick to belittle others, but most importantly, he was ''cold.'' It was these very traits that immediately led Thiji to the conclusion that not only did Nanago activate a special type of magic known as Time Compression, but that this had also caused what little remains of solitude in his heart to emerge and take form!Thiji's doppelganger barraged him with taunts of how Nanago was just another person that would end up either betraying him for someone much more inferior, or dying off to forces beyond his control, but also reminding him of the "glory days" of being the Ice Prince - the young noble who built his own kingdom of solitude through the suffering he had endured throughout his life. He warned that they will ''both'' be melted should he continue down this false path, but Thiji fought back with his own remarks of how him finding love inspired him to take up the lance once more, and to seek out dependable friends and allies.The doppelganger attempted to strike in anger, continuously berating him to make him "see," emphasizing on how much better off Thiji was in solitude, thinking his Angels were only good for running his business, and Midge Momocha was only good for sating his libido. Sustaining several wounds to his right shoulder and a rib on both sides, Thiji's doppelganger was a voodoo doll, but his superior skill and training assured him of winning the bout, but at a cost -the first Spear card given to him by Nanago from their Valentione's Day date was pierced by the "Anti-Thiji", but this would in turn result in the doppelganger being summarily crushed by Thiji's variation of the most powerful Dragoon technique - the Dragonsong Dive (A blue-white aetherial owl took the place of the dragon most other normal Dragoons conjure).After shattering into millions of ice crystals, the sliver of solitude sunk back into Thiji's frozen heart, reminding him that he will never be rid of what he once was - but Thiji embraced that fact, for he had already made his decision. Ignoring his wounds for now, he focused on how to remove the Time Compression effect and remembered of his astrological tome - the Tetrabiblos. Flipping to the binding page Nanago had kissed a couple moons ago, he used her embrace combined with his knowledge of the stars to reverse the effect, causing the barrier to crack and eventually shatter; his Angels fell to the floor in confusion as Nanago collapsed, screaming in pain.Rushing to her side, Nanago had revealed that the Forbidden Gate she had opened was devastating her from the inside coupled with temporal displacement from the Time Compression which caused her to fade in and out of existence. Although his healing on its own was highly potent, the flickering pain still lingered, but at a much lesser severity. Head Secretary Sesena Sena quickly suggested her lord to summon his trusted ''Eos'' faerie, Solabelle, and immediately knew what she had in mind...Bringing the Dawn's Host out in seconds, she already knew what was going to occur, and had already forgiven him as she gave off her Fey Illumination to amplify his healing abilities. Thiji deconstructed her body to an aetherial level and absorbed her essence to enhance his mending ''threefold'', which was more than enough to ease Nanago's pain, though she would have intermittent aftershocks as a result from her spell for a considerable amount of time.Despite the displacement effect and a Forbidden Gate she had opened debilitating her and preventing her from casting any spells, Nanago was nevertheless happy to see her knight had passed his trial. She stated that no matter what he is in life or whatever he chooses to call himself, that he would be happy whenever he was in her arms, for the Mythrite Prince had sworn his heart to his princess, and seeks to make her his Sultana someday soon.From Ice Prince, Duke of Disdain, and Lord of Solitude, to Mythrite Prince and eventually ''Mythrite Sultan,'' it was time for Thiji to finally step into a realm unknown to him for the first time - true love.=Hollow Thorn's Masterstroke=Several moons (and several dates) passed and Thiji's relationship with Nanago intensified. One evening Thiji rose from his bed, completely entranced by the sound of a voice calling his name. He had "sleepwalked" all throughout the Goblet, to the Adventure League's Headquarters... The following morning, his Angels were murmuring amongst themselves in alarm, wondering where their lord had gone, frantically asking Nanago for his whereabouts. To her surprise, she found him ''resting'' in her chambers! Without another word, Nanago turned off the linkpearl and told the Angels she'd return in a while (What happens next is up to the reader's discretion).Waking up from his slumber after whispering Nanago's name, he found himself in her personal chambers, telling her that he was led by a voice - ''her'' voice. It was then that the Tetrabiblos resonated with power, knowing that whenever he held it, he felt Nanago's embrace within his soul. Remembering the last time she imparted a piece of herself within the tome, she took it once more and made a more permanent addition to it - a heart-shaped sign with the letters "NN" and "TH" separated by a horizontal line, "etching" Nanago's name onto his soul, which would in turn give Thiji another intense reaction.Without any second thoughts, he took Nanago in his arms and offered her to be his Sultana - to marry him, to which she immediately said "yes," spouting numerous other promises to him as well. Delighted, the two celebrated for several weeks, spending so much time together that they were already practically together. However, there were several points in time where Hollow Thorn, Thiji's best and closest of friends, taunted and teased Nanago every chance she got, setting off the sorceress' short fuse. It was after a night of much deliberation (and a dip in the indoor springs) that Nanago surmised she was being goaded into revealing the truth to Hollow Thorn in a fit of rage. Not allowing her to win, she asked for Thiji to say so instead, which he accepted, but also thought it fair to finally let the secret out after so long.Seeking to meet with Hollow Thorn in her private chambers, Thiji sat down with her and an unexpected guest - Etone Greennote. Getting straight to the point, Thiji told his friend that he and Etone had been working in tandem to keep his and Nanago's relationship under wraps, but Thiji was surprised to learn that Hollow Thorn had ''counted'' on this to happen. She intentionally left her keys for Nanago to "pilfer," and gave her such a hard time so as to test her, that she would not crack so easily when under pressure. This shocked the Mythrite Sultan-to-be considerably, but he was nevertheless glad to know Hollow Thorn had supported him every step of the way, and was completely ecstatic to hear news of him getting married soon.Hollow Thorn had also mentioned that she was intending on performing something that may result in the loss of her own love, the nature spirit, Bedlam, though she was vague in her explanation. The hints of his best friend attempting to do something "out of her character" notwithstanding, it was now time for Thiji to begin preparations for his -- and Nanago's -- fated day.

As the suns went by Thiji and his wife-to-be Nanago had begun preparations for their grandiose ceremony - where the Higuri Regalia and the Spear & Spire would join together. However, one of their most daunting tasks was to make a pilgrimage throughout Eorzea, beseeching each of the Twelve to bless them and the rings masterfully crafted by the Mythrite Prince. They began without hesitation, visiting the various locales and providing their own ways of giving thanks (for Nanago's case), as well as mending old wounds (for Thiji's). When the final leg of their journey took them to Coerthas, where they was tasked to beseech Halone and Menphina, Thiji faltered, but was warmly reassured by Nanago..."First we will seek your worst enemy... then, you claim your victory." -Nanago NagoHe had given a long speech to the Lover as he prayed before Her altar, reminiscing the times he had cursed her so, blaming his misfortunes and shortcomings solely on Her and Nymeia. But from a complete twist of fate, he thanked the Lover for working with her sister - whom despises her - to bring Nanago's star together with Thiji's. With renewed vigor, Thiji donned his knightly attire and stormed down the Central Highlands atop Glacius, finally making their way to the Fury's Gaze, where Nanago gave thanks to Her personally for giving her beloved the strength and resolve he needed, and where they shared a passionate kiss beneath Halone's vigil.With the pilgrimage complete the two reconvened at the Sanctum of the Twelve to begin preparations for their ceremony, which they had set to take place on the 3rd Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (June 6th, 2016). They waited patiently, making their own personal plans to make the ceremony as magnificent as possible. Thiji, wasting no time at all, began fitting himself for his new outfit, while Shiro, his bodyguard, was hired personally by Nanago to help her with makeup prior to the wedding.As the days counted down, the Mythrite Prince became more and more focused. He took himself far back into his past, recollecting his myriad moments - from his incident with Shishira to his coming to Eorzea; from the North Wind fiasco to his persistent yet vain pursuits... to his loss of Mamai. All his memories flowed like a river, but he accepted what had transpired. The past is where it belongs, and he cannot change it, no matter what. After realizing this, Thiji made his way to the Sanctum once more, on the day of the wedding, standing below the archway leading to the Ivory Chapel, gazing upon its outer splendor with no one by his side but his trusted companion, Glacius, and family pet and mascot, the Snow Owl, Nyra. He would remain there for several bells until the Chapel would finally open its doors to welcome him, Nanago, and their invited guests.Everyone he had ever known and befriended - from his worshippers of the Nebulous Sabotenders to the small yet mighty Company of Fireborn, they had all gathered to witness the Prince's ceremony. His Angels would be the bridesmaids and his brother Horu, the Best Man. In his respective dressing room, Thiji began the final preparations for his outfit, and once prepared, he proceeded to the Ivory Chapel with his beloved, Nanago Nago. After an exchange of heartwarming vows from both parties, a few silly words of encouragement from the choir moogle officiating the ceremony, and ''a sudden blitz for the altar in an explosion of magical effects, Thiji Higuri and Nanago Nago had become joined with a kiss blessed by the Twelve themselves...''Now, he is a Prince no more. As of this night, Thiji Sor Higuri leaves the Sanctum of the Twelve... ''The Mythrite Sultan.''(The link in the chapter's name goes into future detail regarding Thiji finally letting go of and giving closure to his past.)=A Magnate, A Matron, A Monastic=A wonderful honeymoon awaited the newlywed couple of Thiji Higuri and Nanago Nago. The love they share resounded throughout the realm as they visited the various regions of Eorzea, and even beyond. From dinners in the Bismarck in Limsa Lominsa to peaceful rides through the Sea of Jade, the Mythrite Sultan and his Sultana spent an entire moon of blissful romance and tranquility. With the Dravanian Horde's return, however, Thiji was forced to curtail his honeymoon whilst Nanago stayed behind to enjoy the remainder of her vacation. With the assistance of his Angels, they were able to successfully push back the Horde from the Steps of Faith and summarily bring an end to the Dragonsong War. With such a conflict out of the way, and the acquisition of his latest tome known as the Word of the Magnate, nothing was going to stop the Mythrite Sultan from achieving massive profit.His Modus Operandi was made clear: to utilize the ''Regalia's'' resources to augment and increase the credibility of the ''Spear & Spire'', Nanago Nago's company that is focused primarily on divination. After a series of discussions and meetings, Thiji and his Angels have agreed to work towards establishing a headquarters of her own. In the meantime, she would be given a presence in the Aldenard Branch Headquarters as a start to her empire. In the midst of all their various events, however, more obstacles would come to a head.Recent dealings with the Adventure League had resulted in the demise of one of its members - Millicent Storm - while news of Midge Momocha, a regular of TALE, had just given birth to a child she had named Lilice Lice (to maintain the Vilekin theme in her family). Meanwhile, a Sharlayan treasure of old legend has been pilfered by a mysterious thief known as the "Black Coeurl." With innate knowledge of the item in question - "Thaliak's Ewer" - Thiji would work together with the Adventure League's own librarian of Stillglade Fane, Riven Pendragon, to unravel the mystery behind the Ewer and to find the culprit responsible. Thus far they have managed to find one out of the five pieces that make the Ewer - a pendant capable of providing the wearer nigh limitless aether without worry of exhaustion.Meanwhile, Thiji had recalled his honeymoon with Nanago, and remembered spectating a brawl that broke out in which his wife was very fascinated. In a small fit of jealousy, he consulted the aid of an old friend and retainer of his - a Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te named N'ora - to train in the ways of the fist and became a Monk. He kept it a secret for a good moon before his wife found him one evening after returning home from training with Glacius. Although initially worried at what Nanago might think, he would find himself to be encouraged by her to continue mastering the art, thus renewing his resolve.Lastly, along with the happenings around the realm, Nanago noticed bales of hay in their bed chambers one eve. Upon inspecting it she would find herself harried by Nyra, Mythril Owl of Nald'Thal. This aberrant behavior puzzled Thiji, and further investigation of the matter revealed something incredible - an egg. A progeny of Nyra herself was being born. Rejecting the aid of the Doman Angels Yuanji Yuji and Shiro Reina, the snow owl placed her trust only on Nanago to care for her unborn progeny, to which Thiji accepted. This marked a new era for the ''Regalia'', and solidified the ties between the two companies.=A Force Unseen=Unbeknownst to most, however, the Mythrite Sultan went into retirement about a moon later, hanging up his mantle of adventurer to focus all his efforts in running the ''Regalia'' as its new leader. He had returned back home to his family for a good three moons, spending some well-deserved rest and relaxation from the day-to-day struggles within Eorzea. Though the longer he stayed back, the more he was missed by his friends and even his Angels - including his wife Nanago whom now has an owlet named Prince Taran, the progeny mysteriously laid by Lady Nyra, the ''Regalia's'' cherished pet and mascot.The troubles of the land, combined with the negativity he had received from a good portion of the general populace (which mainly consisted of gripes and complaints from rabble-rousers or otherwise incompetent adventurers), put the young Sultan in a state of doubt and depression for a time. It took some coaxing from his closest friends and even Sesena Sena to rouse him back into the marketing game. Though he is a merchant by trade, he is still an adventurer, and after an incredible surge of confidence as if Halone Herself was by his side, Thiji would return to Eorzea with newfound resolve, drive, and a positive attitude needed to break through the shrouds of negativity that will inevitably follow.Some extra hands have also joined him. From Ishgard, a chirurgeon by the name of Sarielle Emeraude had sworn loyalty to the ''Regalia'' after assisting Thiji's Angels in the defense of the Steps of Faith, making her the newest member of Head Secretary Sesena Sena's team and first-ever dedicated healer. Another person of note is a tall Xaela Au Ra male known as Rhaegos. He sports the moniker 'The God' and was eager to join in Thiji's efforts, making him his "Royal Vizier," answerable only to Thiji & Nanago. As a reward for his fealty, he was granted his own personal quarters within ''Regalia'' HQ and now lives happily with his new team.Quickly learning the latest trends he had missed, the ''Higuri Regalia'' wasted no time whatsoever getting themselves back up to speed - from creating the newest fashion sets to adorning themselves in new gear. As quoted by Hollow Thorn, the ''Regalia'' is "returning like a force unseen!" Their grand reopening is now on the horizon, and with the coming of the new cycle, Thiji is more than prepared to start on the highest note possible.=A Mythrite Chance=After an incredibly successful grand reopening (and the ensuing night that followed for Thiji & Nanago), the time was fast arriving for the ''Regalia'' to take the marketing world by storm. With its return now known to the public, the Angels worked harder than ever to re-establish profits for the Spear & Spire and ''Higuri Regalia.'' The Mythrite Sultan had his own agenda with which to attend.First, he was bestowed by his wife a quest to claim a hundred victories in the civilized conflict known as Frontline. For this, he would retrain himself in this special style of combat to better ensure his battles run smoothly. With the sudden emergence of a strange Priest in the Wolves' Den, thousands of adventurers have rekindled their interest in both The Feast and Frontline, battling relentlessly for the peculiar "Makai" titles. Though he knows not what surprise awaits him at the end of the path, he is no less determined to win in the name of his beloved Sultana ''(As of the creation of this update, he would now be at 75 victories)''.Secondly, he sought to continue his knightly training, and after a recent conversation with Nanago, Thiji would seem to depend less on the darkness now that his inner turmoil has long since passed. He would instead take up the ways of the Paladin, to serve as her "Shining Knight", to which the Sultana eagerly agreed and supported. He would also obtain the Sultan's Fists overnight after rigorous fighting and tomestone collecting for the extortionist Rowena. This surprised Nanago as she hurried home after receiving a message from Sesena via linkpearl stating that he was unresponsive all day. When she arrived, she sensed no immediate danger, and saw before her a husband reclining in peaceful yet blissful slumber. As a Monk, he had been meaning to obtain these special weapons to accentuate his status in the world, and after Nanago saw them firsthand, she wasted no expense in blessing them with her aether with kisses. As a reward, Nanago insisted he stay home and rest for several suns as she "pampers and cuddles him", which the Mythrite Sultan would be a fool to refuse.Finally, and most importantly, he would be given a great stroke of luck as two of his longtime friends - a Miqo'te Archer named Luma Lee, and the Auri Summoner Haila Wetyios - tipped the Mythrite Sultan off regarding a ''mercantile event'' that occurred tri-sennightly. This "Sea Breeze Bazaar", Thiji believed, would be the perfect stepping stone to gain even more eminence for the ''Regalia'' and the ''Spear & Spire''. He was highly grateful of the two and promised them the latest fashion items for free - which at this point would be the flannel attire.It was a splendid road ahead, it seemed. However, recent rumors have gone around that eyes may soon be set towards the fallen nation of Ala Mhigo, and that inevitably means Garlean incursion. Whether this would bring even greater prosperity or tumult to the young merchant-lord and his inner circle, they would have to nevertheless steel themselves for the events to come. Until then, he knew his course, and would stay on it, leaving the rest of the realm to tend to the more... arduous matters.

=The Othard Initiative=Per the suggestions of his longtime friends, Thiji Higuri and Nanago Nago ventured to the Moraby Drydocks - the site of the Sea Breeze Bazaar event. With their myriad menagerie of pets ready for distribution, they easily became the most popular merchants in the area, but they made sure to remain humble in their endeavor. Throughout the eve, Thiji had also befriended a trio of Auri ladies whom were starting a florist business called "Farcloud Florists". After a light exchange of dialogue, he had purchased a corsage from them as a souvenir before leaving the area.Prior to the event, the Mythrite Sultan would find a new friend in a peculiar man who goes by the moniker of "[[The Bunny]]." This masked giant of a Lalafell (reaching over 40 ilms tall) clad in blue Moonfire Faire attire was attracted to the ''Regalia's'' Aldenard Branch Headquarters - mainly the serene beauty of the yard. So much, in fact, that he would take frequent naps beneath the boughs of the cherry blossom trees that provided ample shade. At first his Angels were puzzled as to why a vagabond would find its way here, but given the burgeoning reputation the ''Regalia'' has received in recent days, they made the collective decision to allow The Bunny to return and retire from his travels whenever he pleased. Eventually he would develop a close friendship with Thiji that the two would feel akin to brothers, and thus gain a new ally.Seeing now that the ''Regalia'' has done an incredible job since its reopening, Thiji would soon come at a crossroads. He wanted to expand his empire - as any good business is wont to do. To do this, however, he required another estate with which to establish another branch headquarters. Since he had already owned the Aldenard Branch as his personal estate, the only other way he would be eligible for another is to create and lead a Free Company. He had remembered his vow of neutrality, remaining under the Immortal Flames by name only so that he may acquire a second estate for his and Nanago's efforts. He shared this information with his wife, who then replied with news of her own: control of the 13ths - the Free Company owned by his best friend Hollow Thorn - was given wholly to Nanago through utilization of her cunning and wit.With both the Mythrite Sultan and his beloved Sultana now owning Free Companies of their own, things would become busier than ever for him and the Angels. Several sennights passed and Thiji had thought of a grand idea, but wanted to share this with some close allies for feedback purposes. Making his way to the residential district of Vylbrand known as Mist, he arrived in the Lion's Den, the home of the Lion Order led by Saran Asamenth. After being warmly welcomed by several figures including Lady Gwenneth, Ser William, Captain J'ack, and Master Lavan Calernaan, he would divulge his plan to them: to utilize his new headquarters as a means to alleviate the ever-troublesome housing struggle.Immediately receiving some support from Gwenneth, she informed the young Sultan about events transpiring in the Far East - Othard, to be precise. An Othard Branch Headquarters, he thought, would definitely attract many adventurers as they have grown quite fond of their culture since the refugees had arrived on Eorzea's shores. With this knowledge, Thiji and the ''Regalia'' was well equipped to acquire a new mansion, and utilizing the Free Company to its fullest to grant rooms to adventurers seeking respite. They also had news of their own to disclose: much to the Mythrite Sultan's surprise, the Lion Order has made the executive decision to take the ''Higuri Regalia'' in as their patron, providing them with substantial financial backing and provisional support.'' 'Tis not much, but private rooms are better than being homeless, no?'' -Thiji Higuri, to the Lion Order''=Demon, Princess, Heir=Time draws ever closer for the Othard Initiative, and as it marches on, more events would befall the Mythrite Sultan and his beloved wife, Nanago. A young Plainsfolk by the name of Cherna Nosche made himself known to the nobles shortly after the ''Regalia's'' grand reopening. He claims to have been an old acquaintance of Nanago's family, and brought tidings that would interest the young sorceress. The Midnight Quill, a home once belonging to Nanago Nago's family, has been claimed by Shishira Shia - Thiji's old friend from many winters back. Why he would disclose such information so openly to her and Thiji concerned them both, but he made even his ulterior motives clear: Cherna needed Nanago's old empire restored, so that he would attempt to seize it for his own via the family recipe of the midnight blue ink for which Nanago's family was renowned.More tribulations would unfold, however, after the recent Hatching-Tide (2017 as of the time of this chapter). Whilst Thiji and his Doman Angels kept a close eye on Cherna and his accomplices, word reached out from Hollow Thorn that Nanago Nago was struck with an illness. Immediately rushing to Little Kaipo - the headquarters of the 13ths - he would find Nanago resting in the guest room within the estate. To his surprise, however, Thiji found Cherna by her side, clueless as to what precisely was ailing her. Leaving them to the Sultan's devices after a brief exchange of words, Thiji used his physicking knowledge to diagnose what precisely was causing Nanago's malady. He had ultimately deemed that whatever it was, it was not malignant. He beseeched his old friend the Hearer to watch over her for a good sennight while Cherna took the reins of the Spear & Spire.Thiji would enlist the aid of one of his newest Angels - Sarielle Emeraude, the Ishgardian chirurgeon, to better discern Nanago's malaise. From the information she was given, Thiji's wife had been shielding herself from whatever it was inside her. This process, however, drained Nanago of her strength, exhausting her within minutes. Thanks to Sarielle's expert training, however, she discovered a faint aether signature within her lower belly... Nanago was bearing a child. This shocked Thiji, but scared Nanago, as her "blinking" effect was brought into question, which Sarielle responded that the shielding was prevening this phenomena from happening. Because of how taxing this action was to Nanago, they needed to provide her with a constant surplus of aether, to which Cherna would again interject with the suggestion of crystals, and if need be, the Sultan's Fists. Thiji was perplexed as to why this was occuring now, to which Nanago pointed out a contraceptive tea that seemingly prevented a female from becoming pregnant after unprotected intercourse.As the two would soon become a family, new relationships took root when Cherna was immediately enthralled by Sesena Sena, wasting no time to make her his bride. Sesena Sena was relieved to finally find a man as fearless as Cherna Nosche, and the two would set out for the Hyaline to commence their first date, which left Thiji with a bland countenance. Meanwhile, Yuanji Yuji and Shiro Reina kept a close eye on the movements of the Desert Violet, Shishira Shira, whom has seemingly taken up the mantle of adventurer, presumably to meet the Mythrite Sultan once more. She was happy to be married with Memejora for a time, but was eventually overcome with guilt for making Thiji into who he is today. After several years of keeping her feelings bottled up, she sought to make things right.After hearing about the many tales of Thiji's philanthropy and goodwill in Eorzea, Shishira made it her personal mission to seek out the Mythrite Sultan after she recovered a recipe for a special dye belonging to Nanago Nago's family, taking up the mantle of adventurer and learning to channel aether through the power of gems, practicing the ways of the Thaumaturge. After a fierce duel with one of Thiji's Head Secretaries within the Sagolii Desert, she was ultimately subdued and escorted back to the Goblet, where she remained with the Angels for a time until she finally received an audience with Nanago. Though the wife of the Mythrite Sultan was not one to be trifled with, she offered Shishira a chance to make amends and solidified her new allegiance by incinerating the wedding ring that bound her to Memejora, requesting the elimination of himself as well as the mineral concern he ran.After being assured by Nanago that Memejora would be dealt with, Shishira was forgiven for her past transgressions and was given another chance to start a new life - one where she could aid the ''Regalia'' and remain close to her dearest friend - as Thiji's newest Angel, and new personal Advisor, succeeding Yuanji Yuji's previous position. She now studies under Lelena Lena, furthering her training in Thaumaturgy and unlocking her potential in channeling aether, whilst Thiji and Nanago prepared for their heir to both the Spear & Spire and the ''Higuri Regalia.''

=The Sultan's Verdict=The Third Sun of the Third Umbral Moon came upon Thiji and his wife Nanago. This day was particularly important to them as it marked their first anniversary. The Mythrite Sultan decided to spend it visiting the resting place of his beloved Mamai, which Nanago happily accepted. As they enjoyed a nice picnic with the posthumously-crowned Sultana, Thiji had told her everything that had transpired in recent months, from his blessings of great fortune to the healthy child that was on the way; from making numerous friends and allies, and even becoming the patron of a Free Company. He was not troubled with grief or sorrow, but instead was filled with peace and serenity. Thiji had no longer harbored any ill will towards Lady Iceheart, and yet this revelation took him through a long journey of remembrance and introspection that would span over the course of a sennight. After a lovely anniversary dinner with his wife, he sat upon the deck in the grounds of the Aldenard Branch Headquarters and contemplated...After much deliberation he would then visit the Lion's Den in Mist to share his thoughts and feelings with Lady Gwenneth, who sympathized with the young lord as she has a child of her own to protect along with her own cubs that made the Company unique. He had told her that he was dreading over the thought of welcoming his heir to a world where one must fight in order to achieve one's ends, and did not wish for such a life in the slightest. She was adamant in her decision to aid in the war against Garlemald, and to take it even further into Othard, where she sought to aid in the restoration of one of the member's clan. Though Thiji made his standpoint clear that he is a merchant before he is a killer, Gwenneth gave a fitting reply of her own to such a statement:''You say yourself you're a a Merchant before you are a fighter. Lion Order, we're a bunch of fighting misfits brought together by bonds of loyalty and comaraderie. My group is the fighting hand. I will be glad to lend our hand to those of yours who need it.'' -Gwenneth AsamenthAt her whim, the Lion Order would become the spear of the ''Regalia's'' might. As they are of like mind, Gwenneth was more than happy to provide assistance to Thiji if he needed, even going so far as to assign a liaison for his future Othard Branch, to which Thiji accepted. And in his mind he thought back to it all, to the very beginning...Thiji started out as a simple nobleman looking to make a name for himself in Eorzea, venturing out of the Sagolii Desert into the mainland to pursue the adventurer life. He had butted heads with many individuals in the Adventure League, and faced numerous hardships therein. He had tried so arduously to find love, and it would seemingly turn fruitless as he sought out that which he could not gain, condemned to a life of loneliness.He had dealt with a destruction-happy Lady of the Vortex in an effort to stand out. Yet his legacy of generosity would begin when he sent his companion Glacius back home to bring funds from his own coffers to aid in the Adventure League's housing fund. But Thiji did not do it for attention - he did it not for himself - but for his friends. He knew that he alone had the power to cement their foothold within the Goblet, and his offering was simply a donation, whilst other parties attempted to gyp them with loans.Yet his love life would finally look up as Mamai Mai entered his life. It was an ephemeral relationship, ended by the unforgiving ire wrought by the fanatical Lady of Frost. The chain of events that followed led the Mythrite Sultan down the path to martial perfection, temporarily forsaking the ''Regalia'' to satisfy his wrath and bloodlust as he took down scores of harriers and Nidhogg's brood alike, and even struck down the warmongering Lord of the Hive after a climactic struggle. Whether it was through a frozen end, a hellacious skewering, a savage series of relentless slashes, or a brutal beating by his own two hands, each kill was in the name of - at the time - the only woman in his life who loved him.And when he had took back up the mantle of merchant, he had made leaps and bounds in his efforts. He has shared vast amounts of knowledge from his adventures in Eorzea with his people back home, and brought the ''Regalia'' into a golden age of prosperity. His generosity and goodwill would soon reach the ears of other adventurers, and he would begin to gain numerous friends and allies who adored and cheered him on even in the toughest of times. Thiji would present events and giveaways by the moon, offering his wares to the public at free and reduced prices so that all would have the opportunity to indulge in the latest fashion trends.Three long years later he would find love in Nanago Nago, whom has had eyes on him since childhood. Though it was the holiday he hated the most for obvious reasons (and still does to this day), their love would begin to bloom. They faced many trials and tribulations together, even conquering their greatest enemy: themselves. And now a year later, he has lived a full winter with his Sultana in marital bliss, and had even utilized his own resources to build a new empire for her from the ground up. To culminate, the two now have a child on the way.So much and more has befallen Thiji Higuri in the four years he had spent within the realm known as Eorzea. He has seen it for all its glory, its splendor, and even its harshness and cruelty. There was no doubt in his mind when he stated time and again that the realm has problems, but he does not have to solve them alone. This fact alone reassured the Mythrite Sultan. He was all set for coming times ahead.He had developed a vast network of highly skilled female maidservants who train daily to ensure the list of the ''Regalia's'' enemies is kept at a minimum, and more and more join the fold by the moon; he has gained backing from several Free Companies that have given him support since the moment he made his first appearance in the Sea Breeze Bazaar. Now he is a Patron of the Lion Order, whose people will not hesitate to bring the pain to their foes and shield those in need of succor.The Mythrite Sultan had no reason to fear. His homeland in Thavnair wasn't going to be suffering Garlean incursion anytime soon thanks to their masterful politics and trading relations - and even if problems were to arise, he has an extremely lethal scythe murderer for a sister-in-law to whom the Garleans would have to answer. Though he is annoyed with all the conflict the realm keeps getting itself into, there is still much he can learn from it; there were still more secrets to unearth, even in the world of fashion. And with the Soul of the Sultan shining brightly upon his forehead, he would be determined to seek that knowledge out - even if it meant ruining the days of a few Garleans in the process.After giving thanks to those whom have shown him much support since he had commenced his philanthropic efforts - after paying respects to his loved ones who have passed on to Thal's realm and fought bravely to uphold what good is left of the realm - after many, many moons of triumphs, failures, oaths and betrayals, it was clear what Thiji had to do. He had maintained a perfect balance of entrepreneur and frenzied fighter - ''of Power and Beauty'' - and while he absolutely relished in the heat of combat, he makes sure that those around him are taken care of first, for his riches mean nothing if not used for good.Thus the Mythrite Sultan returned home to train after his conversation with Lady Gwenneth, his mind now free of all worries and strife; free of all his inner and outer turmoil - and Thiji was always at his most dangerous when his mind was clear. Monumental changes would be taking place soon, and nothing was going to stop him from obtaining the knowledge necessary to further his mastery in jewel and clothcraft. Thus did the Mythrite Sultan come to a decision, a verdict:''An ideal means nothing until you fight for it.'' And Garlemald would soon receive this message in spades.

=A Lion for a Liaison=With the winds of change now blown, the promise of war was upon Eorzea. Great movements were on the horizon, and Thiji and his allies would take no expense in seizing the momentum. Days prior to the "Big Migration to the East" as his Angels were calling it ''(Because apparently everyone was too preoccupied with wielding a katana than giving a care about Gyr Abania)'', Thiji submitted his chosen volunteer to augment the Lion Order's forces - his own personal bodyguard, Shiro Reina. Hearing word that the ''Regalia's'' patronees were eastward bound, she was more than eager to take the charge, and was already expecting them at the Lion's Den. In exchange, Lady Gwenneth sent dossiers of the three most qualified in her eyes to serve as the ''Higuri Regalia's'' liaison for the Othard Initiative.Sesena Sena, Yuanji Yuji, and Umimi Umi - the three most trusted amongst the Angels that formed the "Secretariat Trinity" - were all summoned to the Mythrite Sultan's office to review the files before making a final decision. The candidates hand-picked by Gwenneth Asamenth were: S'aya Namae, a Miqo'te Arcanist whom was liberated by the Lion Order from Sastasha; Soriah Aron, an Elezen Thaumaturge hailing from Ishgard and known for her newsletters; and Kiyone Ichihana, a Doman assassin. The four would point out the potential assets of each, and as eager as the Mythrite Sultan was to decide on a winner, he stressed how it saddened him to only choose one, hoping the other two would not take it too harshly.Once their meeting had been adjourned, Thiji compiled the knowledge one last time before sending a letter to Gwenneth with his final decision. Though it was a difficult screening process, he had decided that Soriah Aron was the best candidate for the position of liaison. With this matter now resolved, it was time to proceed with the next phase of the plan: the flight to Othard. Umimi would call in a few favors from the Main Branch to secure transportation; in the meantime, Thiji had decided to spend the interim in Gyr Abania. Recalling the events on Baelsar's Wall, and the Grand Companies of Eorzea having finally wrested it from Garlean control, he would steel himself for combat, knowing full well there were "Tryhardeans" to crush - perfect target practice for removing the proverbial dust due to moons without a good fight.=Battles & Baubles=Arriving in Gyr Abania for the first time, the Mythrite Sultan, armed with his Halonic gear of choice, found himself in Castrum Oriens, now occupied by the Grand Companies of Eorzea. Wasting no time to get out into the field, he overheard a conversation amongst two Twin Adder officers involving a training exercise with the new recruits in East End. Looking to do his part, Thiji would make his way to the site of the skirmish, immediately noticing that things were already in motion; adventurers clashed with the greenhorns - some holding their own whilst others could barely keep their footing.Thiji would spectate for a few ticks until he would lay eyes on a young Highlander maiden whose uniform was unlike that of the Grand Companies'. Regardless, she was skilled enough to push back several adventurers - her fighting styles akin to that of a pugilist's. After felling several opponents, she felt eyes on her and spotted the Mythrite Sultan nearby, wasting no time to charge at the young noble, who responded in kind. Introducing herself as Himmeya, an Ala Mhigan Resistance fighter, she fought the Mythrite Sultan valiantly, but after a quarter-bell, Thiji would overpower her and claim victory, ensuring all who spectated "took notes."As thanks for providing her with a challenge, she offered to take Thiji to their headquarters in Rhalgr's Reach, to which he would accept. Traversing through the Fringes, he and Himmeya would encounter beasts and Garleans alike, taking them down with ease with their combined prowess. Once breaking through the glamoured entrance, they arrived at their main camp. The first thing that caught Thiji's eyes were a race of female snake-like beings. Curious, he inquired as to whom they were, to which Himmeya would explain. The Ananta - a beast tribe comprised of those very same lamia - were part of the Resistance. They existed for centuries, and were prized for their incredible gemcraft and spellweaving - two things at which Thiji was also excellent.Though he was eager to learn from the Ananta as quickly as possible, (remembering his primary purpose for getting involved in this conflict in the first place) it would have to wait as Umimi contacted him via linkpearl, notifying him that her favor had arrived, and that his team was prepared to head eastward. Giving Himmeya a hasty farewell, he left Gyr Abania and made for Vesper Bay - though the maiden swore under her breath that she would cross paths with him again.=The Eastern Flight=Several suns have passed since the events in Gyr Abania. The time was finally come for Thiji and his team to make the trip to the Far East. Leaving Sesena, Sosona, Susuna, Shishira & Sarielle behind to manage the Aldenard Branch, Thiji, along with Umimi, Yuanji, Lelena, Luluma, Lilina, and Swoztu – one of his newest Angels (from the time of this chapter being posted) - embarked on the Thavnairian vessel requisitioned from the Main Branch and set a course across the Sea of Jade.Their trek from Vesper Bay was smooth and easy, with fair winds and fairer waters. As they ventured across the high seas, Thiji briefed everyone on the operation: once they made port, they would gather as much information as they could on the land at large, its customs, and its culture, and do their part in aiding with anything the locals might need. Once they’ve gained enough admiration from the Othardians, they would then request for a mansion to be built on their neutral territory, converting it into a hotel for those seeking a home away from home.With the objective fresh on their minds, the ''Regalia'' was determined as ever to carry out the plan to the best of their abilities. As they approached the Near Eastern territories, they were beset by fog for a couple bells. It was at this point when the ship’s captain took notice of the vessel being pulled by its own, with no wind on its back. Immediately realizing where they’ve treaded, Thiji gave the order to draw arms, and prepared themselves for whatever emerged from the fog. Silence filled the air for what seemed like a turn of the sun, and then they would find themselves besieged by the restless spirits of the dead, and several deadly wavekin – they had ventured into the domain of the Sirensong Sea.Although Thiji and his Angels were prepared for battle, what happened next would be a pleasant surprise. In the blink of an eye, the sound and sight of steel cleaving flesh and bone was made apparent as their adversaries fell before them one by one. Wondering what had just transpired, the Angels looked around in alarm, but was assured by their lord to relax and stand down. After a few brief moments, the fog would clear, revealing a beautifully clear blue sky. Atop the Crow’s Nest were two figures clad in pure white; one wore a hakama and bore a slender blade of mythril; the other was cloaked from head to toe in ‘’shinobi’’ gear, and her face was further obscured by a mask.The Angels were relieved and excited to see their saviors were none other than Shiro Reina, the Lion Order augmentee, and Rhaegos, Thiji’s trusted Royal Vizier, now a Samurai. He had arrived in Othard with Shiro to assist with the Doman Liberation Front, and informed them of their own efforts to push back the Garlean occupation. The Mythrite Sultan took this time to learn more about Othard through Rhaegos, from the neutral port city called Kugane to the western reaches of the Ruby Sea. Now armed with this knowledge, Thiji and his Angels found the ideal place to establish the Othard Branch Headquarters: the Hingan residential district known as Shirogane.

=Immersion with the Orient=Upon touching down in Kugane, Thiji and his team (mostly his team) was awestruck at the exotic beauty of the port town; it was a new frontier – a new land to explore in all its wonders and its dangers. Rhaegos gave his master and his servants a grand tour of Kugane as they arrived; it was even noted that the East Aldenard Trading Company has a presence here as well – much to the ''’Regalia’s''' chagrin that Lord Lolorito increased his sphere of influence beyond Eorzea.From the Bokairo Inn to the Thavnairian Consulate and even the Kogane Markets, Rhaegos spared no details informing the young Sultan and his Angels for the betterment of their objective. As Shirogane was still awaiting clearance from the Hingan government to open the housing to adventurers, Thiji utilized the (somewhat) good relations to his advantage and established a temporary base of operations within the Ruby Bazaar, occasionally meeting prominent figures, such as the Scions of the Seventh Dawn – namely Tataru Taru.Thiji’s Royal Vizier would then leave his master once more as he was being called back to the forefront of a province far to the west after hearing news of Zenos yae Galvus, the ruthless Legatus of the XIIth Imperial Legion, arriving in Doma, leaving Shiro behind. Knowing that the Mythrite Sultan was very well-versed in the myriad cultures and styles of the realm (as well as her own ulterior motives for immersing him in Othardian customs), the ''Shinobi'' took it upon herself to enlighten the eccentric noble, leaving for the Ruby Sea whilst the rest of his team stayed behind to establish rapport with the locals and take in the sights (among other things).=Riding the Waves=Paired with Shiro and Umimi, the three would soon make for the Ruby Sea, a neutral territory under the jurisdiction of a third party known as the Confederacy – a small army of pirates made infamous for their “Ruby Tithe,” a toll travelers are pressured into complying to ensure safety whilst crossing their waters (Their mannerisms and clothing was also similar to The Bunny’s, which almost led Thiji to believe he was part of them in some way). The Sea had its share of dangers as well – the Kojin, a race of bipedal turtle-men (known as ‘’Kappas’’ in the Doman tongue) seemingly categorized by one of two factions: the Blue, whom were more of the friendly traders and builders; and the Red, a more hostile splinter group who served the Garlean Empire, obsessed with hoarding objects for the sake of the kami, or “Gods,” as they firmly believe that such unique gods reside in all things.Deeming it necessary for a continent surrounded by vast bodies of water, Shiro would lead Thiji into the depths of the Isle of Bekko, navigating a series of underwater tunnels until they would arrive in a village known as Tamamizu, where they were greeted by the Kojin of the Blue, welcoming back Shiro by addressing her as “Ojou” or “Princess,” which intrigued the Mythrite Sultan. Umimi marveled at the beauty of the sea as the next leg of their journey would take them into the deep.After a series of simple “fetch quests” as coined by adventurers and commoners, Thiji and Umimi received the blessing of the ocean by the elder of Tamamizu, allowing them to swim indefinitely underwater without fear of drowning. Umimi felt like the mermaid she always wanted to be, swimming around Tamamizu with expert skill, whilst Thiji took this time to inquire about Shiro, learning some very interesting backstory behind the masked ''Shinobi'' (refer to her section in “Thiji’s Angels” for more details).=Party Crashing the Ruby Sea=The thought of the Ananta filled the young Sultan’s mind. He was ever more anxious to return to Gyr Abania, and study under them to further his potential. However, he would find his stay in Othard to become much more interesting once word went out that the Kojin of the Red was doubling their efforts to appease the powerful kami living within their pilfered treasures – and Shiro meant to stop them.Umimi and Thiji assisted in Shiro’s endeavor as they waged an assault on the Red’s stronghold in the Isle of Zekki. The Shinobi was accompanied by Hiten no Hiromi, a Doman Princess and a member of The Lion Order. They pressed the attack, causing a large disruption within and laying waste to the minor adversaries. Thiji had noted that some of them wielded katanas – Samurai were amongst their ranks. Their attack upon the stronghold would seem to work, however, as several other adventurers headed deeper within to a place known as the Pool of Tribute, where two powerful artifacts laid motionless on the far side of the altar.A blade and an amulet were the two artifacts in question, and an adventurer tipped off by the Kojin of the Blue brought forth a Magitama as the third artifact, an unknown force ripping it from their breast and joining the blade and amulet, forming a triangle in midair as the objects seemingly came to life!Storm clouds gathered and waters rose as the heavens called down a being of great power – a primal worshipped by the Kojin known as Susano'o, Lord of the Revel. Wielding the Ame no Murakumo, Susanoo was unlike other primals who desired only destruction and chaos. This particular deity wanted nothing more than a “contest of wills” worthy of celebration, and made this known to Thiji’s party and the adventurers that had already breached the isle’s defenses.Seeming to have no other choice in the matter, Thiji, Umimi, and Shiro readied themselves for a party of epic proportions. It was definitely interesting to fight a being who was actually ''enjoying'' itself instead of frothing at the mouth every waking moment while they attempted to grind adventurers underfoot. Susanoo had decided to unleash the unbridled power of water and lightning both as he invoked the full might of the Ame no Murakumo. Thiji rose his shield under the shadow of the giant blade, but before it would be brought down upon the Mythrite Sultan, he was pushed aside by another individual, who stopped the Lord of Revel’s blade with his own – ''it was Rhaegos!''The ''Regalia’s'' own Royal Vizier knew full well the gravitas of the Othard initiative, and he did not intend for his lord to be distracted by such trivialities. Shiro, affirming Rhaegos’s words, sent a wave of water towards Thiji and Umimi, riding it out of the Pool of Tribute and leaving them to face Susanoo by themselves (and the other adventurers accompanying them).The last sounds they heard were a loud exclamation from the Lord of the Revel, followed by a tumultuous thud, a torrential downpour and the fierce crackling of thunder…=An Extended Reach=Teleporting back to safety, Thiji and the Head Secretary of the ''Higuri Regalia'' Main Branch returned to Kugane to convey what they’ve just experienced with the rest of the team. The fact that primals were prevalent even from all the way across the world shocked the Angels (pun not intended) but intrigued the Mythrite Sultan:''If the Kojin worship Susanoo… whom, then, do the Ananta revere? –Thiji Higuri''He was even more eager to learn all that he could from the snake-like beastmen… however it would have to wait as the Angels were out making themselves and the ''Regalia'' busy by advertising Thiji’s good name, pitching that he would create masterfully made garments and jewelry the likes of which none this side of Hydaelyn had ever seen. Though he was reluctant at first, Thiji could not deny doing what he loved – especially if it earned him some points towards the Othardian locals.After several suns making orders and mastering the markets in this new frontier, Thiji would receive a letter from a delivery moogle, bearing the insignia of the Resistance. Himmeya, the Highlander woman he sparred with sennights ago, had notified him of new developments in Gyr Abania, and that the Resistance and the Grand Companies of Eorzea had recovered much and more after a surprise attack from the XIIth Imperial Legion, and were aiming to seize the bridge that divided the Fringes from west to east – Castellum Velodyna.Knowing they couldn’t stop their lord from pursuing his primary goal, they let him be on his way first thing in the morning while they remained in Kugane to continue building relations with the Hingans. He was immediately greeted by Himmeya upon arrival, and expressed her heartfelt thanks for the demonstration he provided some time ago.Noticing the improvements in manpower as well as weapons and armor, Thiji was offered to play his part as well when several Vira – the pro-Resistance faction of the Ananta race – approached him, seeming to know him by name after being tipped off by a name he knew all too well – ''The Bunny''. He then exchanged tips and secrets with one another as they utilized his very own stock of supplies to craft accessories and select weaponry to augment the powers of those more magically-inclined.Once all the preparations were made, the assault upon Castellum Velodyna commenced, and the combined might of the Resistance and the Grand Companies would be brought down upon the XIIth legion and the Skulls – a splinter group of Ala Mhigans who faithfully served Garlemald, led by a nasty kinslayer by the name of Fordola. During this time, Thiji remained in Rhalgr’s Reach to deal with any stragglers who were unfortunate enough to wander into their base, in which time he used to inquire with his fellow gemmasters/mages. And thus was his Soul of the Sultan strengthened further as he learned more about the Ananta race as he had so desperately wished.

=Spire-less=Once news arrived in Rhalgr’s Reach that the operation was a success, it was time to continue the push into the eastern Fringes. Donning his Paladin attire once more, Thiji and his chocobo Glacius traversed through the massive tower and found themselves at a small village known as the Peering Stones. From here a Vira emissary awaited the coming of competent allies to take on a task most dire.Wondering what caused her such distress, Thiji volunteered to assist, along with Himmeya, to which the emissary happily complied and informed him of recent events. Apparently the Qalyana – the ''pro-Empire'' faction of Ananta – had called forth their own primal: Sri Lakshmi, Lady of Bliss. She had been called by the broodmother of the Qalyana after her daughter’s death, summoning her into the realm and reviving her… but she was different; she was soulless.Knowing that no good could ever come from a primal, Thiji teamed up with adventurers allied with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and made for Djanan Qhat, the Qalyana’s stronghold, where he would cut down numerous of the snake-women, along with large beasts of power and burden known as Marids. The Qalyana worshipped Lakshmi for the sake of wanton beauty, subjugating her own children and sons of man alike with pleasantries of which they’ve never dreamed, whereas the Vira revered the Lady of Bliss in the name of freedom, and thus allied themselves with the Resistance.With the path now cleared, they would make their way into the aetheryte to venture further into the stronghold, but before he teleported, the Mythrite Sultan was stopped by Nyra, his beloved family pet. In her talons was a letter bearing the insignia of the Spear & Spire Co., led by his wife Nanago. Glacius stood guard whilst Himmeya continued on to confront the Qalyana. Thiji read the contents… and then silence filled the air.''Lord Thiji,''''There is no easy way to say this, but it must be said. I know Lady Nyra obeys only your family, so I had to turn to your brother back home to have this sent to you. I pray it reaches you in time before something drastic happens. I need to inform you that… your sultana is… is gone. As is the child that grew within her. The child began to demand more aether from its host, which Lady Nanago happily obliged, but she utilized your Sultan’s Fists and took in all the energy at once, hoping it would sate both her and the unborn child. But it proved too much, I’m afraid. Nanago’s body began to flicker – as if she was appearing in and out of reality from oversaturation. I did my utmost to stabilize her, but to no avail – she perished in a stellar explosion, leaving behind some sort of queer aetheric residue. I reached out to it, and before I could jerk my hand back, I was consumed by the energies for a brief moment… and then silence. If I had to wager a guess, my lord, I would think that I… inherited her powers somehow. Regardless I am extremely pained to deliver this news to you, and pray that you receive it in good health… Pray forgive my incompetence, Your Eminence. I will accept any judgement you deem appropriate when you return. –Sarielle de Emeraude''Thiji, for perhaps the second time in his life, felt his heart sink… and he could do nothing else but collapse to his knees, dropping his Halonic arms in despair.=The End of A Dream=With the Qalyana cornered, the adventurers would indeed confront the Lady of Bliss within their stronghold, driving away or otherwise killing off any who opposed them, with Himmeya taking out a few as well after getting tired of waiting for Thiji. She had never beheld a primal before, much less one with such peerless beauty as Sri Lakshmi.Enraged, Lakshmi attacked the group with orbs of blue flame blessed by her light – should these hit their mark, they would be enthralled and seduced by the primal, stuck forever in a dream… Things looked grim for Himmeya as she dodged three to the best of her ability, but would be blindsided by a fourth, with seemingly no hope of escape.Bracing for the worst, Himmeya prayed to the Destroyer for succor. Her prayers would then seem to be answered as the flame went around her and fizzled into ashes. But it was not divine intervention – it was the Mythrite Sultan, who came to her side in the nick of time. Lakshmi retreated to her lair, which Thiji sprinted towards, cutting down several Qalyana foolish enough to stand in his way. The adventurers followed suit, leaving Himmeya behind in the First Altar as she could not contend against a primal without becoming one of Lakshmi's dreamers.Arriving in her lair, Emanation, the party would be greeted by two tempered Qalyana whom immediately engaged Thiji’s party, but would be overpowered and brought down in a matter of seconds, while Thiji wasted no time striking at Lakshmi, commencing another fateful encounter with a deity born from the pleas of her people and augmented with crystals. Her powers were strange yet deadly, seeming to keep to its promise of enthralling the mind and tantalizing the senses. The Mythrite Sultan’s rage, however, would work against his favor, as he was still at his most vulnerable, despite being shielded by a special barrier, and susceptible to Lakshmi’s beautiful yet fatal attack…Wholly seduced by the Lady of Bliss, she accepted unto them her life and her love – thus did Thiji succumb to Lakshmi’s Alluring Embrace… but he suffered exponentially more compared to his companions; he was thrust into his own mind, where he had awoken to a lavish room of gilded curtains, mountains of gil minted from mythril and mythrite, and luxurious beds… it seemed like a brothel. A soothing voice would then break the silence… followed by another, and a third.Frantically scanning the area for the source, he would gaze upon the visages of those whom he had pined for throughout his life… Tahrara; Mamai; Shishira; Zeiyth; Shienne and Midge, to name a few. Donned in the garments of his people, they beckoned to him with honeyed voices, wanting nothing more than his love. As he approached them, however, his rivals appeared before him, staring daggers at the Mythrite Sultan: Memejora, Zeth, and even Dyne. They had always stood in the way of his pursuits throughout his time in Eorzea, and this very thought infuriated Thiji so that he cut each of them down with no remorse.It was a dream – one where he was in total control. The ladies he had adored or pursued for so long, all together upon a bed, desperately yearning for the Mythrite Sultan to take them; to mate with them; to bear him heirs to the ''Regalia''. This was a hunger the likes of which he had never experienced, and yet it felt right to surrender to this perfect dream – this illusion which felt like undisputed reality. ''What Thiji wouldn’t have given to take each and every one of them – Tahrara Kivenera especially - invoking Menphina’s will until She Herself deemed it appropriate to cease; to forsake all inhibitions to quench the nigh-insatiable fire searing him from within…''Eternal bliss laid bare before him… such saccharine serenity – a life where he would know naught but pleasure, ecstasy, and opulence, and sweet release; his burdens; his troubles – all scattered to the winds. “Embrace us,” they whispered in unison. “Desire us... Love us... Take us... Find bliss…”That tender word: bliss. Delightful happiness and rapturous joy. ''All there, only for him. Thiji only needed but to seize it.'' The Mythrite Sultan approached his bevy, seeming to be completely at the mercy of Lakshmi’s simulacrum. They would respond in kind by circling around him, arms outstretched, eager to be claimed by their eternal sultan. With his head hung low, he stood in silence, reaching into the recesses of his mind, recalling all the events that had transpired with the ladies he pursued so futilely; how he had lost not one, but two true loves… and he even recalled a sentence spoken by a Xaela Au Ra he overhead in Kugane one eve…“A sun without a moon... An Azim without a Nhaama...”The Mythrite Sultan would then make his ultimatum. Raising his head to the beauties before him, he gave each and every last one an icy stare – a gesture he had not utilized since the advent of the Dragonsong War. A deathly calm filled the room once more as the women gave concerned looks at each other, and in an instant, he drew his Sword of the Fury, its steel ringing proudly as it left its sheathe. The next two words that escaped his lips would seal the proverbial deal:"''… No more.''"With a mighty swing of his blade, Thiji performed a graceful circle slash, cutting all of the women in two, and shattering the illusion. The magicked barrier was a preventative measure for Lakshmi’s more devastating attacks, mending his wounds instead of harming him further; those who did not erect the barrier quickly enough either succumbed to her Alluring Embrace, or were plunged to the chasm below.Now freed from Lakshmi’s influence, he immediately retaliated with a deft throw of his blade ''and'' shield – the former finding its mark in the Lady of Bliss’s heart, and the latter shattering her headpiece and the ornament that levitated from her shoulders. The Shield Lob was of such force that when it collided with the ornament, it was shattered in the process, but Thiji wanted to make his message as succinct as possible.Focusing his divine magic mastery without so much as moving his arms, (which were behind his back) he struck the location in which the sword pierced Lakshmi’s chest with a potent Holy Spirit spell, shattering the blade ‘’inside’’ the Lady of Bliss into a million pieces. This display of might and magic proved more than enough to send Lakshmi back into the aether, winning the day for his comrades that remained. Much like Ravana whom, after felling him, he acquired martial perfection, his encounter against Lakshmi would do the same for him in the aspect of magic – and he would aim to capitalize on this. Those who survived retreated from Emanation, leaving the Mythrite Sultan alone.No longer deeming himself a Sorceress’ Knight – his dream now long dispersed with the loss of his wife – he doffed his armor and threw it over the ledge, hoping those, too, would break upon contact with the ground. The corsage upon his head, as well as the eternity ring upon his left ring finger, would be the last remaining vestiges of what once was - thus did he cast those into the abyss as well.He gave a long, hard stare at the altar on the north end of Lakshmi’s lair, his Soul of the Sultan gaining more knowledge of the Ananta. Several Qalyana had emerged from the exit to ascertain the situation, but all it took was a bat of his eyes to send them fleeing in fear. Their arrival, however, made a good point – it wasn’t going to do much good lingering, but he would leave with a souvenir – a blissful shroud, left behind by the Lady of Bliss. He would then utilize this cloth to be the first to create a set of armor for Glacius, serving as yet another stark reminder to his struggle, and his triumph.Reappearing outside the aetheryte altar, Himmeya was relieved to see the young lord hale and healthy, not even questioning the whereabouts of his gear. She ''did'', however, take notice of his countenance. It was a lot less… welcoming than before, but she knew him enough to know that it wasn’t his intent. She could see in his eyes that he’s been through a lot this day, and would give him the space he needed – but not before asking to serve him directly. He agreed with a silent nod and left Djanan Qhat astride Glacius.Victory came at a reversal of fate this day, but Thiji had no time to mourn. He would not fall down the same pit he did before when he saw Mamai perish before him in ice and snow. The Othard Initiative was close at hand, and his part in the conflict has concluded for the foreseeable future. Ala Mhigo and Doma’s liberation would now rely on the people defending Eorzea and beyond, for his objective now complete, it was time to learn all he could from the Ananta.''And if he would do so without a beloved, an heir, or both… then that was fine with him. He would make peace with his fate, and continue on.''

=Power and Beauty Joined=Despite the worst befalling the Mythrite Sultan in recent days, Thiji was undauntingly focused on his itinerary. What may seem to have been a great loss to others would in fact be an immense gain for Thiji. Though he may have loved Nanago dearly, he had all but suppressed the trauma in a matter of days, being all too familiar with those particular emotions; there was much and more to be done to dwell on the past. His first order of business was to have Cherna Nosche arrested for conspiring against the late Nanago Nago for decades, which Sesena Sena willingly accepted as a last act of service. He would then disintegrate the Spear & Spire permanently, no longer seeing its validity with its founder now gone.Not long after being accepted into the Angels, Himmeya remained true to her word and explained the inner workings of the Ananta to her new master, and how the Vira worshipped Sri Lakshmi for benevolent purposes. She even divulged smaller details such as how their radiance can only shine brighter when their skin and scales shed, and how they were so well-versed in gemcraft that they eschewed the need of crystals for their work, and relying solely on pure ancient magicks handed down from generations. This information alone struck an epiphany in the Mythrite Sultan's mind: "Where There is Power in Beauty," the slogan and lifestyle of the ''Regalia'' that has been their belief since its post-Calamity reform. For such a tribe of beastmen to exist had to be a blessing from on high, and as it seemed to be for a considerable amount of time, the ''Regalia'' was well on its way to soaring to even greater heights in power and beauty both.The hour drew ever closer towards Shirogane's opening to the adventuring public, and the Mythrite Sultan would make good use of this time studying under the bejeweled wings of the Vira, taking note of their practices, culture, and mannerisms (And on occasion, assist in the calming down of wayward marids). As thanks for sharing their secrets with the young lord, he adorns himself in their aesthetics, donning headwear and equipment similar to theirs and even applying more cosmetics upon his face. After a sennight of study, it was time to put it to good use.Utilizing the knowledge he gained from the Vira, as well as the innate teachings of his Mhachi ancestors (due to the gemstone on his forehead serving as an allusion to the ancient civilization), Thiji brought forth a marriage of "Power and Beauty" by introducing a unique style of spellcasting which required great mental acuity of the user. Keeping in mind that spells work best when cast from a focus, he took advantage of the aetherial conductivity gems and metals alike naturally possess. Creating latticed dresses, robes, and other articles of clothing, he would then socket these with gems, allowing the manipulation of aether with the ''socketed jewelry'' as the foci, showing off a bit of flair while maintaining the clothing's functionality. This would eventually be coined as the "Gemweave."Once complete, he would call upon the aid of Swoztu Wuotwyrstwyn to assist in testing this new and advanced form of spellcasting. Conveniently, she had started learning basic conjury when she was accepted into the ''Regalia,'' making use of her earth magic to create targets for the young lord to destroy and test his newfound goldsmithing prowess. The test went well, and it was thus time to take this power to the field. While his team in Kugane continued their efforts towards the Othard Initiative, there was still plenty of time to master his craft, and, of course, amass more profits. There were a myriad of unfortunate souls for the Mythrite Sultan to take his frustrations out on, and he could not think of a better time to return to his roots as a Thaumaturge than now.After all that has transpired from his encounter with the Lady of Bliss until now, Thiji Higuri had decided to change his moniker yet again in honor of the Ananta that aided him so, making himself now known as the ''Mythrite Shah.''=The Longest Wait=What seemed like only a few moons' time felt like ages for the Mythrite Shah. As the efforts of his Othard Branch team continued to spread throughout Hingashi - with the assistance of the bubbly Kitten Whiterose - the government was prolonging the release of the district of Shirogane by using whatever loophole they could use - or at least that is what Sesena Sena stated during a linkpearl conversation with the Lion Order. Although Thiji was a man of incredible patience, he was beginning to grow tired of the monotony, and it was at that time Kitten suggested he went on vacation back home to Thavnair.Reluctantly accepting at first, Thiji called in some favors from back home and made his way back to the ''Higuri Regalia'' Main Branch to operate things with his brother whilst his Angels and Head Secretaries managed operations in Aldenard and Othard. While he was away he had shared a great many secrets behind craftsmanship and the many styles he has learned and archived within the soul crystal embedded on his forehead. His parents Fafastima and Mimizo, along with his brother Horu, took note of his countenance, though they did not dare raise the topic of what happened during the events in the Fringes out of respect for his well-being. Even if they did, however, Thiji would not have taken any offense; though he loved Nanago dearly, she was manipulative and obstinate, despite the changes she made from her regimented upbringing as a con artist.During a conversation with his brother whilst they enjoyed in the festivities of their homeland as a means of welcoming back the ''Regalia'''s master, Thiji recollected his times spent in Gyr Abania, telling Horu how fortunate he was to have a wife as trusting and protective as Lady Umimi, and that since his time in Eorzea his love life had been nothing but terrible, even if he had spent a year happily married to one whose love gave way to avarice as she initially sought to seize his fortune for her own ends. The only ones completely aware of his misfortune and widowed status were the Lion Order and his Angels; not even his partners and close acquaintances are aware that he has - or in this case, had - a significant other. With this knowledge, Thiji deducted, he could establish the illusion that he is still a bachelor, yet even then he would never be interested in seeking out a new partner after one being slain by an Elezen's deranged memory made manifest and the other unintentionally committing an infanticide/suicide. He no longer had any interest in heirs or lovers while he has an entire empire to rule whilst still in his youth.Saddened by his brother's decision, yet still determined to support him, Horu had reassured Thiji that their line was least secure through his and Umimi's son and daughter, Kakashoa & Kakasu. Excellent this news may have been, Thiji was still disheartened that it was not his direct offspring, but accepted this fact nonetheless and thanked Horu for always looking out for him. He enjoyed the revelry of his homeland: partaking in lassi; showcasing feats in Alchemy, and even participating in numerous dances for two moons whilst Sesena and her fellow Head Secretaries held things down from half a world away.Refreshed and re-energized, Thiji returned to Eorzea, where his first encounter upon reaching the mainland was his very own patronees of the Lion Order exploring Gyr Abania for the Lost Canals of Uznair, the submerged tunnel network of Thavnairian origin which Treasurer Susuna Suna expertly fooled adventurers and treasure hunters alike into believing it was the ''Regalia'''s hidden treasury. Whether it was by fate or by luck, Thiji offered his expertise in navigating the canals after discovering a portal within Loch Seld. They had reached the deepest sluice within the canals and contended with a massive icebeast for the vast amounts of treasure (with some witty repartee from the Lion Order questioning how some of the creatures lying within even got down there to begin with).After their little escapade they would return to their respective homes, welcoming Thiji back to Eorzea all the while. The Mythrite Shah's Head Secretaries then brought news that after much deliberation, that the Hingan government has finally given the authorization to release Shirogane to the adventuring public. Resolve renewed, Thiji's Angels and the Regalia waited patiently for the inevitable rat race. It was a severly tough competition, but they were able to secure a mansion within the sixteenth ward's sixtieth plot. With a new set of robes for the Far Eastern scene, and a variety of new materials from home at his disposal, it was time for the Othard Initiative to finally culminate with the hotel they have dubbed the Mythrite Suites - "Where Opulence Can Be Shared."=Serenity Compels Fury=Since the entire insurgency against the Garlean occupation had reignited, there has been nothing but loss and sorrow for families whose soldiers paid the ultimate price. The Mythrite Shah was of no exception. After spending a great deal of time learning of the Ananta's ancient ways of magic and jewelcraft, he had promised to alleviate the Vira's worries of the emergence of Sri Lakshmi, summoned by the Qalyana tribe. A fierce battle had broken out within the Lady of Bliss's lair, and though Thiji barely succeeded in spite of a broken heart and distracted mind, he, too, had lost a loved one - his wife. No longer without a significant other or an heir, Thiji refocused his efforts on bettering the realm however possible, while still mastering the skills he had learned from the Vira. His first creation was the Gemweave, a latticed vestment worn over the body to act as a focus for aetherial manipulation. But he had decided to take it a step further.Having knowledge behind the Allagan art of Summoning, the Mythrite Shah recalled the Calamity, and Bahamut's powerful Teraflare. The resulting destruction infused every inhabitant in Eorzea with the Dreadwyrm's aether, and because of this, Summoners could "attune" themselves to it, and thus invoke the power of the mighty elder primal through their own bodies. With Sri Lakshmi appearing several times throughout Gyr Abania, Her aether could also be sensed by adept Summoners, and having practiced it in the past, he would be able to eventually attune to the lingering aether and obtain a new height of power - the Blissful Trance. Though not as powerful as the Dreadwyrm Trance, it is still formidable in its own right, allowing the user to still the vacillating nature of mind and action to gain true clarity and control on the battlefield.''"We could all use a little bit of bliss in our lives - I am of no exception."'' -Thiji Higuri, upon mastering the Blissful Trance.

=The Regalia's Magnum Opus=''“Honorable friends, associates, and allies of our esteemed Lalashell Network,''''I pray that this message finds you all well. I write to you all from my home within the Near East, as I bring a matter I personally feel is of utmost import. Be warned as this is a topic in which I take great esteem, and will not offer any sugarcoated niceties. If this may offend you, then you are free to dispose of this missive and shake the thought from your mind. Otherwise, your bravery shall not go unrewarded.''''During my winters spent in Eorzea and finding my place in this crazy realm in which we all inhabit, I had noticed time and again that numerous people’s fashion sense were disgustingly… wanting. And as a magnate of Haute Couture (‘High Fashion’ for the laymen), I am aiming to enlighten the common masses through a project I am currently in the process of conducting. To those with whom I have associated in the past, I express my sincerest gratitude to you all in helping open my eyes to the current state of things within the realm beyond its perennial incursions, primal uprisings, and all-around buffoonery.''''However, these are all well and good for the uninitiated. For you see, fashion, too, is a battlefield all its own, and I seek to conquer it - or at least provide Eorzea with the proper knowledge on how to seize victory over it. At the time of this letter’s dissemination, my project is at sixty-percent completion, and am looking to bring it to light by that silly Othardian holiday known as Heavensturn.''''Should any of you ever become eager for what the commonfolk call a 'teaser,’ you are more than welcome to ask, as my business prides itself on its generosity. Otherwise, as stated before, expect its grand unveiling by year’s end - for all, and Eorzea at large, will learn well why my empire’s credo is 'Where There is Power in Beauty.’”''''-Thiji Sor Higuri, Mythrite Sultan of the Higuri Regalia''However, like many things in the realm, fashion is a battle. And like all battles, they shift and evolve constantly. One must always remain steps ahead of the masses, lest they fall prey to the trends of tomorrow and fade into obscurity. Those who remain at the forefront of fashion, however, will always seize the day, and in so doing, win the hearts and minds of the masses, and shape the scope of Haute Couture in their image. It is because of this notion that Thiji has forged a coalition with the Radz-at-Han Weavers’ Guild’s finest hands in an effort to take the realm of fashion by storm.Recollecting his adventures in Eorzea, he has taken the extra step in updating the PiB Catalogue by creating a clothing line within that he is dubbing the Eikon Collection. The name paying homage (which he does rarely) to the Allagan Empire, this heightened echelon of Haute Couture showcases specially-made outfits made in the image of the various deities known throughout Hydaelyn, crafted with the rarest of gems and materials - some only of which the Regalia has knowledge. For those who have the coin - or the good graces of the Mythrite Sultan - and the thirst, the will, and the passion to embrace high fashion, one need only seek out the ''Higuri Regalia'' to acquire an issue.=Sultan's Sabbatical=Five years had passed since the Mythrite Shah embarked on his pursuits to better himself and the Regalia. He had faced multiple obstacles and conquered numerous struggles both from within and from without. Though despite his youth, he believes to have fulfilled his purpose. The merchant prince-turned-lord has taken over his father’s business and brought it into a golden age of prosperity – a shining testament to elegance, beauty, and generosity. With a presence from Aldenard to the west, all the way to the shores of Hingashi in the Far East, the Higuri Regalia was well-secured. The Angels who serve him safeguard and manage each establishment when he is absent, with little to no problems ever occurring; it was time for the young lord to return home.Events will always unfold throughout the land, but the adventurers and “heroes” roaming about will always be around to keep the realm in check; what’s one more person to make a difference? As formidable a combatant and mage Thiji was, at his core he is a merchant tried and true. There is no need for him to be on the frontlines when he has the Regalia to run.Thinking back to all that has happened, Thiji would not regret the path he had chosen, as it has shaped him into who he is today. But all this conflict wasn’t good for his soul, and thus he has come to the decision that, on his twenty-fifth Nameday, he will make the sail back home to Thavnair, leaving the Aldenard and Othard branches in the hands of his Head Secretaries. His friends and companions – even the realm at large itself - may miss him, but should they truly require his aid, then he would answer the call once more.

=Back from the Sands=Now over a winter's worth of time into his life of luxurious retirement, it was around the 15th Sun of the Third Umbral Moon (Jun 15, 2019) when the second annual Laladay festival took place. Unlike the first one which was held at the Bandee Pakshee who are now acquainted with the Regalia, this one would take place within Costa del Sol, as a luau. While not too concerned about the theme, it was the overrarching principle of Lalafell pride which urged Thiji to return to Eorzea. However, he had received some rather jarring news from his old friend.While Thiji had joined with the Luna Rose Academy to host their event, Chichibi Chibi, Desert Queen of the Deep Sagolii and the Mythrite Sultan's oldest friend and confidant, arrived near the end to exchange pleasant words and stories. As much as she was elated to see her dearest of friends once more, she deemed it prudent to convey her message to Thiji:"''An invasion of leonine and leporine proportions is imminent.''"Though he did not denounce Chichibi's words, he was skeptical over the whole matter. He was adamant in his decision to hang up the mantle of adventurer, to which Chichibi respected as she had her own intentions of doing so. Nonetheless, what her personal host of seers ascertained seemed rather silly at best. What could possibly rival the technology and numbers of the Garlean Empire, or the fanatical crusades of the beastmen and the deranged deities they so worship? Chichibi's answer was quite the contrary: the leonine and leporine of which she spoke are actually joining the cause to defend the realm!The latest additions to the ever-growing armies of adventurers and heroes are the Hrothgar, savage lion-men known from Ilsabard's distant shores who fervently serve a singular Queen; and the Viera, a tall and slender people with long ears like that of a hare's, and a society that is purely matriarchal, adhering to a strict code and protecting the forests from which they originate.Knowing how much of a stir the ''Au Ra alone caused when they appeared,'' this potentially meant a new challenge for the Mythrite Sultan: more lands to master, and new styles to adapt for his ongoing fashion efforts. Of course, there are potential problems that could arise from this as well...''What would happen should they set their sights toward the Near East?'' Thiji did not dare to entertain this thought.=Wardens of the Regalia=While the "Lala Luau" was a resounding success, Thiji would still have some more business to attend in Eorzea before his retirement would continue. The 3rd annual Lalafell Pride Parade was also occurring, nearly a fortnight after the Luau. Considering that the Mythrite Sultan has helped in leading it twice now, he would not mind remaining in Eorzea for another two weeks. And what better way to get the word out than through the power of his Angels?Enlisting the aid of Head Secretaries Sesena and Umimi, along with Treasurer Susuna and the ever-watchful Shiro Reina, they would spread the word of the parade and of the Regalia's good name to the public, offering a vast quantity of items they had left over from their 2nd Largesse. They wouldn't do any good being sold off on the market boards, and thus conducted smaller giveaways leading up to the parade.Shiro, however, with her extensive amount of time spent reconnoitering Ul'dah and the other city-states, met with another Angel and longtime ally of Thiji: Lyriah Karnelle, a Thanalan native and formidable Lancer of the Immortal Flames. She had kept a close watch on her as she mingled with the various patrons of the Quicksand, among whom were more familiar faces: Lior Aras, former Bloodsands Gladiator and mercenary, and Navei Asumiere, the Cactuar-loving swordsman of Nebulous.''(There was also a third individual as well, but no one was capable of discerning his identity save for those who knew him in the past somehow.)''After the parade's conclusion, the Mythrite Sultan hosted an afterparty over at the Aldenard Branch Headquarters. During this time, Lior and Navei - hard-pressed at finding any reasonable means to deal with the lull - decided upon themselves to serve the Regalia more directly. Furthermore, the two discussed amongst themselves their potential roles within the Regalia:Given Navei's incredible prowess and battle experience serving the Immortal Flames and Sasagan's Scimitars, and his knowledge of various bladed weaponry, he would become the Othard Branch's Warden of the East, keeping the Mythrite Suites Hotel in good shape.Meanwhile, Lior's adaptability and resourcefulness, as well as his hardy nature and tenure as a pit fighter, made him an excellent candidate for defending the mainland. Thus was he charged as the Aldenard Branch's Warden of the West.''(There are rumors stating that due to Lior's time spent in the Far East that he has developed somewhat of a negative disposition towards individuals hailing from Doma and beyond, but all this is seemingly hearsay and tales.)''These two would become the Higuri Regalia's first male Angels, serving directly under the Head Secretaries (There were talks about calling them "Bosleys", but Lior vehemently rejected the thought of wearing a cravat).With his empire further bolstered, it was time for Thiji to resume his retirement. He had received much adoration and joy from his old friends and allies, but their words and suggestions have not fallen on deaf ears. The merchant-lord and fashion mogul that is he would have a lot to think over during his journey back to Radz-at-Han...=Sena's Play & Shira's Plea=In the midst of the Mythrite Sultan's retirement, the Regalia was functioning like a well-oiled machine. The Aldenard Branch was processing orders and deliveries of all kinds in a timely manner; the Othard Branch kept its guests well fed and well entertained - all thanks to the stewardship of the Angels. The PiB Catalogue was also acquiring some fame as well once individuals began to flaunt their exclusive garb and garments around Eorzea's major hubs. It apparently caused enough of a stir to attract the likes of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn!While the empire of fashion and jewelry was well within its golden age of prosperity, there was no mistake that the Angels missed their lord dearly. Since his retirement they've been a lot less active, which was not truly detrimental. However, they did not wish to grow complacent, lest their quality - and ultimately the Regalia's reputation - falters. One Angel in particular was Sesena Sena. She's been through thick and thin ever since before the Mythrite Sultan was even a prince - before the Angels were even conceived.After receiving various reports from her contacts, they have discovered that Garlemald has (once again) fallen into a state of disarray. Because of this, adventuring was on the rise again, and despite the words her lord told them, she knew deep down that Eorzea was in more dire need of good people than ever. This could only mean good things for the Regalia, and Sesena was eager to profit from it.Meanwhile, another Angel also had motives of her own during Lord Thiji's rest and relaxation. Shishira Shira, the Desert Violet, Advisor of the Aldenard Branch, and Thiji's old flame, had an abundance of time to think over all that has transpired since before the Calamity. Her naivety sparked the less-than-desireable love life that her friend and master had led over the years, and she's felt nothing short of devastated by it all.Even if amends were made some time ago, Shishira still felt the burden weighing her down heavily. When Shira's Lightsday Best was still an independant company, she served a higher power: Chichibi Chibi, Queen of the Deep Sagolii, known for her fair yet stringent rule. Shishira respected Her Grace, but she feared her more due to the fact that Lord Thiji is her oldest and closest of friends. Before she would speak to the Mythrite Sultan, she needed to bring this to light.As Lady Chichibi returned home to also bask in retirement, Shishira would venture out into the Sagolii Desert to seek an audience with her. The proud Mhachi descendant greeted her subordinate with open arms... however, when Shishira disclosed the truth, the Queen of the Sagolii was taken aback. Fearing the worst, Shishira begged for clemency, as she knew well that Queen Chichibi, in all her kindness, did not suffer affronts to herself or her allies - especially one of such high regard.Once her story was heard in its entirety, Lady Chichibi forgave Shishira and abolished the Desert Violet of her transgressions, for she revealed that hers was an oversight due to their youth, and never meant any true harm to the young lord. Now relieved, the Desert Violet was truly able to start her life anew, but not without some Mhachi tutelage from Queen Chichibi as a reward for her fealty.

=Operation: Mythril Wings=While the Desert Violet commeneced with her solitary mission, Sesena's plan was simple: coined as "Operation: Mythril Wings", the objective was to rally the Angels together and formulate a plan to bring the Mythrite Shah back to adventuring, for the Regalia, while self-sustaining at this point, can only benefit with its leader still out and about. Simple, yet undoubtedly daunting, as convincing Thiji alone would be no small feat. He was very adamant in his decision to leave Eorzea in the hands of the masses, but time and again have the various Branches received comments and lamentations over the news.The Angels would need incontrovertible evidence that there was still work to be done for the realm. After some brainstorming, Meriri Meri, the Aldenard Branch's Consultant of Metals, suggested a new permutation of Mythril - the selfsame metal from which the Regalia had flourished. It would be a difficult task, but one they were certain would help. Treasurer Susuna placed a generous "bounty" of 5 million gil for the discovery and delivery of a new type of Mythril ore while the remaining Angels continued searching for more "ammo". After about a sennight's time, the bounty would be completed by the Regalia's shadowy Defense Captain.Following Garlemald's routing from the Ghimlyt Dark, Shiro of the Lion Order had given confirmations of new disciplines joining the fray. Although the gunblade-wielding defenders and Blue Mages seemed fascinating, the biggest of them all were the Dancers. A troupe straight from Radz-at-Han arrived on Vylbrand to grant the people of Eorzea the opportunity to learn of the Near Eastern Kreigstanz. If there was anything Thiji loved more than Mythril, it was his people and the culture they uphold. And if given the opportunity, he would be more than anxious to show the neophytes the difference between a Dancer with soul and some amateur throwing bladed rings.One other factoid was the introduction of the Hrothgar and Viera that Queen Chichibi previously mentioned during the Lala Luau. However, there have been reports of a peculiar Veena - Viera raised on the snowy mountains of the Skatay Range - with an icy gaze and biting repartee, donned in garb made by the Regalia's own employees. Recruiting the graceful and prideful people that are the Viera would be a great boon to the Regalia, for their tastes and eye for quality are traits they both share in common. Thus did the Head Secretaries decide that finding this Veena was a high priority.If she considers herself cold, then she would be in for a humbling with the Mythrite Shah. And so she would venture forth to the nearest Branch Headquarters after she was reported conversing with a like-minded Rava - their forest-dwelling counterparts - in the Carline Canopy.The pieces were quickly falling into place - at a faster rate than Sesena had originally anticipated. The only pressing matter now was convincing the Mythrite Sultan...=A Mhachi Missive=Operation: Mythril Wings was proceeding apace. The expert execution of the Angels' objective resulted in a timely delivery of the strange mythril nugget along with the Viera arriving in the Aldenard Branch, whom Thiji would personally meet in due time. However, things would take an unexpected turn when Veeveena received an anomaly from the postmoogle - a magicked scroll bearing patterns known by true Mhachi descendants.Being cautious as to not accidentally open its contents, the Main Branch Advisor took it, along with the nugget, to the Mythrite Sultan...'''Should the young Lord of unquestionably royal blood choose to effortlessly open the scroll, the contents contained therein are as followed...'''''"His Radiance Lord Thiji Higuri, Mythrite Sultan of the Regalia, Prince of Thavnair, Lord of the Hand & Lord of the Land, Heir of the venerable Higuri Dynasty.''
''I, Queen of Sands, call upon you this day with great urgency and a heavy heart.
''The situation within Hydaelyn's shard "The First" is far more dire than I had initially anticipated.
''My scouts have reported to me that it is not simply just another mirroring realm with that of our own but it is a star drowned in everlasting Light and plagued with Lightborne monstrosities known as "Sin Eaters".
''The Scions of the Seventh Dawn, our dear allies in times of peace and war, have been soul snatched into that wicked realm, unable to escape and at this point in time unwilling to if given the option.
''The First is on a collision course with the Source, our realm. This will bring about a Calamity that will pale the destruction caused by Dalamud and all others before it. It is not merely the absorption of aether, nay, but the entire star's collision into ours.
''The death toll will be upon an unimaginable scale.
''No one is safe.
''No amount of magic - Mhachi, Amdapori, Nymian, Allagan or otherwise - can stop this while on Hydaelyn's surface.
''Everything you know, everyone you love will burn in eternal light unless our best and brightest soldiers are to aid the Scions and the mysterious Warrior of Light in their plight to fight against the coming Ardor.
''I have already sent a veritable army of my greatest Lalafellin Mhachi-trained Archmagi to aid them with the help of an enigmatic man known only as the "Crystal Exarch".
''It was he who reached out and grasped the souls of our friends and compatriots into the First out of an act of desperation. Of equal measure selfish and selfless.
''I simply cannot leave my country within the Sagolii Deep due to the frequent political upheavals and rivaling tribesmen attempting to undermine everything that I and my royal line have bought and fought so vehemently to protect.''But my agents and seneschal shall do their part to keep you appraised of all of the major developments and happenings within the shattered First and to any aid you may so generously be inclined to spare.''You know within your heart of hearts that I had not wished to dare impose so brazenly such a drastic request upon you in your retirement, my Lord, but this concerns all of us.''I pray that this message reaches you swiftly and that I have not aroused your ire in dragging you and your countrymen into war once more."'''~ Lady Chichibi Chibi - Merchant Queen of the Sagolii Deep, Grand Magus of the Order of Mhach, Jewel of the Dunes'''The Mythrite Sultan was at a loss for words. The information his friend provided, though prolific, was nevertheless confused and annoyed him. How did the realm's champions, for all their boasting and bragging, allow such events to occur? If he knew the Desert Queen well (which he does), her alarming tone conveyed in the missive was no mere prank. This meant that if the Calamity were to come to fruition, regardless of his current status, the ''Regalia'' would cease to be.While this prospect was not planned in the slightest, Thiji was playing into the Angels' hands. And after what could perhaps be the heaviest of sighs he has ever heaved in his lifetime, the Mythrite Sultan set out for the Aldenard Branch, looking to glean some answers from any reliable sources...=The Lion, the Lady, and the First=Despite no longer actively adventuring, Thiji was still honing his edge in the various disciplines of the Hand. While he would remain in Eorzea, however, he thought it prudent to find out more information in regards to "The First." His first stop was the abode and headquarters of his favorite Free Company, the Lion Order. Awaiting him outside were none other than the White Lioness, Gwenneth Asamenth, and her entourage.After some light conversation, Gwenneth would take the Mythrite Sultan inside the Lion's Den and hear him voice his concerns over the recent turn of events. After reading the missive he received from Lady Chichibi aloud, Gwenneth confirmed his suspicions: the First and the Source were indeed linked, and the fate of the former would directly impact the latter, either for wale or for woe. This was also when Thiji was informed that the Black Wolf, Gaius van Baelsar, still walks among the realm of the living, which was practically mindblowing to him as he directly participated in Operation: Archon. Gwenneth's answer?''"One thing that I've learned in my life of adventuring: if there's no corpse, then there's always a chance that they're alive."'' And Thiji would hold those words very close to him from now on.His Angels were always willing to fight, but Thiji treasured each and every one of them; it would be entirely of their volition to journey there and aid Gwenneth's expeditionary forces in healing the realm, placing the utmost faith in the Lion Order. Before their discussion could continue, it would be curtailed after an untimely call from her husband regarding their daughter and an apparent sugar rush.After exchanging farewells, his next destination would be the private estate of an old friend and fellow genius of gemcraft: Lady Tahrara of the Kivenera Finery Empire. He had first opened with an apology regarding a previous visit while he was still adventuring, as he was pretofore facing tough times. Though nonetheless elated to see his old friend in good health, he openly expressed the topic of love being rather sensitive for him, and that he should have instead given joy that Lady Rajiji was born. She dismissed the notion and forgave him, knowing that his outlook has changed in a more positive light.''"We were bred, to breed."'' -Tahrara KiveneraSeeking more evidence to Chichibi's premonitions, he inquired about the First and the Source to her, to which she confirmed its veracity by stating that because of the fact that she now has a family, that she and Dyne are refusing the call. Finding a kindred spirit in her, he explained his piece as well, revealing that he's a merchant-lord deep down, despite a good battle getting the blood flowing. One prospect concerned him, however: should he choose to visit the First, how would he go about doing so? Tahrara would then inform him about the Coinach Sons and NOAH, the expeditionary force that delved into the Crystal Tower some time during the Seventh Astral Era's early stages. If the Allagans were involved in all this, then it's definitely possible that multiple variants of the same world can exist. They would then exchange heartfelt farewells before he gave her one of his rare smiles.This knowledge, combined with the information he received from Lady Tahrara regarding the Crystal Tower's connection to the First and the Source, made Thiji wonder: if his love life here was terrbile... would a reversal of fortunes be possible in the First?

=The Mythril Conundrum=
While the Mythrite Sultan was still dubious over the existence of a star and its potential fate in colliding with the Source, he would receive a request from Head Secretary Yuanji to provide a tour of the Mythrite Suites for some new guests. Deciding to take a detour on his way to Aldenard, Thiji arrived in Shirogane to carry out the task, hoping it would take his mind off things. However, he would be met by his Warden of the East, Lior Aras, along with Misstress Felicienne of House Asumiere, the same house from which Navei hails.
They arrived under the pretense of their lord returning, though it was only half true: he made the decision to play a more active role in managing the Regalia with the sudden upsurge in adventuring. After his tour concluded, he confided in them his feelings involving another realm existing. Lior and Felicienne were also skeptical over the matter, and the strange pieces of mythril he presented from his Defense Captain only affirmed their skepticism.Hoping to glean more insight on the matter, the Mythrite Sultan tasked the two with finding any information regarding the strange metal, and if possible, any further clues or hints towards traversing “the First.” Thus did they commence their mission in earnest, and after several turns of the sun, the two would return to Thiji over at the Aldenard Branch to report their findings over dinner (which made a certain Warden overjoyed over the sight of Dodo).As a stroke of luck, Lior and Felicienne were able to converse with a Sharlayan scholar by the name of Amenie who had taken refuge within the Jewel of the Sands, Ul'dah. According to her findings, the ore seemed "otherworldly" and possibly being of voidsent origin, though the latter seemed highly unlikely. They even consulted the Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern, who could only deduce that the nugget was forged from regional ores, masquerading as mythril, and holding considerably puissant magical properties. Though that was all the information they could gather, they were told to reconvene with the scholar after a day's time, and during this interim, Thiji would inform his Angels of the situation.The following evening (7/16/2019) they would be summoned to the Arrzaneth Ossuary, where they would be met by the selfsame scholar Thiji's Wardens befriended, though accompanied by two individuals by the names of Kelden Uchikane and Nako Vesh. While they were at first apprehensive over their first impressions of Thiji being a Monetarist, he and his Wardens assured them that he is one of the "good" nobles, utilizing his wealth for the good and well-being of others (thanks in no small part to a monologue from Lior). Once done so, Amenie had surmised that an anomaly she analyzed in Mor Dhona correlated with the strange ore that she was given, and thus accompanied them to Revanent's Toll to further investigate.Being no stranger to treacherous terrain, especially that of Mor Dhona, Thiji eagerly accepted, and they would proceed posthaste. Wasting no time, they set out eastward towards the Singing Shards, and the Saint Coinach's Find. After another brief analysis, Amenie cross-referenced it with her previous findings and confirmed that she had witnessed the same anomaly in the foreign Mythril some years ago, when the Students of Baldesion focused their efforts towards unlocking the Crystal Tower's secrets. Hoping to gain more leads, the team engaged in conversation with the Sons, hoping to convince them to gain entry into the tower grounds. Regardless of his previous experiences with the Sons, Thiji and Felicienne's efforts bore little fruit as they were politely declined by Rammbroes, the excavation team's leader. They would then turn to Amenie, who, despite her apparent past altercations, was able to express her passion in pursuing knowledge. They were promised admission so long as they would aid towards maintaining the welfare of the camp.Now making some headway in their investigation, Lord Thiji retreated to his Aldenard Branch Headquarters to plan his next move as Felicienne stayed behind.=The Solitary Noble: Redux=While the Sharlayan scholar and her associates commenced with their efforts in Saint Coinach's Find, the Mythrite Sultan decided to get some fresh air. This would be all well and good... were it not for the fact that Thiji was still retired. The Angels did not mind too much as they knew their lod was capable of taking care of themselves, but the occurrence struck them nothing short of odd. Astride his chocobo, Glacius, he went off to the "site where his dream died." This cryptic message was the only lead his Angels had, and Susuna Suna took it upon herself to spread the news.Keeping their new friends abreast of recent events, the Treasurer caught Amenie in the middle of Idyllshire, where she informed her of their Sultan's disappearance. While he was gone for about a day's time at this point, Susuna reassured her that it wasn't any real emergency. The unraveling of the mysterious mythril took precedence as they knew the Mythrite Sultan was not in any true danger.The following morning (7/22/2019) Himmeya Twelvefist was on shift at the Othard Branch Headquarters. It was there she ran into Sonalice Aida, a voluptuous yet unusual Hyuran woman with ties to Lord Thiji. She has had several encounters with the Regalia's finest throughout her time in the Far East. Her mannerisms and demeanor gave off the impression that she was definitely foreign from this world. Himmeya was more than happy to explain to their honored guest about Eorzea and the surrounding environs, and even shared her backstory with the Mythrite Sultan in hopes that it would help her find him.Himmeya deducted that Thiji was somewhere around the Fringes in Gyr Abania since that was where she noticed his change in behavior after their mission to rout the Qalyana. She explained to Sonalice about the primal they revere, and how her powers made Lakshmi seem no better than a succubus. Now wanting nothing more than to be by his side, Sonalice hurried to Eorzea to find him.Some time later that day, she would find Lord Thiji on one of the many hilltops in the Fringes, where he was overlooking the Qalyana stronghold of Djanan Qhat, or "Mother's Bed" in the Ananta's language. Surprised at first, the Mythrite Sultan questioned Sonalice's interest. It turned out, however, that the Elezen truly cared for Thiji's well-being, and lent him her ear. Due to this connection she seemingly had with him, he would divulge his story in vivid detail.He told her of the play that had enchanted him, and his dream of becoming a Sorceress' Knight; of what truly happened in the First Altar of Djanan Qhat. He explained how his now ex-wife faded from existence due to her own avarice, and how it resulted in the death of not only herself, but of their unborn child '''([[ThijiHiguri#Spire-less|Spire-Less]] & [[ThijiHiguri#TheEndofADream|The End of A Dream]])'''. While this was barely the tip of the iceberg, Sonalice was already beginning to well up with tears. Yet he continued his story, and explained to her the Echo, and how it can resist primal tempering, and his rage-fueled battle against the Lady of Bliss.After he gave her the full rundown, she felt terrible. Sonalice, based on her own memories, thought that this Thiji was the same as the one she knew from another shard, and tried to tantalize him, not knowing of this Lalafell's horrible love life. Now that she knew the truth behind this "grumpy lost child" ''(as she was wont to call him)'', her resolve was strengthened, and wanted to do whatever she could to help him get through his malaise.With her show of empathy (and after shooing away a nosy adventurer), there was no doubt left in Thiji's mind. He offered Sonalice to directly serve the ''Regalia'' as an Angel, to which she eagerly accepted. She even became another model for the Regalia, giving Isja a potential rival.''"I hear competition always tends to bring out the best in people." -Thiji, to Sonalice.''About three days later, Thiji would visit Lyriah Karnelle over in Mist to see how she was faring. She invited him inside for tea, and explained his mythril situation with Lyriah, who enthusiastically offered her services to aid in the expedition should the time come. Unexpectedly, Lior Aras also arrived at the scene, partaking of the Ul'dahn Dragoon's many sandwiches. The Mythrite Sultan shared the same story he gave Sonalice to the two, and while Lyriah empathized with him, Lior's reception was different. In his time spent as a gladiator on the Bloodsands he learned a great many things about battle, and (through silly battle-related analogies) correlated his experience with his "battle against love." Eventually, Lyriah would provide further insight on the matter and suggested that Thiji announce his seeking of a worthy Sultana.While dubious at first over the whole idea, Thiji would nonetheless welcome the thought, but did not shirk the potential challenge it may pose. While mere speeches and guest appearances were of no issue, public declaration of his marital status was definitely something one would consider daring. As he would spend the remainder of that eve mulling it over, his honorary Angel allowed him to stay in her room for the night, which he gladly accepted, welcoming a new change of scenery from his Mhachi coffin.=Opulent Openings=
Now on the verge of pinpointing the source of the strange mythril’s origin, the Mythrite Sultan decided to shift his focus. The Mythrite Suites Hotel, the Othard Branch Headquarters located within Hingashi’s residential district, has spent a lot of time in isolation, mainly due to its distance from Eorzea. Another obstacle the Regalia needed to overcome.
With the assistance of an intrepid Thavnairian noble, the Viera known as Jaanavar Vakta was moved by the Regalia’s efforts and offered her services to help put the Regalia on the map in a more active sense. Bestowed the mantle of Coordinator by Thiji, Jaanavar went through great pains in remodeling the Mythrite Suites, from the Nichibotsu to the very guest rooms. With a hookah lounge, onsen, and bar to boot, the new and improved Othard Branch Headquarters was now prepared for a grand opening, with the Head Secretaries and Shiro assisting in advertisement.On the 4th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon (8/4/2019), the Mythrite Suites opened its doors to the public, and its turnout was much better than the Mythrite Sultan anticipated. From old faces such as Master Lavan Calernaan of the Lion Order, Biri Biri & Pojo Saitou of the Lalafell Parade, Rising Star Tu’shasha Tusha, Liara Lia of the Luna Rose Academy, and even Amenie and her accomplices – to new faces such as Echoing Steel and his fiancée, Pepeko Peko, Playful Blossom, and Fjolnir Drakensbane of the Black Lily – the Regalia’s Opening Night (As it was to be named) was a resounding success; the patrons were satisfied; the performances were spectacular, and the food was amazing.Another beauty showed itself amidst the crowd: a verdant Plainsfolk lady by the name of Oolala Oola, hailing from the Cieldalaes. She and her flowery family were privy to the realm of high fashion, and sought to offer her expertise and wisdom to the Regalia’s efforts. Though perhaps she could mean something more to Lord Thiji…

=Blessed By the Moon=On the 17th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon (8/17/2019), the Mythrite Suites opened its doors once more for the Moonfire Masquerade Ball, and its turnout was much better than the opening night a sennight ago. With a ballroom added to the hotel, and more exquisite performances, another successful eve was under the Regalia's belt. Some exposure of the Eikon Collection was even given as well, allowing the Mythrite Sultan's fashion genius to be known further. After the hotel had closed for the eve, and some pleasantries with Kitten and Sonalice, Thiji paid another old friend a visit: Moonshade Butterfly, the unique Dunesfolk woman with a fine proclivity for Arcanima.Within the Lavender Beds' shaded boughs did they meet, and it was here that the Mythrite Sultan offered his ally the opportunity of becoming an honorary Angel of the Regalia, praising Lady Moonshade for her unique looks and name, as well as their shared tastes. Afterwards, however, the lovely Dunesfolk woman would present an offer of her own to the Mythrite Sultan, asking to accompany her on her adventures to another world, as she claims to have met someone "handsome and gentlemanly" as he, yet he wore a strange helmet.''"Dwarves, they were called there." -Moonshade Butterfly''This undoubtedly caught Thiji's attention as he immediately explained his "mythril conundrum" to her, to which she surmised that it originated from that same world. Wanting for more information, he pressed the question of how she possessed the means to even traverse other realms in the first place, to which she replied that a "voice" compelled her to the Crystal Tower, and upon laying her hands on a relic, she felt herself being thrust into an entirely different world, to which she replied that it is the same method of travel most adventurers take - teleportation via aetheryte, which entails safe transport to that plane of existence and theirs.The strange mythril; the Mhachi missive; the Crystal Tower, and the strange voice... Thiji now had all the evidence and knowledge he needed and correlated it with the strange mythril: This ore is from the First, and it was refined by Dwarven hands. Now knowing that a Dwarven version of himself exists, Thiji would now most readily equipped to make the journey there, tempted by the new ideas and styles of the First that would more than stoke the fires of his fashion acumen. But for now, his machinations keep him in the Source, a massive burden lifted from that chance encounter with his new honorary Angel.=The Next Act=
Now well into his retirement from adventuring, the Mythrite Sultan himself was highly pleased over the reception of his Power in Beauty Catalogue’s Eikon Collection. The Higuri Regalia was well on its way at becoming a titan of fashion – more than just a gemcraft and textile empire. After some… coercion from his lovable army of assassin-maidservants (more commonly known as his Angels), Lord Thiji Higuri has taken a more active role in the overseeing of his business amidst his retirement.
Resting in the Aldenard Branch Headquarters after a calm bath, the Mythrite Sultan would contemplate within the confines of his Mhachi coffin. As he closed his eyes, he dreamed. He saw himself in the most lavish parties and galas, with people the realm over clothed in the very attire of the PiB Catalogue. Partygoers looked on and exchanged hushed whispers, praising the Lalafellin noble for his fashion acumen and most refined of tastes.Plays were even made in his honor, which flattered him to such a degree that he was nothing short of embarrassed. But it was during this juncture that he recognized the actors on stage: they bore a striking resemblance to the Majestic Imperial Theater Company of the Prima Vista, the massive airship which housed the selfsame group as they traveled the realm, bringing the magic of theater to the masses. Their biggest and most ambitious of plays was the Zodiac Brave Story, detailing the events of ancient Ivalice which led to the War of the Lions, and Delita Heiral’s rise to power.This caused the Mythrite Sultan to stir from his mid-afternoon slumber, rising from his bed to rush over to his desk, searching over the tomes he had kept since his first journey to Eorzea. And there it was: the tales of the valiant heroes of Thavnairian legend who saved the realm from utter destruction – the tales of ''his'' people.Then, after another perusal, he would find an old codex he had not used since before the Dragonsong War – the Last Resort. ''A Zodiac Weapon''. Its vast aetherial reserves and esoteric techniques were responsible for many of Nym’s victories during its time. And it was this very same codex that the Nymian hero, Golbas Rombas, saved his people from the Sixth Umbral Calamity of Water. The only piece of the puzzle was how to go about bringing his vision to fruition…From outside his chambers, Bimala & Ekanta, his Ananta maidservants, and Isja had their ears against the wall, feverishly awaiting their lord’s discovery since he sprung from his nap. All they heard from beyond the wall was one word:''"Atma..."''The Mythrite Sultan, with his path now set, was ready to commence the next milestone of his Magnum Opus – a section that will combine the beauty of the Near East with the glorious Zodiac Braves of Ivalician and Thavnairian legend. The time has come for the battlefields of fashion to be seized yet again.=Kikki Ornhjelm of Lepus=Much like the Eikon Collection, the PiB Catalogue had received great praise and adoration yet again with the rise of the Lucavi Assembly. After the conclusion of the Seventh Rising (9/21/2019), he would be met by Lyriah Karnelle, who had questioned the Mythrite Sultan about the arrival of a certain girl, to which Thiji was still oblivious. Further pressing the subject, she realized that he was never informed of such information, and that Amenie and her allies have not spoken with him in over a moon's time. This infuriated the Angel, as their charge was left exclusively in the care of Lior Aras and his companion Stanvise Aseohsch, who were to escort this woman safely to the Regalia.After about a quarter-bell's time waiting, he would meet his Warden of the West, who had apologized for his tardiness by stating that he discovered some hidden knowledge in regards to his heritage, to which Thiji believed he received from a bad fortune cookie. After a while, their charge would make her grand entrance alongside the Hrothgar - a Viera of dark skin and whitish-grey hair and clothing. She introduced herself as Kikki Ornhjelm of Lepus.She had somehow arrived upon the Source when Lyriah, Amenie, and the rest of their expedition team (somehow) engaged some Garlean insurgents attempting to reconnoiter the Syrcus Tower. The resulting conflict culminated with the opening of a strange portal from which Kikki was seemingly ejected. With this knowledge, Thiji quickly inquired about their investigation regarding the strange mythril, and his Dwarven counterparts. They all rang true in the ears of the Viis Princess - the First's equivalent of Viera - which gave the Mythrite Sultan a great deal of relief. As a token of thanks, he offered her a spot amongst the fashion elite by having Kikki contribute to the Lucavi Assembly as one of its twelve models.Originally given the suggestion to seek shelter within the Regalia, the Mythrite Sultan instead presented the counteroffer of exploring Eorzea and beyond with her newfound companions, so that she may have some knowledge and skills of her own to utilize when she makes her trip back. And while it may not have truly been of great concern to Princess Kikki, Thiji asked if his Dwarven self had a significant other. Unfortunately, this also came as true in her ears, which gave Thiji much dismay. She noticed his change in demeanor, but was no less grateful of the kindness and hospitality she had received thus far, promising to return should she have need.=Second Starlight=As a significant amount of time has passed since Princess Kikki and Lord Thiji's first meeting (12/21/2019 since this post was made), she was given plenty of time to explore and take in the sights and sounds of the Source. He had considered aiding the Ishgardians in their restoration efforts in the Firmament, but Thiji did not see the point as he felt he would be better suited to aesthetics instead of construction. While he was grateful for them to open their gates to adventurers during the Dragonsong War's resurgence, the Mythrite Sultan aimed to better the realm with high fashion, as opposed to repairing a single city-state that endured ''a literal millenium of war.'' After some well-deserved rest from his latest fashion efforts, the Mythrite Sultan formally asked the Viis princess to a date in honor of the Starlight Festival. She happily accepted, and the two would meet within the twilight boughs of Gridania.Being from a region in the First whose locale was notably arid, the look and feel of snow was alien to Kikki, much to Thiji's shock. Regardless, the two enjoyed a nice conversation by Westshore Pier; he had informed Princess Kikki about his Angels, its formation, and their purpose in the ''Regalia'', as well as how he had dated a Moon Keeper by the name of Zeiyth Iyerah ([[Thiji_Higuri#First Starlight|First Starlight]]) during this same event, and how his journies and experiences as an adventurer led him to the man he is today. This revelation made Kikki resolved to help find Thiji's Sultana, to which he cordially invited her to try.With the memories she's made, and the ones she wishes to make during her time in the Source, Kikki will use this knowledge to better herself and her people when and if she returns to the First, but her enjoyment in a new realm inspired her to find a way to more comfortably traverse the dimensions. Basking in the beauty and glory of winter was a memory she will cherish.The week following his date with the Viis noble, the Mythrite Sultan would meet with Lyriah Karnelle, his first honorary Angel, in the port town of Kugane. The Dragoon wanted to learn more about the Mythrite Sultan, and he gladly accepted, pointing out that she was the first to care enough about him to inquire such. As they toured the city, Thiji regaled Lyriah with the history behind Thavnair, its situation in the Bounty, and of Radz-at-Han, the city-state and capital of The Bounty's largest landmass. He also informed her of his upbringing: how his father Fafastima passed down the Soul of the Sultan to him, and how Mimizo - The ''Valide Sultan'' of the Regalia - taught him in the ways of courtship and good etiquette.As his history lesson continued, Lyriah became increasingly surprised at the revelation of the non-aggression pact that was formed between Thavnair and Garlemald, giving the Regalia as much room as it desired to flourish and prosper without fear of incursion. As their date culminated at the Tasogare Bridge, Thiji further spoke of the primary reason as to why he works in such an assiduous manner: the desire to be remembered. Their poor love lives are the main thing the two of them share, and it is because of this fact that Thiji is closest to her than any of his other honorary Angels. Lyriah had even wondered if she should continue fighting until the day she meets her end, or finally settle down and adopt a child who has suffered much and more from the effects of war. While he could not answer that for her, Lyriah was assured knowing that she can pass on to the afterlife with no regrets if she is not forgotten - which is doubly so for the Mythrite Sultan, since being a noble further adds on the pressure of obtaining an heir to secure his bloodline. While he would have enjoyed having a ''direct'' descendant, he is content with his younger brother and Umimi doing the job for him.Thankful for the wonderful memories Kikki had made together with Thiji thus far, coupled with the heart-to-heart with Lyriah, the year was coming to an end. He would exchange farewells to them as the Mythrite Sultan informed them of his latest goal as their dates drew to a conclusion: his third clothing line.This time challenging himself, this line may be his most ambitious one yet, and for this, he will require an expedition to a place once forgotten by most sky pirates and adventurers alike:''The Diadem.''

=Rebirth of a Tradition=As the Mythrite Sultan's latest fashion efforts proceeded apace while preparing for his expedition to the heavens, he had received information from his Angels in the Aldenard Branch, who had successfully foiled a ploy by the Alacran to secure the Thorne Dynasty's treasury. Relayed by the Head Secretaries to Advisor Veeveena, Thiji was informed that the Little Ladies' Day festivities were returning to Eorzea (3/2/2020). The news that followed, however, would bring some hope back to the Mythrite Sultan's eyes:''"Little Ladies’ Day has returned, and the Songbirds have abdicated the stage this year." -Veeveena Veena''The implications of a Little Ladies' Day returning to normal was practically the greatest news he received in winters. A brief exchange of words roused the Mythrite Sultan to recover from his malaise and re-embrace his family tradition, but in his own special way. To blend his family's ancient ways with that of the Regalia's tenents, he would serve as the seneschal to the many women of Eorzea.Dubbing this event the "Princesses' Gathering", Thiji catered to Princesses from all around Eorzea and beyond, flocking to the Othard Branch Headquarters to partake in the icy blue splendor of the Mythrite Sultan-turned-Seneschal. With Angel Kitten serving as greeter, Wardens Navei and Lior keeping security, along with his enigmatic Guard Captain "Fantasia", the Princesses' Gathering would proceed smoothly and seamlessly. Though some requests were more unorthodox than others (some Princesses even desiring a kiss from Thiji, and others looking for ''suitors'', to name a few), Thiji fulfilled each and every last one with utmost efficiency and humility - the ideal seneschal. Old friends such as Pojosama Saitou and Tu'shasha Tusha even made their appearance to enjoy the festivities as well.In a most unexpected turn, there were ''men'' dressed as women, even. Being the good sport that he is, the Mythrite Sultan humored them as they made the long trek eastward. To culminate the event, the Angel Sonalice Aida absconded a rather passionate kiss from Thiji. Needless to say, it was rather enjoyable for ''both'' parties. However, all good things come to an end, and with the last of the festivities winding down, Thiji's time as seneschal was over, and his agenda continued apace.But those hearts he's touched and lives he's changed will surely not forget the hospitality and generosity of the Regalia anytime soon. Of that, he was certain.=Breaking the Vapidity=Countless suns spent toiling away at his latest fashion project was beginning to introduce some monotony in the Mythrite Sultan. With the Head Secretaries all working towards the next Largesse with their respective teams, the young merchant-lord needed a way to break the tedium. There had been numerous whispers and talks about a sport played underwater known as Blitzball, which struck Lord Thiji as odd at first. Having nothing to lose from humoring this, he deducted that viewing such an event would be a distraction - pleasant or otherwise - from his work. He summoned Lyriah Karnelle for a second date, and they made for the Ruby Sea to catch the Menphina Madness Tournament's Semi-finals.A few exchanges of idle banter later, they arrived at the ''Rasen Kaikyo'', where they dove underwater to the Anemone Sea Gardens. A crowd was already starting to gather, as the two began taking in the sights and sounds of the deep. What first caught the Mythrite Sultan's eye was the several groups of people strewn about the stadium; they were color-coded. These were no doubt the various teams representing their nation in the Blitzball League (which still shocked the merchant-lord that one ever existed).Ala Mhigo, Gridania, even ''Garlemald and Ivalice'' were present, and numerous people were gathering by the minute. Still skeptical over how they would even authorize such an event, Thiji sat by with Lyriah until that evening's match began (5/15/2020): a "Second Chance" grudge match between Ala Mhigo's Thunder Coeurls and the Gridania Sea Chocobos. The residing official was a Lalafellin slumlord on a flying chair by the name of Don Coconero, who seemed to have been enjoying himself with his embellished speeches and introductions. What ''truly'' shocked the Mythrite Sultan was who was in the Thunder Coeurls' team: M'zhet Tia, the bumbling Miqo'te youth of the M Tribe that makes their home in Gyr Abania. Noting how much of a grand tale this would be to tell to his Angels - Bimala & Ekanta, especially - he would continue humoring this escapade to its end.And thus the match began.=The Autumn War Rematch=Following some rather inspiring words from the Don (and some rather interesting music choices), the Blitzball was thrown and the match began. Thiji analyzed the events unfolding from within the stadium, getting a rudimentary understanding of the game and how it is played. A large sphere was made prior to the game's commencement which made the arena of play, answering his previous question of how such a game could be played in open water.The battle seemed to be rather heated, with the Sea Chocobos' goalie, Scorpius Tacita, repeatedly chanting: "DEATH!" to their opposition, earning the ridicule of several members in the crowd (namely the Garlemald Salt Barons). Lyriah was beginning to grow antsy, cursing the fact that she had not brought her lance. Humoring her, Thiji took from Glacius' saddlebag some materials and crafted one utilizing High Mythrite, as a "just in case" measure. Considering the animosity between both nations, it made a bit more sense as to why tensions were so high between them, though whether their actions were justified was still up for discussion. The Sea Chocobos and Thunder Couerls put up valiant efforts, and the onset of tackling and actual ''fisticuffs'' intrigued the Mythrite Sultan. Actual combat in an underwater sport; who knew?Eventually the Gridanians would score a goal on the Thunder Coeurls, which came as no big surprise to Thiji considering who their goalie was (M'zhet). Whether he had more delusions of grandeur, something to prove, or an otherwise "genius idea", the Tia of the M Tribe had devised a way to turn things around for his team. ''The Mythrite Sultan could only watch with feverish anticipation.''His first time with the ball, he attempted to shoot it towards the opposing team's goal, which ended in drastic failure. Lyriah was showing some signs of excitement for this game, even inquiring as to which team Lord Thiji rooted for. His answer?''"Lady Lyriah, I'm a merchant-lord, not a cheerleader."''Further attempting to "stand out" as the time began winding down, M'zhet had decided to utilize ''his own face'' to block the ball. It was... successful, but it easily earned some of the Hannish merchant-lord's venom. Regardless, the battle ended, and with a final score of 1 to 0, the Gridania Sea Chocobos claimed victory over their archnemeses.Greatly entertained, the Mythrite Sultan waited until the celebrations died down and approached the victors of the eve. After some polite words with the team's goalie, he sought out their Captain, [[Aedwen Tyrer]]. Ever prepared, Lord Thiji presented two large bags, each containing one million gil, to the winning players. He recalled hearing amidst Don Coconero's embellishments that the Sea Chocobos were the least financially stable of the entire league, and sought to alleviate that somewhat. Their reactions were nothing short of priceless, which Lyriah later pointed out. Among their team's roster was Tala Kava, a dancer born in Thavnair with relations to a merchant princess from the same nation. Accepting the earnings with gratitude, Captain Aedwen ordered her team to bow to the Hannish merchant-lord and fashion nabob, while also providing them copies of the PiB Catalogue.An entertaining evening was had by all, and Lord Thiji and Lyriah left the stadium with no regrets. Now all that remained was to spin the yarn of what would be known as "The Autumn War Rematch" to his Angels and associates...=Doors Open to A New Stage=
A week had passed since the Autumn War rematch. After the closing ceremonies on the evening prior (And a failed attempt by Lyriah and Sonalice at getting Thiji to dance), the finals match of the Menphina Madness season took place on the 16th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon (5/16). With Sonalice in tow, the Mythrite Sultan made the trek to the Ruby Sea to witness the battle between the Ivalice High Seraphs and the Gridania Sea Chocobos. Much drama and aplomb was had as both teams fought viciously as the match began, with the players from the other teams in the league filling the stadium - a full house.
Somewhere into the battle, Lord Thiji was slowly getting into the spirit of competition. He had thrown his own share of jeers at the opposing team as the Sea Chocobos expertly maneuvered through their monologues and caped costumes. Eventually he had even begun to mimic the sounds a Chocobo makes, which delighted Sonalice greatly. The sheer sight of combat only compounded that jubilation. Among the High Seraphs' roster were individuals dressed as key figures of the Zodiac Brave Story... and a Behemoth-looking Hrothgar.There were numerous embellishments by Don Coconero who was officiating the entire event - some silly; some questionable. The players were even ''reading lines from a script in the middle of the match.'' It truly was Madness with a capital "M". Once the grueling battle had ended, the Gridania Sea Chocobos came out on top with a final score of 3-1, solidifying their second championship in the Hydaelyn Blitzball Association.Elated by this, the Mythrite Sultan covered the expenses for Blitzball souvenirs for the entire stadium, which everyone could not help but oblige. The Higuri Regalia became the official sponsors of the Gridania Sea Chocobos the evening prior, but with this championship victory, Lord Thiji was more than pleased. This would undoubtedly make things a lot less dull, finally finding some enjoyment in his life as a retired adventurer. With the Regalia's foot in the door, their future seemed to be all the better as they not only helmed the realm of fashion, but now had a professional team for which to provide, with the Mythrite Sultan even entertaining the thought of enlisting a Thavnair team. But that may not be for a long while.

=An Opulent Return=After numerous moons gathering resources, the Regalia hosted its third Largesse on the week of the 2nd Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (6/2/2020). A much greater turnout was had this time around, with wanderers from different worlds even flocking over to the Aldenard Branch Headquarters to partake in the week-long festivities. One of the patrons who stood out from the rest was a rare sight to behold: An Ul'dahn philanthropist by the name of Zezeriku, of House Dede. He headed the Dederiku Tradeworks, a company with similarities to that of the Regalia's, and was one of the few who attended all five days leading up to the raffle.However, the Mythrite Sultan would not rest for too long. Following the Largesse's conclusion, he would receive a visit from his cousin, Celuwen. She stole into the dead of night to seek out the Regalia to bring news most terrible. Sesena then relayed this over to her sisters and the Ananta twins before finally disclosing it to their lord:''“…The Valide Ssultan has been captured.”'' -BimalaUpon hearing those words, Thiji sprung from his bed and called for them to ready his weapons before uttering a phrase on the linkpearl...'''“O dearest Angels, from flowers born, bear unto this realm your thorns.”'''This statement roused a fire in the hearts of every Angel who answered it, and Thiji, who had not been adventuring for quite some time, was still more than ready to face combat yet again. After plotting their rescue efforts they dubbed "Operation: Mythril Waves", they set out towards the Bounty, where they last heard of the Valide Sultan's whereabouts. The Bounty Brigands, the pirate gang responsible for the kidnapping, was led by a Roegadyn by the name of Gracious Coeurl. Apparently they captured her on that same week that the Largesse took place, and were bound for Uznair to stow her away in return for an extortionate ransom.They would not get that chance, however. Before too long, they would bear the might of Thiji's Angels, utilizing their new vessels - the airship ''Mamai's Vigil'', and the submersible, ''Jaanavar's Vision'' - to intercept them before they would even have Uznair in their sights. A massive battle broke out on the outskirts of the Sea of Jade, malms away from the Sirensong Sea. Their plan consisted of using
Isja, Sonalice, and Playful Blossom to lure the other half of their fleet. Meanwhile, Himmeya and Lord Rhaegos - who had returned from a long stint in the Azim Steppe - stowed in the lower decks and disabled the cannoneers on the ships supporting the second flagship - the ''Blissful Bosom.'' At that same time the main host arrived to attack the main ship which held the Valide Sultan - the ''Gilded Blade''.
After a frightening display of skill and power, the Bounty Brigands found themselves overpowered and outmatched, and Lord Thiji's mastery over Blissful Aether only sealed their fate. Another Lalafell was on board, serving as the captive's escort. This eventually turned out to be Lord Fafastima, Thiji's father, and the Valide Sultan was none other than Lady Mimizo, his wife, and mother of Thiji. This event also revealed that she was an exceptional combatant, using her own specialized bladed fans which Veeveena acquired from the Main Branch. Beating Gracious Coeurl to an inch of his life, the day was finally won, and the Bounty Brigands surrendered.Fafastima and Mimizo expressed their gratitude to their son and the Angels for their timely arrival before disclosing to them that this kidnapping was staged; Mimizo allowed herself to be captured so that herself and her husband would undermine their plans to seize their fleet and annex them into the Regalia by means of establishing a merchant guild. At that same time, Thiji explained to his Angels not born of the Near East about the secret truth of Thavnairian society: Radz-at-Han is a pirate haven, and its ruling body consists of noble houses, leading to the conclusion that Thiji's family, along with Sesena's sisters and Lelena's sisters, are pirates, which justifies their impressive seafaring ability.An even ''more'' shocking prospect is that there are more heirs to the Higuri Clan than originally imagined. Fafastima and Mimizo did not want the full burden of securing their line to Thiji and Horu, so they ensured its survival by producing ''at least'' six (based on the names Mimizo gave). The Angels were astonished over how well Mimizo was able to keep her form and vigor as a result. The Mythrite Sultan returned home, preparing to unveil his latest fashion project.Disbanding the Bounty Brigands, Lord Fafastima converted them and their remaining fleet into the Mythril Wavetraders, a merchant guild within the Regalia that would serve as their extension through Hydaelyn's waters. The surviving pirates went under their employ, with Gracious Coeurl becoming Lord Fafastima's First Mate. With this, the Regalia maintained its golden age of power, beauty, and profit.=Festivals and Frivolities=The realm of fashion now conquered a third time, the Mythrite Sultan took this lull to work towards his next big breakthrough. He would find his coming days dull, however, so he had decided to see the sights and participate in a few adventures with his Angels and companions.The Garlean Cultural Festival that occurred on the 1st Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon (8/1/2020) was an interesting turn on Garlemald's part. Numerous representatives from the Ilsabardian nation set up shop in the neutral port city of Kugane, where numerous vendors, lectures, and peculiar performances took place. Lord Thiji, accompanied by Lord Rhaegos, Sonalice, and their associates, decided to partake in the festival. It was quite the experience as they showcased a unique play known as "Sword Princess Zenos", with some elements thereof leaving the Mythrite Sultan questioning the characters' abilities. A surprise appearance from the North Wind was also made apparent, though Thiji was called back home to tend to a meeting, and was thus unable to attend.A sennight later he had co-hosted with the Bandee Pakshee and the Enchanted Lotus to celebrate Raksha Bandhan, a Thavnairian festival of familial protection and bonding. Lord Thiji supplied the ''rakhi'', or bracelets, which symbolized the bonding of brother and sister. After their partnership had withstood the test of time, the Mythrite Sultan graciously welcomed Andromeda Laruzedah into his family, proudly wearing her barley shoot over his ear, in exchange for a pure turquoise, a gem symbolizing protection. While the gathering was not as large as one might expect, it was a pleasant and relaxing time, with many people enjoying food, drink, and merriment within the Pakshee.Lastly, in an effort to better herself and the Regalia, Lilina Lina, the curious and wide-eyed Special Events Coordinator, wanted to learn the ways of the Summoner. Thiji was more than willing to teach her, with her chosen primal being Susanoo, Lord of the Revel. This would involve a concerted attack on the Isle of Zekki, with Rhaegos leading the charge. Shiro had also made an appearance, ensuring that the Red Kojin were sufficiently distracted from the treasure vault. With Thiji and Lilina making it to the Pool of Tribute, he performed the Austerities of Revelry, calling forth a portion of Susanoo's power. Inveitably, a battle broke out between the Egi and Lilina, with her trusted Carbuncle. She had valiantly withstood the assault, but found herself immobilized in a stone prison, which alerted Thiji to rescue her. In the nick of time, however, her older sisters Lelena and Luluma came to her aid, freeing Lilina from her predicament and utilizing their teamwork to strike down the Egi. Once vanquished, its energies merged with Lilina's, as well as the soul crystal she had obtained prior to arriving in the Isle, using her newly-acquired Reveler's Trance to convince the Red Kojin to stand down and let the Regalia pass, solidifying her place amongst the Summoner hierarchy as the first Master of Revelry.=Third Starlight=
The Starlight Festival arrives once more to Eorzea (12/14/2020). The time had come once again for Father Frost to bless the realm with snow and merriment. The Mythrite Sultan kept himself busy following the Diwali festival a moon ago, custom-making wedding ensembles for two of the Bandee Pakshee’s members: Ritz Morningway, a Viera of the Golmore Jungle, and Doyi Mol, an Au Ra of the Azim Steppe.
After an exciting Starlight Joust and Frostfaire which both took place on the nineteenth Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon (12/19), he was visited by the Viis Princess Kikki Ornhjelm once more. However, she was not in her usual form this time. She had transformed into a Lalafell somehow through a “glamour potion” she and her bodyguard had purchased from a merchant, much to Lord Thiji’s incredulity.After a lovely exchange of words, the Princess offered to repay the hospitality and kindness he and the Regalia had provided for her. Lord Thiji pointed out that he was still working towards his latest fashion breakthrough, to which Kikki immediately chimed in to lend a hand. Prior to her sudden arrival to the Source, she kept several satchels of her own riches close by so that she would be able to aid the less fortunate – as she intended to do in the First. With these gems and jewelry unique to that realm, she would provide the catalyst towards the PiB Catalogue’s next clothing line. The Mythrite Sultan aimed to return the favor by recreating attire from her realm, difficult though it may be.Though no challenge of the fashion realm was too great for the Mythrite Sultan. And since Princess Kikki knows of Thiji’s Dwarven counterpart in the First, he may be closer towards a breakthrough than he believes…=A Catalyst from Stasis=Sometime following the visit with the Viis Princess (2/6/2021), an unexpected turn of events had occurred. From Mor Dhona, an unknown shipment of crates marked for a “Lady Moonshade” had emerged. After being contacted by the nearby authorities (which were essentially just seasoned adventurers), the honorary Angel took note of them, immediately knowing the one responsible for the delivery upon receiving the note, which came from someone known as Thijitt.Escorting it all the way to Vesper Bay, the large shipment was picked up by the Mythril Wavetraders, who safely brought the goods over to Radz-at-Han, where the Higuri Regalia’s Main Branch headquarters resided. Susuna Suna, with her wealth amassed as Treasurer, opened up her brain-child that is the Servants’ Lounge, an exclusive “club” within the Regalia for her fellow Angels and employees to rest and relax after a long day’s work. Summoned by her sisters, they met up with Lord Thiji and his parents, along with Veeveena Veena, who saw the goods being delivered to their doorstep. Finally opening the contents, it was revealed to be an abundance of ice crystal formations infused with Light energy. This phenomenon baffled all but the Mythrite Sultan, whose extensive knowledge on aether and the elements allowed him to provide an epexegesis.He stated to everyone that aether works in a variety of ways, though the laws are perceived differently in the realm from where the crystals originated: Astral and Umbral are the fundamental states known in the Source. In the First, they are translated to Light and Darkness. Since Astral and Umbral are synonymous to activity and stasis in their realm, the contrary must exist in the First, which is how the Light energy is stored in the ice clusters.With this revelation, combined with the premonitions originally given by the Sagolii Queen, Thiji has finally achieved the breakthrough he was looking for; his fourth clothing line will marry the Source’s styles with that of the First’s, thanks to the advice given from Princess Kikki.

=The Autumn War Rematch: Redux: The Reckoning=The time had finally come for the grand unveiling of the Higuri Regalia’s latest clothing line: The Blessed Wardrobe – a line dedicated to the powerful creatures of primordial Light energy from the First. Meanwhile, from the onset of a rather heated “Rock the Boat” performance by the various teams of the Hydaelyn Blitzball Association (4/10/21), tensions rose to a fever pitch for the Regalia’s sponsored Sea Chocobos, whose adversaries were itching for a shot at them.At a stadium owned by Silvergrace Academy within the Lavender Beds, the Menphina Madness season resumed in full force. This marked the third day of the tournament, and the pair of matches held that eve (4/21/21) were explosive, to say the least. The Ishgard Heavensguard had eked out a last-second goal against the Ivalice High Seraphs – a defeat which disheartened the Mythrite Sultan somewhat due to his good relations with the Ivalice Theater Company.A long-awaited grudge match between the Sea Chocobos and the newly-dubbed Ala Mhigo Royal Griffons is what followed, and Gridania’s new captain was an Ala Mhigan native and faithful by the name of Agni Isolde, who seemed hell-bent on converting her new team fully under Ala Mhigo’s banner. Regardless, a bloody conflict erupted between the two nations’ finest in an event that would be dubbed, “The Autumn War Rematch: Redux: The Reckoning”. Living up well to their championship status, the Sea Chocobos put up an aggressive defense, though the Royal Griffons boasted their own formidable strength, immobilizing or outright shutting down their adversaries. While the Mythrite Sultan was not present, he was kept abreast of the situation through Susuna’s network of attendants. Whether it was through the will of the Elementals, or the fact that the Griffons were on Gridania’s home turf, their offense, though fierce, fell short, and the Sea Chocobos best them once more in a final score of 1-0.One cannot help but feel some pride for their sanctioned team succeeding, and Lord Thiji is of no exception. This renown and prestige is just what the Regalia needs to help get its name out to the public. Despite all his efforts and all their hard work, their visibility still seems… wanting. With another victory under their belt, Lord Thiji has ordered his Angels to gather resources in preparation for the 4th annual Regalia Largesse.=A Pakshee Predicament=As the Menphina Madness season continues apace, the Mythrite Sultan and his Angels work arduously behind the scenes. Conscripting the aid of several sponsors from the Hydaelyn Blitzball Association, the Regalia was beginning to garner the exposure it so rightfully deserved. Meanwhile, Lord Thiji received word about the recent success regarding Thavnair's team - the Immortal Lions. While they remain strong in the second chance bracket, their methods were troublesome: ''forbidden alchemy''.As a proud son of the Near East, Thiji is very stringent when it comes to the reputation of Thavnair. As such, he had sought to relay this information to his closest allies, and Thavnair's sponsor: the Bandee Pakshee. As Himmeya utilizes her Resistance experience to aid in an undead incursion somewhere in ruins deep within Thanalan, the Mythrite Sultan sought an audience with Andromeda Laruzedah, and the mystical beauty of a Miqo'te known as Alicen Forcina. Returning to their establishment following an event known as EorzeaVision (5/1/2021), Thiji, with Tu'shasha Tusha in tow, spoke to them about the Immortal Lions' shady dealings. He correlated this behavior with another troubling prospect: the secession of another gentle soul - Princess Ta'lia al Nhirem. While it was unknown as to the cause of this, Thiji reassured Andromeda that she is well, and opted to rest and recuperate.Being a Queen of Thieves, Andromeda was no stranger to cunning, but it was made apparent that the Pakshee was unaware of these alchemy techniques being practiced in a public forum. After much deliberation, they would decide upon confronting their team captain to divest some information. Afterwards, the two parties would enjoy some raillery and mild flirting, with Andromeda vowing to make the Regalia's next Largesse their greatest yet (considering her fervent attempts at recruiting an Allagan node to her retinue). There were even talks of a potential team combining the two empires in the future.Things were finally getting interesting, even amidst all the chaos wrought by the Garlean towers.=Near Eastern Tidings=
Another year down, another successful Largesse. After marking their 4th annual event (5/9/21 - 5/14/21) - this time with the support of HBA-sanctioned organizations such as the Gil Tribe and La Casa Nostra - The Higuri Regalia has blessed the realm with their infallible goodwill and generosity once more. And, as per tradition, once the crowd had dispersed from the Aldenard Branch Headquarters, the Mythrite Sultan discussed matters with his closest allies - namely Lady Biri Biri.
He had spoken to the Honorable Thunder Mouse in regards to the Near Eastern island nation of Thavnair. Thiji's mother and father had been in talks with the other noble houses of Radz-at-Han over the past few weeks leading up to the Largesse, and he has just received word that the Hannish government will be opening its doors to the adventuring public. While this could only be a result of the rising crisis from the Telophoroi's attacks, this would also have to mean that the Mythrite Sultan will have to take up arms once more.Though he has made it clear that he is no longer an adventurer, he was not hesitant on picking up a weapon in the defense of his homeland. After some heartfelt words from Madam Biri, he had promised her a grand tour of the Main Branch Headquarters once things had calmed down. She gave her farewells, already stating her anxiety for the next Largesse prior to leaving the Aldenard Branch.=The Mythrite Sultan, Awoken=The Bandee Pakshee – Ul’dah’s first and foremost Thavnairian-derived pillow house and lounge – has been the only other big presence of the Near East on Eorzea other than the Higuri Regalia. For some winters now they have been business partners thanks to the bold efforts of Treasurer Susuna Suna. Since then, their relationship had extended beyond that of mere business associates as time marched on, and the respective heads befriended each other and familiarized themselves with their establishments.Though recently, following the conclusion of a burlesque spring-themed performance from the Bandee Pakshee (5/20/21), the Mythrite Sultan began showing a more fun-loving side. The “Full Bloom” festivities involved lots of lewd singing and lewder movements from its Sandpipers, the term coined by Madame Andromeda Laruzedah to mirror Lord Thiji’s Angels, as well as the Pakshee’s regular clients. To Thiji’s shock, even Tu’shasha Tusha had a thing or two to show him, possibly in an effort to curry favor over her taller (and more endowed) colleagues.After the showing had concluded, the Mythrite Sultan requested the Pakshee staff to grant him an audience, to which they agreed after seeing everyone out. After a short while of waiting, Thiji would be the last to arrive in their private office, but in attire far different than what he usually wears.With a transformed demeanor and voice, he had pitched an initiative to uplift the Regalia's foremost ally in the best way he knew how: by offering the Pakshee an exclusive clothing line just for them, with the Regalia being their sole manufacturers. Needless to say, the staff were utterly awestruck by this offer, and eagerly accepted. During this meeting, Thiji had revealed his more fun-loving side by providing relaxing massages and whispering honeyed words in an effort to "soften them up".Whether it was due to the showing of the Full Bloom concert, or the eccentric trade lord simply coming out of his shell, his behavior was more than welcomed by the Pakshee, though he was met with slight friendly opposition by Tu'shasha Tusha, whom has a history of being a Sandpiper. The Mythrite Sultan and Sybarite, together with the Queen of Thieves, will work towards immortalizing her and her retinue in the annals of the fashion realm, and ultimately become the second bastion of Near Eastern origin alongside the Regalia."''The Higuri Regalia, Empire of Aesthetic... The Bandee Pakshee, Empire of Pleasure.''" -Thiji sor Higuri

=Mythril Machinations=
As the festivities of Blitzball resumed, the final two teams would eventually meet at the Anemone Gardens in the Ruby Sea (6/12/21): the Garlemald Salt Barons, and the Limsa Lominsa Storm Sirens. Unfortunately, the latter team defeated the Gridania Sea Chocobos and eliminated them from the tournament. This series of unfortunate events may correlate to the disappearance of their Co-Captain, the Angel Agni Isolde. However, the Mythrite Sultan was far from discouraged.
Thanks to the amount of influence he has gained during his time with the Hydaelyn Blitzball Association, Thiji was able to profit in some way through every team through a Xanatos Gambit. While securing a third victory in a row would have resulted in large exposure and publicity for the Regalia, they still had a presence through [[Navei Asumiere]], the Warden of the East, whose time as the Right Forward for the Garlemald Salt Barons has earned him a ticket to the fast lane of becoming their star player. A grueling battle occurred in the stadium, and the Storm Sirens gave a powerful offensive, but Garlemald was able to secure an early lead. Strangely enough, the Mythrite Sultan was not present to attend the finals, as Head Secretary Yuanji Yuji went in his stead, proclaiming it to be her first official occasion to attend a Blitzball event. She befriended her fellow Angel, [[Lyriah Karnelle]], throughout the match, and even witnessed the North Wind perform alongside the Madness Cheerleaders.With a final score of 2-1, the Garlemald Salt Barons achieved total victory, conquering the entire gamut of Blitzball and securing their place in the hall of fame. The resulting profit of this is improved relations between the Regalia and the people of the Ilsabardian nation, and a better standpoint for his own plans that he is concocting with his parents and siblings back home. With the festivities finally drawing to a conclusion, it was time for the Mythrite Sultan to once again make preparations for home, but not before ensuring his closest allies were well off.First, he would ensure that the Bandee Pakshee and the Higuri Regalia's bond will strengthen. To this end, he was granted by Cerise Maylithos the opportunity to learn of Blue Magic. Instead of learning the Whalaqee's ways himself, Isja would take up that charge, and seek tutelage from the Keeper of the Moon. With a specialization of Ice-aspected aether and inflicting breaching wounds, Isja would be on her way to becoming a formidable practitioner of the blue.Second, he would relieve himself of his stress through several friendly dates with Lyriah, regaling each other over their past and upbringing, as well as their dreams and hopes for the future. Thiji specifically referred back to his beginning days as an adventurer when Lyriah inquired as to why Thiji first set out from Radz-at-Han ([[Thiji Higuri#Pre-Calamity|Pre-Calamity]]). As the Mythrite Sultan smothered the Hyur woman with praise and good wishes, Lyriah contrarily felt differently, wishing for her longtime friend nothing but love and happiness. Ever grateful for her coming into his life, Thiji informed Lyriah about the Bandee Pakshee and its proprietress, Madame Andromeda Laruzedah, which intrigued the former so that she sought to visit their establishment one day. For a good portion of their lives, the two knew and went through much conflict and hardship, but looking towards a future where peace is a possibility filled the both of them with resolve - resolve to continue the fight. The Mythrite Sultan was determined to take up the blade once more alongside his Angels in the name of defending Thavnair.Their meeting would culminate with the promise of showing Lyriah the beauty and glory of Thavnair once Radz-at-Han allowed adventurers free entry into the city-state proper, while informing the Pakshee ahead of time of her eventual arrival. Afterward, Thiji would engage in private talks with Memeni Caeli of the Black Ivy company to enlist the aid of his merchant fleet to transport tea and other goods to support her tea shop. What struck the Mythrite Sultan as odd, however, was the prospect of ''magitek'' being involved in the deal as well, to which Memeni revealed that she is an inventor of some skill, and was looking to obtain a more reliable means of resource acquisition, to which Thiji easily assured with his Angels' extensive knowledge in such fields. Having some better relations with Garlemald at this point, he had also hinted towards a renewed effort to establish an Ilsabard Branch in the future, as his father before him once attempted.He also enjoyed a nice talk with Tahrara Kivenera, his old friend, whom Thiji had missed dearly. After a spot of tea, he informed the noblewoman of the discussions the Hannish nobles were going to conduct regarding the adventurers' roles in the coming conflict, and asked that she relayed this information to any relevant parties (while also reminiscing of the past in the process). It was also at this point that she confirmed her own Near Eastern heritage, albeit insignificant for her to claim it. Thiji, being the gentleman that he is, spoke of Tahrara possessing the beauty only a child of the Near East could emulate.With the contract thus signed and sealed, and his rounds thus made, the Mythrite Sultan was well-prepared to make the sail back home.=An Auspicious Return=(8/14/2021) As Thiji and his house engaged with the other Thavnairian houses, he had recalled that Madam Biri was preparing to conduct her fifth annual Lalafell Parade, and had made preparations to sail back to Eorzea. Meanwhile, in the First, Princess Kikki had but recently returned to Norvrandt, whereupon she met her old friend Thijitt in Lakeland, resting upon a magicked bed by the border of the Rak'tika Greatwood.The Dwarf, elated to see the Viis noblewoman returned to her, had regaled Kikki of everything that had transpired since her departure. He left out nary a detail: from the Flood of Light and the heroes branded as villains for their deeds, the rise of the Sin Eaters and Lightwardens, Lord Vauthry's actions and deceptions, and the strange sinners (The Scions and the Warrior of Darkness) who emerged to fight what seemed at first to be a losing war to return the night sky to Norvrandt. He went into further detail regarding the aftermath of the restoration of the "sunless sea", and explained to her about the Warriors of Light from distant realms emerging to attack anyone who harbored any ill intent, the first Sin Eater, Eden, and the brave young women known as Ryne and Gaia who are working to restore balance to the Empty.A teary Kikki asked her old friend if her house and people still remained, to which the Dwarf responded that most went into obscurity, scattered across Norvrandt, but her younger twin sister Ney was safe in Eulmore, and she was taken care of by Thijitt as he conducted trade with the locals from the Duergar Mountains. This news relieved the Princess a great deal, though she was nevertheless disheartened by the fact that her house had practically been rendered defunct. No longer deeming it necessary to dedicate herself to the First, Thijitt deducted from her expression that she intended on returning to wherever she was for so long - the Source.It pained the Dwarf to realize this truth, but as a longtime friend of House Ornhjelm, he reassured the Viis Princess that he will watch over Ney in her absence, and after a nice dinner in the Crystarium, made her way back, but not empty-handed. Thijitt presented a resplendent lapidary hammer to Kikki, asking her to deliver it to his "twin" - the Mythrite Sultan - in exchange for finding some unique mythril from the Source to show off to his Dwarven kin (since he helped kickstart the Lalafell's latest clothing line).A day later, following the Fifth Annual Lalafell Parade, Princess returned to the Source and did as Thijitt desired, granting the Mythrite Sultan a powerful addition to his craft. A testament to the maker's skill and dedication to one's craft, the tool was proudly displayed upon the wearer's back, giving off a gilded glow to match. Though Thiji was no doubt shocked to see his friend return so soon, he knew that there were greater things in store for her in the Source, and thus confided in her that, regardless of the misfortunes her people had met, that she will always be a Princess his eyes, and that of the Regalia's, and that help will always be available to her should she ever require it.=The Scintilla of A Dream=The Twenty-First Sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon had finally come (8/21/2021), which meant that the second coming of Raksha Bandhan had descended upon the Bandee Pakshee. Thiji would arrive at the scene with Miss Lalahee and Eggolas Greenleaf to partake in the festivities of found family. Tu'shasha Tusha had also arrived, but shrouded in a hooded robe so as to "prevent the desert winds from ruining her outfit".The truth behind this behavior would soon be brought to light, for during the festivities, a shrill whistle was heard from the main stage in the Pakshee's domain. As everyone made their way upstairs, they came upon Tu'shasha once more, who had tossed aside her robes to show off a more refined style of dress, and her hair neatly groomed. She then burst into a song which moved the entire audience, and the Mythrite Sultan especially, for it was a song he had only heard from his favorite play (Tu'shasha's rendition of Eyes on Me). After her performance, she gave a teary confession of love to Thiji, who seemed apprehensive on the matter at first, stating that the current policies forbid him from courting his Angels. Tu'shasha, however, had an insurance policy.Andromeda Laruzedah had interjected to inform her brother that - through her executive powers - stripped Tu'shasha of her Angel status, and instead made her a liaison between the ''Regalia'' and the Pakshee, which somewhat broke her promise of not poaching his Angels. In light of this, Thiji was a lot more keen towards acquiescing to Tu'shasha's love. He had stated that, for as long as he could remember, his dream lay dead, but after that eve, his hope was renewed, and accepted her. Utterly overjoyed, Tu'shasha leapt from the stage and into the Sultan's arms as he declared to everyone that his Sorceress had come to him at last. At the end of it all, it merely turned out to be just that: a performance, though Thiji was nonetheless touched by Tu'shasha's efforts to uplift him - even for just one night.

=A Mother's Eyes & The Sultan's Heart=With the myriad festitivies finally dying down, the Mythrite Sultan was set to make his return home to Thavnair. However, since he had returned, there had been a great many thoughts plaguing his mind. The most pressing one being the mystery behind one of the Pakshee's staff: the Moon Keeper known as Alicen Forcina, whose eyes were illuminated in a manner not unlike the silvery star of Menphina. A week following Raksha Bandhan (8/26/2021), Thiji, with the ''Aanandit'' in hand, made his way back to the headquarters of the ''Regalia'''s allies in search of answers.That evening, he would visit the "Birdcage", and would find the loving mother of many relaxing in her chambers, enjoying a light snack with Interceptor, the porxie she had but recently acquired from his sister-in-law, Umimi Umi. She welcomed him in with open arms, and after a light tête-à-tête, Thiji sat down with her to press his question: of how she had happened upon the moons which adorn her irises, which he has deemed a "blessing". The two of them shared a great many similarities, from fighting styles to aetherial manipulation, and it was because of this that Thiji felt confident that she would acquiese. And so she did.Intrigued, Alicen started from the beginning. She regaled the Mythrite Sultan about her time in Old Sharlayan, when she was another aspiring genius in the Studium, who graduated with honors, earning her the Archon's tattoo. Alicen was a major in Aetherology, with a minor in History. As for her field of study, she sought a means of applying aether into matter - living and non-living. Her theorem, however, was where her recklessness shone - the core principles of Thaumaturgy (Astral Fire & Umbral Ice) being the concept of this: the ability to remain permanently in such states. She stated such was highly dangerous due to a reaction known as aether-lithification. As bodies are not designed to retain aether for such extended periods of time, it becomes toxic to them - an aether sickness with various symptoms. Alicen pointed out that, as a counterbalance to this, she invented a sort of barrier that was designed to stabilize the excess of aether and disperse it into the atmosphere.Alicen would then present her findings before all and sundry in the Forum. It miraculously worked, far exceeding her expectations; being permanently aspected into Umbral Ice, she could produce immense quantities of aether. While impressive, it was not healthy to her body whatsoever, and thus did it come at a cost: sterility. In spite of this offset, she was still a powerful advocate of love and support. So much so that in her dreams, the Lover Herself came upon and blessed her when next she rose: Alicen's eyes were like moons, and the instability within her body was virtually nullified, yet maintained her Umbral Ice aspect.After Thiji had absorbed all he could from Alicen's story, it began to make all the more sense to him. He furthered inquired as to why her eyes tend to glow with increased intensity whenever she exhibited feelings of love and affection - in other words, acting true to her patron deity. He was half-right, it seemed, as Alicen clarified that it is not only from her own intimate deeds that can result in this energizing effect upon her body; she can even receive like sensations from nearby displays of affection (i.e. a couple holding hands or nuzzling one another). It did not come without its caveats, however, as the devotion to Menphina left Alicen in a state akin to tempering, in which comes the timely acquisition of Interceptor (a secondary caveat being that, due to aforementioned devotion to the Lover, she is compelled to drop everything to attend to the matter).In his heart he knew that he and Alicen were the same in many forms, but this revelation was of great significance to him - and the Moon Keeper matron knew this. She easily deducted that the Mythrite Sultan was aloof and reserved whereas she was open and carefree. However, she was not holding that against him in the slightest. Sensing him in need of succor, Alicen held the young noble close and let him rest that eve with her. Come the next day, he would make preparations to return home, for the Icy Prince was about to make his resurgence...

The Mythrite Sultan and his Angels met at the shrine of Hidden Tear in the Peaks of Gyr Abania, about a sennight following Thiji's visit with Lady Alicen (9/6/2021)...

The moon following the Angels' Gauntlet, Thiji would have an auspicious encounter within the veil between worlds that would prepare him for the coming days (10/27/2021)...

=Keeping up with the Telophoroi=In the days leading up to the construction of the eerie towers, Thiji and his family engaged with the other noble houses - as well as the satrap of Radz-at-Han - in negotiations to allow the arrival of other adventurers into the Near Eastern island nation. With the coming tide, it would deem logical to do so in order to sustain their way of life. The talks would go well until the towers emerged, with one being placed right on Radz-at-Han's doorstep - on the nearby island of Narunnair.Over time, the people of the Near East began to suffer from the Telophoroi's efforts: the creation of the towers (the nearby one which the Thavnairians have eventually named "Zot") resulted in monstrosities and tempered Imperials alike manifesting from within its cursed halls, terrorizing the populace and kidnapping the locals. Meanwhile, those who have attempted to infiltrate the tower could barely reach the shore of Narunnair before succumbing to its influence, rendering an assault upon the structure nigh impossible until a solution would be made.The Radiant Host - the military arm of Thavnair - has found themselves hard-pressed to deal with this threat, and the resulting conflict placed the Near East in a stranglehold, stifling trade in and out of the islands, and causing more unscrupulous types to extort foreigners out of their coin - which annoyed certain parties...As Thavnair's people began to feel the weight of their isolation, Lord Thiji - now the Diamond Sultan - put his Angels to action. Knowing the islanders would be dealing with hardship, the charge of calming the hearts and minds of the Arkasodara Matanga fell to Lilina, promising to provide aid to those whose lives were quickly being affected by the recent attacks. Luluma and Sosona served as peacekeepers, patrolling Saltwind's Welcome and the Perfumed Rise to maintain safety along the roads and nearby villages - the fishing hamlet of Akyaali being among them. Himmeya, whom has spent some time in the Near East, had reached a point in her career as a Monk to begin spreading her skills and knowledge with other aspiring soldiers. This time-honored monastic tradition would consist of Himmeya and her disciples venturing into the mountainous regions to do battle with the indigenous coeurl and torana, that they would learn from their combat styles. Himmeya's order - which she would soon call her "Hathelyion" - would be a sect of the Fist of Rhalgr utilizing Himmeya's unique martial upbringing to harness Chakra to command the elements, married with teachings from the Light and Shadow sects, respectively.Sesena took Lelena and Susuna into the Shroud of the Samgha to offer various offerings of coin and food to the many temples strewn about the jungle to gain the favor of the greatest of the deific beings the Thavnairians revere: The Magus Sisters. Together, the trio would help them persevere and prosper through the coming trials. Lastly, Veeveena and her sister Veeveera - recently returned from Uznair - honed their skills with a series of sparring matches upon Kadjaya's Footsteps, becoming closer to the "Mother of the Kriegstanz".Meanwhile, Thiji contributed his alchemy knowledge to the people of the Great Work and the High Crucible of Al-Kimiya, while also working together with Cetin, Head of House Kouris. Despite his forte being in gems and textiles, he was no stickler in that field. Their primary objective: discovering a means to resist the tempering aura that protects the towers. As Thiji was granted the Blessing of Light, he would have no issue should he attempt to assault the structure, and sharing this knowledge would prove paramount in the construction process.To this end, the emissary of the satrap - an Auri youth known as Varshahn - would make his way out of the city with a large package of queer-looking scales in tow. The alchemists of the Great Work labored to the point of exhaustion to find a breakthrough, and news of new scales immediately stirred everyone - man and matanga alike - from their deathlike stupor. The arrival of exceptional adventurers would catalyze the efforts to devise a plan to assault the tower, and after a daring initial foray into its cursed halls, the first tests were successful.These small amulets - or "warding scales" - provided an aetheric barrier to the wearer that would resist the tower's tempering effects. With the breakthrough thus reached, an expedition into the Tower of Zot began in earnest, and no small amount of adventurers rallied to the Hamsa Hatchery - now repurposed to a Radiant staging point - to mount an attack...=In Search of Sapphire=Forces gathered at the shoreline south of Narunnair - the assault on the Tower of Zot would soon commence. While Thiji and his fellow alchemists contributed to the means of countering the Telophoroi, he recalled a certain someone that had vanished for nigh on a whole summer's worth of time: Ta'lia Al Nhirem, Princess and heiress of the Trans-Oceanic Hannish Sapphire Company. Her house had close ties with the Higuri, and she had a mind to join the Diamond Sultan for tea after a wholesome exchange of letters as she aspired to become a professional Blitzball player as well. However, she had mysteriously went into obscurity before the preliminaries even began, leaving Thiji and his Angels in a state of worry. After some introspection, he had surmised that Princess Ta'lia had to have been captured by the tempered Imperials plaguing the islands to fuel their sick schemes - which was more than enough reason for Thiji to spring into action.Utilizing the concept of Akasa (energy manifested through emotion), the Diamond Sultan - with his newfound powers of Cryokinesis - took his blade of pure ice and donned the garb of the Manusya, taking to the battlefield with his own team which comprised of Celuwen, Sesena, Veeveena, and Umimi, with Yuanji and Shiro arriving later as reinforcements. As the main host of adventurers scaled the upper reaches of the tower and its grotesque edifices, Thiji and his team taksed themselves with finding the kidnapped family members of House Nhirem, whom were located in the lower portions of the Tower of Zot.Their efforts would finally bear fruit as they came across numerous Matanga, Hyur, and Auri bodies alike, in a slumber-like stasis. With the knowledge gleaned from previous investigations, these hostages have been quickening the summoning of primals - namely the deities revered in the Near East - the most prominent being the Magus Sisters. This pervision of faith angered the Angels native to the Bounty, but to Thiji, it stung far deeper.''This conflict finally became personal.''With his martial prowess merged with the power of Akasa, Thiji carved a swath through the lower areas of the Tower of Zot with his Angels, while Celuwen remained behind with the Othard Branch's detachment to sustain the entrapped. The rampage ensured the eventual undisturbed destruction of the Tower of Zot, and the liberation of the Near Easterners. Once the assault ended, Thiji took immediate action, prioritizing the clansmen of House Nhirem. To his disappointment, Princess Ta'lia was not among them, but they ensured the Diamond Sultan and his associates that the young heiress was not captured during any of the previous raids. The operation was thus a success, and everyone regrouped at the Hamsa Hatchery, with the prisoners affected by the tower's influence receiving immediate treatment. Thiji brought the House Nhirem kinsmen and his Angels back to the Main Branch Headquarters to recuperate.

=Telphie's Turn=In the aftermath of the assault on the Tower of Zot, Thiji spoke with his parents within the Main Branch Headquarters while his brother and Umimi provided succor to the natives that were rescued. This was the first time since the Operation: Archon campaign where Thiji had felt such belligerence, and it was palpable enough that his mother knew that it was time for the Diamond Sultan to use those hands of his to destroy instead of create.Because of this blatant and brazen act upon his homeland, Thiji felt his warrior's spirit burn with such intensity that he did not even want to pick up a tool or think about couture; the one thing he wanted more than anything else in the realm was '''the complete and utter annihilation of the Telophoroi'''. As a result of this, he had used his powers as Head of the Regalia to declare open war against the manic cult, with himself and his Angels spearheading the effort. A small contingent of his relatives and confidants remained behind to ensure the safety of the business.Every Angel from every branch was eager to play their part - especially in such a grand theatre. Among them, however, was an unlikely voice: Thiji's adopted younger sister, Telphie Higuri. The voluptuous Duskwight - after living in Radz-at-Han for so long and witnessing firsthand the hospitality of her new family - had her fill of sitting in the sidelines, seeking a more active role in the fight for the realm. To this end, she had convinced her brother to travel to Limsa Lominsa, where she would then journey to Old Sharlayan to learn the art of somanoutics. This was a tactically sound decision, Thiji had surmised, as this would fill the void of having another healer in the Regalia, along with her many years tinkering with her "owlbit fleet" she would later rename to "Nyra's Children". This marriage of Sage magic and magitek prowess would eventually make a menace out of Telphie, and this vision made Thiji all the more coerced into allowing her this chance to prove herself.Not looking to be outdone, Swoztu - who had arrived with the Othard Branch reinforcements - had offered herself to assist Telphie in her adventure, eager to improve her skills as a Songmender. Thus would the two join forces and offer whatever aid they could to the people of Eorzea, and their combined abilities to mend and maim would prove sufficient in their own right.As Thiji was anxious to rejoice once more in the glory of combat, he gave an order to Head Secretary Sesena and Treasurer Susuna. To the former, Sesena was to send out a [https://mythriteshah.tumblr.com/post/670246982083887104/cta call to action that would allow adventurers and selfless foreigners alike a means to facilitate the understanding of the locale's wind currents.] To the latter, Susuna created a letter on the Diamond Sultan's behalf detailing to all associates and allies of the Regalia that all activities and projects would be put on hold until their murderous rampage would come to an end.=A Slaughter through Silver=Finally at wit's end with the Telophoroi and whatever Garlean benefactors have been enthralled to their cause, The Diamond Sultan and his Angels have scarcely felt so exhilarated by battle since their sting operation in the Bounty. Thavnair was thus secured, though there was still work to be done in order for the state of alert to be lifted from Radz-at-Han. While the Regalia aided their kin and other adventurers in restoring order to their land, they would have the opportunity of a lifetime to sate their bloodlust by means of a message from Telphie and Swoztu some days later:The Grand Company of Eorzea - now armed with the warding scales from Thavnair's best and brightest - was finally making its move to advance into the heart of Ilsabard - into Garlemald proper. Without hesitation, Thiji relayed this message to the rest of his Angels, who immediately sought to their preparations to join the coalition of forces that would later be dubbed the Ilsabard Contingent.Telphie and Swoztu were eager to continue their quest to prove themselves, they would also receive some unexpected allies through Isja, who apparently had connections to some resistance groups operating within Southern Ilsabard - namely Lente's Tears. Shiro had also lended her support from Doma, as well as Kaori Hanabira, whom had formed good ties with the Bozjan, Dalmascan, and Nagxian resistances. Even Glacius was eager to fight alongside his master once more after the Tower of Zot expedition.The operation would involve the contingent passing through the glacial traverse of land standing between them and the capital: the Magna Glacies. While the main host had its own strategy formulated, Thiji's would involve a tad more... aggression.Despite virtually every Garlean being tempered at this juncture, his primary objective was to send them a message via mass casualties, and he meant to do just that via entry through southern Ilsabard. Thiji, Veeveena, and the Head Secretaries aided the Ilsabard Contingent as they established convoy routes through the Magna Glacies, while Shiro and her shinobi accomplices joined with saboteurs to destroy ceruleum depots in strategic locations. Himmeya and Kaori, together with Isja and Veeveera, led their own army from the south, laying waste to any unfortunate legionnaires who crossed their path.They were met with fierce resistance by remnants of the IVth Imperial Legion who had occupied Bozja, whose platoon was led by a blonde-haired shieldmaiden wielding a gunblade. Himmeya engaged her with ferocity not unlike that of a rampaging minotaur. She had given no quarter in kind as she remained steadfast thanks to the outfitted hydraulics on her tower shield, enabling her to perform impressive feats of athleticism. Though her pleas for secession were falling on deaf ears, Isja would be tempted to join the fray, easily overpowering the shieldmaiden with her Blue Magic specialization of piercing techniques. After a grueling duel, Kaori would finally intervene before her colleagues could land a fatal blow, vouching for the Garlean soldier's veracity. She had encountered the Petaldancer no small number of times during her stint in Bozja, and their burgeoning rivalry gave way to companionship as they worked together with other agents and rebel cells to undermine the efforts of the IVth's duplicitous leadership. While she swore not to disclose the more sensitive details on the matter, Kaori revealed the woman's identity as Youmei pyr Kyria, a former palace maidservant from a merchant house. She claimed to have ties with the Higuri Clan during Fafastima's time as head, which would finally gain the favor - and spare her the wrath - of the Angels. Youmei further stated that she had gathered her fellow dissidents to traverse the Magna Glacies and return to the capital to assess the situation in the motherland. Now bound by a common cause, Youmei joined forces with the Angels and resumed their advance from the south.Meanwhile, Thiji was in his element as the harsh cold of Ilsabard proper was just to his liking, practically having a field day with the ambient ice-aspected energies surrounding him, which made casting ice spells of catastrophic magnitude as simple as ''blinking.'' His Angels were no less obligated to protect him, and thus ensured no Telophoroi would catch him unawares, whilst also keeping the caravans safe from attack. Tempered imperials and warmachina alike fell before them by the score, and because of the sole fact that the tempered are focused on fulfilling the commands of their master(s), they knew no retreat - '''which meant that those who weren't able to be saved from tempering had to face the wrath of a very angry merchant-lord and his murder maidens.'''''With the amount of carnage they wrought throughout the Magna Glacies, one would think that the Higuri Regalia was merely a coverup for their true passion: coordinated, wanton destruction.''=Youmei of House Kyria=The push through the Magna Glacies was a resounding success as the Ilsabard Contingent established a base of operations in an abandoned village several miles from Regio Urbanissima, the large urban district surrounding the twisted structure that has formed around the imperial palace - the Tower of Babil. As the Angels assisted with shoring up defenses, creating sources of warmth, and surveying the land, Thiji had reunited with the team from the southern front, who brought some unlikely allies in tow.Youmei pyr Kyria, Hoplomachus Optio of the IVth Imperial Legion, was elated to meet the young lord of House Higuri, and was eager to explain recent events. As she relayed to her quondam assailants, she had been stationed in Bozja for some time, fighting off the resistance effort with mixed results. Things took a turn against her favor, however, when Kaori was introduced, resulting in a rivalry between the two. As time went on, the IVth had begun exhibiting strange behavior that made Youmei question her loyalties to the Empire. While she wanted nothing more than to see Garlemald restored to its former glory, she and a few others sought to contribute to this goal via less violent means - ideally through collaboration with the Populares.Because of this, Thiji's fury was somewhat stayed as there was now evidence that not all Garleans are as troublesome as they seem. She went on further to explain how she knew of House Higuri through Thiji's father, and was finally reminded of the noble house who spoke in favor of Fafastima's ambitions for a branch headquarters within the Ilsabard mainland. Now convinced, Thiji welcomed Youmei into the fold, and apologized for his Angels' roughness. Though Kaori nor Himmeya was done with her just yet...As Youmei and her forces fanned out to assist with Camp Broken Glass maintenance, Thiji's two Enforcers sought an audience with the Diamond Sultan, negotiating that Youmei would make an excellent addition to Thiji's retinue - as an Angel. They spoke firsthand of her combat prowess and unwavering resolve amidst their combined furious onslaught, and how it would even strengthen relations with Garlemald once this conflict blows over. The Diamond Sultan took this into consideration, but politely set it aside so as to focus all effort into destroying the Telophoroi.Some few days later, Thiji would receive a call from his linkpearl, and the most devious grin crept onto his face...

=Glacialis mors Tyrannus=While it was wonderful to feel at home in Ilsabard, Thiji knew that his stay would not last forever. With Camp Broken Glass now much more defensible than when they first entered, the contingent was in good shape, with some adventuring parties conducting their usual habits of scouring the lands for troublesome - albeit random - encounters, and regaining some stability in the region. The Diamond Sultan was back to his reticent manner, barely speaking a word to even his Angels as his eyes remained fixed upon the Tower of Babil, eyes teeming with a rage to rival that of Nidhogg's.After some time, the contingent forces had dealt with the remnants of the 1st Imperial Legion who were bunked in Tertium, the third station of Garlemald's rail network. Despite their efforts of goodwill, they were nonetheless foursquared in their beliefs, and - in a textbook display of blind idealism - launched a laughably piteous assault upon Camp Broken Glass - so piteous, in fact, that Thiji didn't even bother raising his weapon ''(but would have, of course, lended support in the abysmally unlikely chance that things turn sour)''. Youmei joined in the defense, hoping to help her wayward brethren see the error of their ways.As the dust settled, Thiji was given a detailed explanation of events from Veeveera, Shiro, and Yuanji: the Ist and IIIrd Legions (the latter of which the Ilsabard Contingent encountered in the Magna Glacies) erupted in civil war due to a seemingly forged assassination attempt on Emperor Varis, with Titus and Nerva yae Galvus serving as the culprits (unaware of a certain Ascian and crown prince being the true masterminds). With the casus belli in place, the two armies would support their lieges in a conflict that resulted in the ruination of the capital city they see today.Once the 1st Legion's crowning act of stupidity was resolved, Thiji would be met with a small band of hooded figures. The leader amongst them - an Au Ra female - was carrying a large mythril case. Before the exchange was complete, however, an unexpected twist occurred: a shriek emanating from the Tower of Babil rung out, engulfing the land in its rancor. Everyone equipped with a warding scale would see it shine brightly - this was no doubt the workings of a primal, housed within the structure itself. Another fight would break out within Camp Broken Glass, with this one involving tempered Imperials. Kyria and her forces would fall prey to the primal's influence as well, but the timely intervention of Kaori and Himmeya would prevent her from completely turning. The strain upon her mind, however, would result in her incapacitation, and would be provided immediate treatment following the battle.The Diamond Sultan would have enough at this point. Once the roar subsided and stability was once again assured, the contingent leadership formulated a plan to infiltrate the Tower of Babil and shut down it and the Telophoroi's machinations once and for all. Should this tower fall, the others strewn about the world would vanish as well. The allied forces - reinforced by a choice selection of adventuring parties - would enter the tower through the underground rail network, while others would create a diversion on the surface to ensure an undetected insertion.'''Thiji sor Higuri was going to provide that and then some.'''His own plan involved every single one of his Angels in launching an assault upon Regio Urbanissima, dealing with any tempered imperials and monsters of the Telophoroi. Amidst the chaos and confusion, Thiji, with his mythril case in tow, would locate the highest point in the area, and cast a spell of such magnitude that it would make Queen Chichibi grin from ear to ear. Their hooded benefactors also joined in the assault with scythes in tow. Head Secretary Yuanji informed Thiji that the ruins of Palatium Novum was the tallest building save for the tower itself, and would make his way thus on the back of Glacius.The case he received from the hooded Au Ra was relics from his previous adventures - namely his Stardust Rod Nexus, diamond weapons (that were grudgingly) obtained from Rowena's House of Splendors, and some himvat mythril. With all the fighting that has occurred, Thiji reached his destination with little trouble. It was finally time to commence with the spell. Utilizing his Mhachi heritage, the Diamond Sultan ''drew in the vast abundance of ambient ice-aspected aether surrounding the region, focusing it all into his Kaladanda Lux as it began to radiate from a blood red to a royal blue. As this draining of the land's aether proceeded in earnest, the gathered weapons and the himvat mythril would also be drained of aether, causing his stave to shake from the overcharge. His Gemweave would also contribute to this gathering of aether as his magical robes aided in the containment process, though this overtaxing of the gems would cause clothing irreperable clothing damage.'' '''Lastly, relying once more on the power of Akasa, his tranquil fury and serene anger that has culminated over the span of this entire campaign (as well as that from certain previous unfortunate circumstances) was made manifest as his stave shot an icy-white beam into the heavens, summoning numerous portals from the aether that dotted the ruined cityscape. Any airborne warmachina that would attempt to strike back at Thiji would be met with a massive ice ball that would engulf and send it plummeting into the moat which surrounded the palace. This storm of comets was a Limit Break of Thiji's own design that he would later coin as "Diamond Sorrow".As Thiji's spell pelted Regio Urbanissima in a fantastic display of silvery destruction, the Angels retreated from the area until the spell would reach its end. Once done so, they would resume their attack and finish off any remaining forces which survived the wintry torment. Due to the effort expended to cast this spell, however, the Kaladanda Lux would crack and splinter until finally exploding, unable to contain such a surfeit of ice-aspected aether. The Diamond Sultan had formidable aetheric barriers in place as a contingency, ensuring himself and Glacius's safety. Now exhausted from his grandiose display of ice and snow, he would return to Camp Broken Glass with Telphie, Sarielle, and Swoztu, who looked after their convalescing Sultan as the others finished things in the city.=An End to Darkness=Cheers of victory filling the cold air was the first thing the Diamond Sultan heard as he came to - some hours following the assault on the Tower of Babil. The primal - known as Anima - was reported to be the remains of the late Emperor Varis zos Galvus, twisted into a being whose sole purpose was to enthrall those with the desire to "kill any who was not of Garlemald." The destruction of the primal "deactivated" the tower, as it no longer siphoned the land of its mana, which ultimately led to the disappearance of the lesser structures throughout the realm. When Thiji finally came to, he was greeted by his Angels, who had retreated shortly after their diversionary tactic. Veeveera informed him that there was a strange beam of light which shot up to the heavens, specifically towards the moon itself.While an exploration into the final frontier was a tempting undertaking on its own, their primary objective was thus fulfilled. The Telophoroi were no more, and the culprits were chased away from this star and onto the moon. Making the decision to leave such a grandiose quest to the adventurers, Thiji had ordered for his Angels to return back to their respective branches, but not before first visiting Thavnair. Now relieved from the war effort, there was no reason for the Regalia to remain. For Telphie, however, it meant more as she used to serve Garlemald, and offered to stay behind with Swoztu. This would also work in Thiji's favor as she could continue building relations with Youmei, along with the surviving citizens of Garlemald.The Diamond Sultan granted his sister her wish, leaving authoritative command over the Angels in the Ilsabard region to her. Himmeya and Kaori also volunteered to stay behind for extra security (and for giving Telphie extra leverage for convincing Youmei to join the Angels), leaving the remaining Angels to escort Thiji back to the Bounty. They would forgo another trip through the Magna Glacies and would make their way directly south, through territories where several resistance cells controlled. With fighting in the mainland dying down, there was little cause for concern for potential attacks. Since the journey would take some matter of days, Thiji's team would also take this time witness some of Ivalice's wonders firsthand, from the Clockwork City of Goug to the Golmore Jungle, and the Zodiac Brave Story which helped inspire the Regalia's clothing line...=The Near Eastern Flight=The trek through southern Ilsabard went on for several days as Thiji and his Angels made stops in key locations to better acquaint themselves with the environs of the great continent. The firsthand experience of the many provinces and regions' aesthetics would go a long way in furthering the Regalia's efforts (once it reopened, of course). Such musings would have to wait, unfortunately, for once Thiji and his Angels were some malms off the coast, they had noticed the skies above had begun to darken - ''to a blood red.''As this phenomenon happened, they would receive a call from the ''Valide Sultan'' - Lady Mimizo herself. She had explained how, out of nowhere, beasts of grotesque design had begun to emerge from the very citizens of Radz-at-Han and the people of Thavnair itself. This left the Angels in shock as this occurrence was completely arcane to them. Not being ones to cow in the face of danger, however, Mimizo and Fafastima had spent the last few bells keeping anyone they could safe, fending off these creatures alongside the Radiant Host that have been named "Blasphemies". They knew better than to simply sigh in relief, for they would need all the help they could get to stave off this sudden catastrophe. Fafastima had already given the order to deliver them the Regalia's submersibles - ''Jaanavar's Vision'' and ''Lyriah's Guidance''. They were to meet them at the Anchorite at Corvos, where they would rendesvouz in Thavnair.Recalling his time spent in Thavnair prior to the counterattack against the Telophoroi, the Diamond Sultan had a choice - albeit brief - encounter with a certain Miqo'te by the name of Eses Fafa, who - to Thiji's surprise - offered prophetic words to him prior to speeding off towards the city...''"Your land is your soul, and your people tied to it. Nurture all three, and despair will never claim..." -Eses Fafa''It annoyed the Diamond Sultan considerably that a woman of her upbringing was capable of providing not only wisdom, but a means to preventing this chain of events from compounding.

=Operation: Radiant Hope=Thiji had surmised from his friend's premonition that the very reason these beasts were being born was due to the fact that some disturbance within the realm itself had resulted in aether giving way to emotions somehow. This sudden dread and despair that washed over the people of the Near East had caused them to turn into the Blasphemies that now plague their home. Given that they're beings born from Akasa, they would have no aetherial signature whatsoever, and cease to be who they once were, and becoming something... ghastly.After relaying this knowledge to his family and the Angels, Thiji had readied himself for another conflict - but from within, instead of without. Their telos was to provide aid to his kin and mitigate the spread of these Blasphemies throughout the entire region, working closely with the Radiant Host in order to do so. To this end, this operation was named: "Radiant Hope".Their first order of business was to secure Corvos, as it was the closest isle to them. Telphie, who has more than proven herself up to this point, gave Thiji further news that the small army of hooded figures who came to him in Garlemald were en route to the isle, leaving its security in their hands. This would allow him and his Angels to focus wholly on liberating Thavnair from its despair. Once they embarked on their underwater trek (due to the skies being too dangerous from the Blasphemies controlling the airspace), they would circle around the eastern and southern portions of Thavnair. Many villages and settlements were under siege as the very region itself was burning.Umimi took Yuanji, Meriri, Shiro, Sarielle, and Isja to clean up the eastern sections of the jungle and reconvene at Palaka's Stand in the Shroud of the Samgha, while Thiji was accompanied by Sesena and her sisters, Lelena and her sisters, Veeveena, and Veera to one of the most sacred temples in Thavnair: '''Vanaspati'''. Koyuki was already on-site as she was spending time prior to the apocalypse learning about Thavnairian teamaking, and went to rendeszvous with Umimi's team. Pushing through the Blasphemies and bringing injured citizens and Radiant soldiers to safety, it was at this point where everyone beheld a majestic winged being clearing the skies above - though it was unclear as to what or who it was.This was yet another perfect opportunity for Thiji's prowess to shine, as his expertise as a Blissful Master (alongside Lilina as a Master of Revelry) was strengthened as Akasa had a greater influence over the realm. His and Lilina's control over positive emotion aided in the villagers' safety, and they would eventually clear out the temple from the ground. A larger Blasphemy that seemed to "command" the lesser monstrosities was slain by a band of selfless adventurers, to which the Diamond Sultan expressed his gratitude before returning to Radz-at-Han.At the city proper, the Blasphemies were cleared out, but at the cost of Ahewann, the Satrap, who was devoured by one of the beasts as he defended a helpless citizen. The ''true'' Satrap, however, made himself known once the panic had ceased: ''Vrtra'', a great wyrm, and one of the First Brood. He had emerged from Megahduta and gave his speech to the Hannish folk: of how he had claimed this very rock which would eventually become Radz-at-Han, and how his watchful eye had resulted in the island's safety. Varshahn, the Satrap's assistant, was in fact an avatar born from Vrtra's own eye given flesh, with no small amount of enchantments created to give it form. Thiji's family was among those alchemists who aided in this process, but was sworn to secrecy (Not that such a secret even mattered at this point, for which none were the wiser).The truth finally revealed and the cataclysm given surcease, there was hope yet for Radz-at-Han to return to being the colorful beacon of profit and aesthetic for which it was known. Until such a time, however, Thiji and his beloved Angels would ensure no one else would fall prey to despair, sending them back to their respective branches to aid the Grand Company of Eorzea in any Blasphemy sightings that were reported.Though there was still much and more to be done before this entire mystery would be solved... For now, Thiji would rest, for there was far too much on his mind than ever before...

In the days following the campaign against the Telophoroi, Thiji Higuri at last finds closure with his own inner turmoils, thanks to the aid of his sister... (1/20/20220)

=The Big (yet laughably foreseeable) Upset=The Final Days had been dealt with, and the Blasphemy threat is severly reduced. With a relative calm washing over the realm, it was time once more for a certain sport to make a resurgence. Menphina Madness had returned, with the appropriately-dubbed theme of "Hope" guiding everyone's path.On the 25th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon (3/25/2022), the Opening Ceremonies commenced, and the Diamond Sultan and his Angels were once more ensconced with the festivities. Prior to the beginning of the new Blitzball season, however, there were negotiations considering the way forward for the Higuri Regalia. Due to Lady Zahra of House Kouris being the largest contributing factor to the Regalia's sponsoring of the Gridania Sea Chocobos, the resulting shock when word got out that the business was changing hands was both colossal and comical.Despite being a foregone conclusion, the Sea Chocobos' Captain Scorpius immediately deemed the Thavnair Immortal Lions as rivals, quickly focusing his "Death to" chants upon Lady Zahra and her ilk. The resulting stigma of this decision - though all in the spirit of competition - would play in the Diamond Sultan's favor, as he and his Angels have been devising plans to capitalize from the hysteria drawn by Menphina Madness.Though no one would have expected the two teams going against each other mid-season! Due to the Immortal Lions and the Sea Chocobos' defeat, they were sent into the Second Chance bracket for another shot at redemption. The outcome would surely be groundshaking as the former sponsorees take on the incumbent, which gave the Diamond Sultan (and the Angels) no small amount of anxiety.=Hijinks of Housing Most Heavenly=With Menphina Madness well underway, and the Regalia's continued efforts in spreading its name and wealth throughout the realm, a realization had hit the Diamond Sultan one night following the Little Ladies' Day festivities: '''the Ishgardian residential district of Empyrean was nearing its release, thanks to the completion of the restoration effort.'''Anyone who knew the Diamond Sultan well enough would think he would jump at the idea of owning property in a colder climate. Tempting as it may have been, Thiji and his Angels have already established themselves considerably in the Goblet, and are more than content with maintaining their Aldenard presence there. His benefactors, however, would have different concerns. The most prominent being one Ritz Morningway of the Bandee Pakshee, who beseeched the young lord for monetary aid in the new "lottery system" that was being implemented for this particular leg of the housing boom. As one of the Regalia's longest-standing allies, the Diamond Sultan would not dare to refuse. Considering also that his sister Andromeda was of Ishgardian descent, the Pakshee's presence in Ishgard would spell trouble for the stuck-up servants of the cloth - which is just what she wanted. As a Brume orphan, she still held some contempt for the Halonic priests, and the strategic location of their mansion would allow for extra services - the most notable among them being a spa via the Snowsteep Springs.The other ally was Lady Nyte Snow, who works for Abbiocco's Fine Dining, the loyal sponsor of the Ul'dah Gil Turtles. This initially struck Thiji as odd as he assumed Abbiocco's would have no small amount of financial backing from the Gil Turtles. But the Vieran woman would reveal the truth: she did not wish to seek out East O'hteco's aid specifically as this would tarnish their good name, for he was not the only party to be involved. She had also expressed her vehement dislike for the desert climate - something in which Thiji would be a kindred spirit. Moving to Ishgard would benefit herself and her fellow staff of Abbiocco's as they can adapt to the cold. As an old friend, the Diamond Sultan was more keen on acquiescing.Finally, during the eve of the lottery (4/17/2022), news had finally reached the Regalia's ears that the Bandee Pakshee had succeeded in obtaining their upgraded plot, as well as Navei Asumiere, the Warden of the West. Abbiocco's efforts were also bearing fruit as Nyte would bide her time to obtain the plot of her choosing. The housing boom was not unfamiliar to the Diamond Sultan, but it had definitely left him nostalgic considering how hectic and cutthroat the real estate race has become throughout the years. Now, Thiji's ambitions to empower the Pakshee were finally beginning to advance in earnest, and he would redouble his efforts to ensure the Deva Lounge's completion in the Aldenard Branch Headquarters. The dreams of what would soon be known as the Two Empires were becoming more tangible with each turn of the sun.=War Games, Gambits, and Gambles=The Regalia's efforts - and the efforts of its allies - have borne fruit since the advent of Menphina Madness. After a recent contest against the Gridania Sea Chocobos hosted by their co-sponsors, the Clumsy Karakul (4/2/2022), the Diamond Sultan rewarded his beloved Immortal Lions with items from the PiB Catalogue, thereby immortalizing them in the realm of high fashion. Events would continue to unfold for the better as the Grand Company of Eorzea had released a new means of combat known as the "Crystalline Conflict" (4/12/2022).While Thiji was no longer an adventurer by trade, he was still no stranger to combat. He had been training in secret by himself and with his Angels, which has kept his skills and senses honed to a bleeding edge. He had decided to make a name for himself in the Wolves' Den once more, utilizing his mastery of the polearm and Mhachi wisdom to rise through the ranks. The advent of Menphina Madness has rekindled a sense of bloodlust within Lord Thiji and his Angels, but has decided to make things interesting. He has recently authorized a protocol stating that anyone serving the Regalia - himself included - is welcome to participate in the Wolves' Den's operations on the grounds of them cosplaying as a villain from storybooks, lore, and other media.An ideal way to blow off some steam - especially after the Final Days - was just what the doctor ordered. Earlier in the season, however, he had unknowingly caught the eye of many an individual - one of which would easily stand out: a breathtakingly gorgeous Ul'dahn gem of a Lalafell. This Dunesfolk vixen was usually seen in fine clothes, bearing a mask which obscured her features. A brief encounter in Ul'dah's Gold Court would bring the two together, and after a conversation with a Flames Captain, she would take her leave.The following evening (4/18/2022), the Diamond Sultan would receive a pleasant surprise: the Dunesfolk from before had found his Aldenard Branch Headquarters, where he had been preparing for his first-ever fashion show. The lady introduced herself as Lalatua, Madame of the Sultana's Gambit, a massage and shisha parlor within the Goblet. She had expressed interest in Lord Thiji, as well as the Regalia, and invited him to a tour of her establishment, of which Thiji could not refuse a future ally. Their meetings would consist of small exchanges of flirting and divulgence of their ambitions, in which Lalatua grew increasingly interested. The Sultana's Gambit was also revealed to be a guild for intelligence gathering, which is how Lalatua was able to deduce that her business partner was still a ''bachelor.'' Despite this, the Diamond Sultan was impressed, sharing his information gathered by his Othardian Angels - namely that she was a marriage of Mhachi and Sharlayan magics, which she has coined "Black Astromage".Myriad secrets and hidden depths galore kept Lalatua's attention, utterly giddy over the blossoming relationship between the two companies. This was all but cemented when Thiji revealed the first weave of Himvat cloth to Lalatua, which left her speechless. She would leave the estate grounds practically enchanted, and this was further pressed when Lady Nyra had returned from her afternoon flight (4/21/2022) to deliver unto Lalatua a sealed envelope containing pictures of clothed mannequins in the selfsame material she had just discovered. They would definitely be meeting again, only this time, it would be in the Blitzball stadium.=An Akasic Battle=The eve of Menphina Madness Day 5 (4/21/2022) had arrived. The Thavnair Immortal Lions - the Regalia's incumbent sponsors - would face off against his former sponsorees of the Gridania Sea Chocobos. After a brief but inspiring speech from the Diamond Sultan, he saw his beloved team into the sphere in the Snowsteep Stadium to do battle with their old friends-turned-rivals. The battle was fierce, with neither side showing any signs of letting up throughout the first half of the match, but the aggressive tactics of the Sea Chocobos would eventually shut down the Immortal Lions, blazing ahead in a 2-0 lead.In spite of the ongoing battle, Thiji felt no small amount of sorrow and pride for both teams as they fought tooth and nail for every ilm to score that goal. The Lions were fierce, and the Sea Chocobos just as well, but what happened in the ides of the second half would lead to cataclysmic results. The buildup of Akasa emanating from the Immortal Lions' swelling desperation would eventually cause a dark shadow to loom over the horizon of Abalathia's Spine. A creature born of the "Sins" of the people of Etheirys was made manifest, and would make its descent upon Ishgard. The Ishgardian Inquisition, however, would arrive in time to stay the beast's wrath, with the timely reinforcement of the Knights Dragoon, among whom was Ser Kainen Marlowe, the Ishgard Eyes' Goalie.Thavnair's defeat seemed imminent, but it was becoming less of an issue to the Diamond Sultan's mind as he watched the Knights Dragoon and Blitzingway - the Lopporit co-hosting the games that night - chased away the beast beyond the mountains. The destruction wrought by the creature would force Thiji to relocate to another section, getting to catch the last few precious seconds of this "Sinspawn" retreating into the icy heavens, the Knights Dragoon and Blitzingway in tow. Thiji was no less proud of being the Immortal Lions' sponsor, for no matter who would have lost this eve, he would know sadness, hating to see either team eliminated from the tournament. However, a deadlier threat loomed ahead, and as the HBA's finest deliberated on another grand hunt, Thiji would express his gratitude to the victors of tonight's game for a memorable battle. Thavnair surely made a statement with the power of Akasa, and while it may have caused a deadly entity to be born, it was infallible proof as to just how powerful emotions can be...

=A Sorcerous Showcase=The day following the battle of Snowsteep Stadium (4/22/2022), the Diamond Sultan had finally decided the time was rip for the Regalia to take a more active role in monitoring the progress of Etheirys' progression in the haute couture realm. Thus did he create the Mythril Showcase: a Regalia-exclusive fashion show that tested the abilities of the populace through the adherence of a particular theme. To commemorate its inauguration, the chosen theme was the personal favorite play of Thiji's: "The Sorceress' Knight".With several hand-selected judges, including Regalia regular Momo Kurogane; ally Felicienne Cherrier; Dione Averre, proprietress of White Wings Wing Shack, and Xheila Olar, owner of the Clumsy Karakul and co-sponsor of the Thavnair Immortal Lions, they would decide the fate of those brave enough to walk the runway. The stage would be set within the recently-completed Deva Lounge, in honor of the Bandee Pakshee. The participants were many, and the competition was fierce, as everyone gave their all to breathe to life the powerful themes wrought from the play - succession of witches and love.The Sultan's Gambit - led by Madame Lalatua - also made an appearance, having front-row seats to the action. And while all who participated performed admirably, the ones who came out on top were Andromeda Laruzedah - the Madame Herself and Thiji's sister; the Immortal Lions players Sarita Bhalla and O'looqa Honji; and Inalchi Hotgo, an employee of the Clumsy Karakul. All others were granted consolation prizes for their efforts, as well as the blessings of the Diamond Sultan. This also would provide Lord Thiji and his Angels with suitable data moving forward, so as to resume their continued conquest of the realm of high fashion...=The Swan & The Emerald=The partnership between Thiji Higuri and Madame Lalatua proceeded apace. During a lovely night out at the Brimming Heart to attend Club Crescent's Glam & Glitz Prom (4/23/2022), Thiji would come across several fellow aristocrats - one of whom was the esteemed Lady Faye Covington. This would also be the event in which Thiji would display an extremely uncanny ability to dance - which surprised numerous onlookers (Lalatua included) due to his deflection of numerous claims stating the Diamond Sultan can, in fact, dance (which he will still deny - perhaps to his grave).Following the business date, Lalatua invited the Diamond Sultan to her private abode in the Sultana's Breath.  After a heartfelt and wholesome exchange of words, she confided in Thiji that she was willing to deploy one of her "Birds" to the Aldenard Branch Headquarters to serve as a personal masseuse, so as to help relieve him of stress from his diligent working habits.  Though he was apprehensive at first, Thiji would eventually accept, and would expect her arrival within the coming sennight.The day after, he would be met by the agent: a ravishing Dunesfolk of ebony skin in alluring dancer's attire, with luscious tresses of onyx and mint-emerald.  She bore a neutral countenance and bore a queer mark upon her left cheek.  Such a lovely sight would indeed command the Diamond Sultan's attention, and she took note of this as their relationship blossomed.Passing herself off as "Rosary", this woman would serve as the private masseuse to the Diamond Sultan.  What struck Thiji as odd, however, was the [https://twitter.com/Lesisi_Rosary/status/1520259711500705792 "oath" she had given to seal their contract, which consisted of tender kisses upon his hand, wrist, and cheek]. Thus did she officially place herself under his servitude, but not before a brief demonstration of her massaging talents. She also sported a rather venomous tongue, scolding the Diamond Sultan with a barrage of insults, though he was inured to such talk and brushed aside every attempt with relative ease - which humbled Rosary somewhat. Another interesting fact for her was a strange ability to cause flowers to bloom from her hair, which served as a sort of symbolism for whatever situation she was in. This demonstration of Akasa was not above Thiji's notice, and the white lily he was given would be used as a means to communicate with her.The coming week would involve several encounters consisting of witty and playful banter, soothing massages, and rather intimate moments that gave Thiji cause for alarm. After a session within the Mythrite Suites, Rosary revealed that she was a courtesan - which was justified given her choice of attire (though Thiji suggested she remain in such garb). While she was no less an enticing sight to behold, the Diamond Sultan sought out Madame Lalatua for answers after she expressed unusual behavior unbecoming of a ''masseuse''. The revelations that followed would beggar concern from both parties...After explaining the situation to the proprietress and Miss Cafefe Cafe, who was accompanying her at the time, Thiji would be informed that ''Rosary was not, in fact, the masseuse that Lalatua intended to deploy, nor had she ever had such a Bird in her employ.'' Further proof of this would have been an official appointment letter that would be presented to the Diamond Sultan. He went on to further explain that there was a minor wound upon Rosary's left shoulder, which she dismissed when asked about the cause, and when told of any prior contracts she served, Rosary stated that there were two others, but they have long had their lives claimed by the Traders. Based on this troubling information, they surmised that Hoa Lan - the ''actual'' masseuse - was intercepted somehow, and was never given the motive to make advances on Thiji. With this dangerous woman now on the move, they sought the best course of action would be to gather information on Rosary as Thiji feigned ignorance on her true motives - whatever they may be.On the final sun of the Second Umbral Moon (4/30/2022), Thiji would happen upon Rosary in the Lominsan residential district of Mist. The two - conveniently well-dressed for a date - would happen upon a jewelry shop named The Warden's Grace. Here Thiji would establish rapport with the owner, Chee Angharad, who actually knew of the Diamond Sultan thanks to the many posters strewn about the land. While his reputation preceded him, Rosary urged the lord to partake in her product, which left them both pleased at the quality presented to them. While Rosary commissioned a special set of nouliths, Thiji had purchased a pair of precious meteorite earrings that he would save for special occasions. Ever the generous gentleman he is, Thiji covered the expenses for all items, which left Rosary shocked, yet grateful. In light of this, she invited Thiji to her personal abode for a drink. She had happened to acquire an apartment at the Kobai Goten, just across from the Mythrite Suites.Though he expressed his disinterest in drinking, he was convinced otherwise to indulge a little. They would relax for a while within her cozy apartment as they prepared to share a glass of rolanberry wine together. However, Thiji had made a statement that - should she have made the decision to poison him - that it would prove fruitless. The reception would be less than favorable as Rosary gave him the cold shoulder, emptying the contents and replying that - as a courtesan - she would not be opposed to performing such underhanded acts to achieve her own ends. This would spark an exchange of words engulfed with emotions: Rosary never had any intentions on harming Thiji in any manner; she meant every word in her vow to protect and honor him, for she long knew of the Diamond Sultan and his deeds before they first met. In a tearful embrace, she divulged how she - whom was born to not feel - would sense a strong connection between them that made her heart sing. She also provided him with her true name: Lesisi. But Thiji had already knew this.In a flustered manner, she left the Mythrite Suites during a massage session, scolding herself loud enough for Thiji to overhear. With nowhere left to turn, her full name was thus given: '''Lesisi sil Lesi'''. She further explained that her true mission was to get closer to Lalatua, whom was a descendent in the line of Ul. This revelation gave Thiji a sense of relief, as he knew well of the War of the Sisters, and the justifiable animosity she would doubtless hold towards Ul'dah. Holding back tears, uncaring of the repercussions the unveiling of her identity and intentions to Lalatua may have, she had no desire for their contract to end; she wanted to remain with the Diamond Sultan - not as master and servant... ''but as something more.''It was then that Thiji expressed his own inner turmoil to Lesisi: he was fearful of getting into relationships, comfortable in his solitude, for his heart would be ever colder whenever he would experience the loss of a loved one, thus plunging him deeper in the wintry veil of loneliness that he had endured for so long. But he, too, felt the connection between them, and Lesisi - determined for this relationship to bloom into something beautiful - suggested they take it slow and enjoy each other's company, referring to the Diamond Sultan as "her swan". Thiji, whom would return the term of endearment by dubbing her as "his emerald", agreed to her proposal, and thus would Lesisi renew her vow, sealing it this time with a gentle kiss upon the lips.''Perhaps this was the grand design the Lover and Spinner both had intended for the solitary noble... Is his Sultana - a princess; a descendant of Sil'dihn royalty - finally come...?''

As the season of spring marched on, the Valide Sultan gave a golden opportunity to the Angels where they would speak their most heartfelt confessions to the lord and company they have served for many summers...

=Scions, Sinners, and Saviors=Lord Thiji's efforts would continue to bear fruit as his romantic relationship with Lelesi - though not without its bumps on the road - was still blossoming. Meanwhile, the Regalia was hard at work compiling its resources for its Fifth Annual Largesse (6/10/2022 - 6/17/2022). Their greatest event ever created was fast approaching, and Thiji had a means to make this particular occasion all the more special. Recalling the recent success in the Bandee Pakshee's housing efforts, Thiji took it upon himself to enlist their aid this year. The New Birdcage would serve as the site for the last-day raffle, and at the same time, would generate some eyes and interest to the Bandee Pakshee's establishment. Madame Andromeda, of course, was all too happy to accept her brother's request.To help with the festivities, Thiji also enlisted the aid of their old friends of Abbiocco's Fine Dining, and the recent success of Ser Dione Averre's own fashion line has granted her the means to provide support as well through a mobile diner she has dubbed the White Wings Wing Shack. Together, these four companies would collaborate in what would perhaps be the most successful Largesse in the past five years. Old friends and customers made their return as they partook in the various wares offered by the Angels and even Lord Thiji himself, whom was present in Meghaduta in Radz-at-Han and the Arrzaneth Ossuary in Ul'dah to provide weapons for adventurers.Further support came from various other individuals and companies - the biggest contributors being the Silver Trust, a merchant's guild that utilizes its funds to help those in need, assisted by Elegant Estrelaint, an Elezen of no small renown and the lady whom the Diamond Sultan had the honor of being seneschal during this year's Little Ladies' Day festival. Another contributor was the Mhazi Trading Company, helmed by the husband of an Ishgardian noblewoman by the name of Rosalind Ka'an de Durendaire. With the Final Days behind them and thus averted, she took it upon herself to leverage her powers as Ishgard's Liaison of Mercantile Affairs to lend her own support through cooperation with the Regalia. She had received passionate messages regarding Thiji's homeland, and learning of the Diamond Sultan's ways and mannerisms made her see a kindred spirit in the Dunesfolk noble.And while the list of allies is ever-growing, the event was not without its oddities...Towards the end of the Largesse came a group of individuals no one had expected in the slightest: the first being Thancred Waters, Sharlayan Archon of Espionage... ''but as a Miqo'te.'' He deemed this as a result of a "Fantasia accident", the aforementioned potable being a fabled drink that would enable one's form and gender to be altered at one's will. Krile Mayer Baldesion had also made an appearance, finally finding the time to see the sights of Etheirys and learn of the Regalia after hearing many tales of its deeds. But the group that "takes the cake" was - of all people - ''the Ascians''. They did not seem hells-bent on ushering calamities anymore, and this was made evident in their speech. Igeyorhm vouched for this, and she and her fellow sundered souls wanted to see how the children of man would fare now that fate has been left entirely for them to decide.Coincidentally, the Ascians had an establishment not too far from the New Birdcage - called "Ascian Hooters": an eatery of questionable proportions. It was because of this convenience that other sundered beings - including one "Emeowt-Selch", Fandaniel, Hythlodaeus, Hermes, Meteion, and even ''Venat'' - made a return appearance during the final day of the Largesse. Their good intent was all but cemented when they played a pivotal role in disrupting the scheme of an "Emperor Varus body double", whom was agitated by the ruckus caused by the festivities, and sought to quiet things around the neighborhood by causing a ''Black Rose incident''. Fortunately, the born-again Ascians prevented the Emperor's plan from succeeding, and retreated into the night.It was also during this time that the Kugane Koban Crushers of the Hydaelyn Blitzball Association had seized the championship from the Ul'dah Gil Turtles, resulting in a massive financial upset as the odds were heavily in the latter's favor. Thiji also revealed his beloved Lelesi to the realm, finally lifting the veil upon the supposed relationship that was rumored to spark between himself and Madame Lalatua of the Sultana's Gambit. A wonderful time was had by all, and much was given to the people of Etheirys, ensuring no soul was left unhappy. The new age of adventure permitted boundless opportunities, and even the Regalia would see fit to capitalize on this in their own way. Their greatest objective, however, was slightly divulged during the waning hours of the Largesse:The creation of his latest fashion project - one that will bring the very essence of winter to the realm of haute couture...

A Gemweave Reprieve
Matters within the Regalia proceeded apace thanks to the relative peace of the new age of adventure (8/27/2022). Remaining ahead of schedule with his new project, the Diamond Sultan has decided to spend some of his free time with a major activity that has been on the backburner for some time: Blitzball.
A grand opportunity as ever, Thiji had surmised, for the Gemweave he had invented some summers back has been collecting dust, and with his abilities improving over time, it was as good a time as ever to begin some field testing. Menphina Madness was over, but there were still players new and old looking to learn of the sport. Two players of the Immortal Lions – his sponsored team – had taken it upon themselves to lead the “Offseason effort”.Ffon Aveross and O’looqa Honji have opened up a “class” for aspiring players to learn the basics and intricacies of Blitzball, to which Thiji – whom has been spectating countless matches at this point – decided to toss his own turban into the sphere. Utilizing his new-and-improved “Diamond Bulwark”, he has become a powerful defender and goalie in the short time he has played.Though it seems to be that his weakness is wearing red, if his recent matches have anything to attest…The New Mission
A report from a Radiant guardsman had arrived sometime later, bringing forth a message of great import (9/01/2022). It had informed the Diamond Sultan about the recent excursion that is being headed by the Satrap; he aims to breach into the Void via the sealed gate in Alzadaal’s Legacy with a singular objective: to find and rescue his beloved sister Azdaja.
While it has been some time since Thiji has gone on an excursion on a grand scale, Thiji and his house owes the dragons a debt of gratitude, which he had expressed in a letter to his friend, Ser Dione Averre. He had reassured Dione that, while had hatred for the Lady Iceheart and her Harriers during his time as an adventurer in the Dragonsong War, that he had never struck against dragonkind out of anger – only in self-defense, if necessary. Because of the severity of the task Great Vrtra has taken, the Diamond Sultan has made the call to devote his efforts towards assisting him however possible – the first major order of business being to create a new vessel for the great wyrm that is more suited for combat.Meanwhile, the news of a chain of islands within the Cieldalaes has commanded the attention of numerous adventurers – especially those who have been estranged by the recent housing boom. These “Island Sanctuaries” would be open to those with a permit, which the Diamond Sultan would undoubtedly acquire, and had decided to use this as a reward for all Angels old and new for their service to the Regalia and to House Higuri. This “Angel Island” would become their more permanent base of operations/training grounds, as well as an excellent staging point for any future missions that may be involved in the mainland or even other locations.In the meantime, there is no feasible means of entering the Void to more directly aid Vrtra and his party, so Thiji continues to hone his own skills in secret, while at the same time assisting the High Crucible in maintaining his vessel – whatever small matters the Regalia could do to contribute to the Satrap’s mission, he would accomplish to the best of his ability.The Solitary Noble: DenouementA myriad of events have occurred in recent moons. Firstly, the destabilization of the Hydaelyn Blitzball Association caused a power vacuum to form which resulted in a new set of leaders to take the helm. Ffon Aveross of the Thavnair Immortal Lions and Lakaera Riverthorn of the Sharlayan AquaMammets have gathered any and all faithful still determined to carry the spirit of Blitzball. Thiji Higuri, whom has been a stalwart sponsor of the association for several years now, was called upon to serve among their staff, to which he graciously accepted. This new change in leadership gave his allies - some of whom were former players - a massive and much-needed morale boost which even stirred them to make a triumphant return to the scene. Now dubbed the EBL (Etheiryan Blitzball League), and rallying under a new banner and slogan, the future seems brighter than ever for this new era of the popular sport.Next, in more a more bittersweet turn, Ameya Entertainment Hall - run by Lady Zahra of House Kouris - had its final curtain call on the Nineteenth Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon (11/19/2022). The young heiress expressed her gratitude in her career as a performer, but stated that she has her own plans that she wishes to set in motion, now growing more accustomed to the life of nobility and embracing her calling - much as Lord Thiji did when he hung up the mantle of Adventurer. Their final show was one of spectacular proportions as many esteemed artists gave their all for the swan song of the fabled dance hall - including Lady Rose, Kynuh the Snowcatte, Minalta Qalli, Naid Carville, Deepvoid Deathmouse, and IMPULSE. The morning afterward, there was a rumored final tribute heard upon the gales, as the mysterious North Wind gave a song of his own to bid Ameya a proper farewell with his own tribute. Those who were fortunate enough to hear it were absolutely touched.Following this, there were reports from Thiji's own Angels that another of his allies had been kidnapped by some unknown force. Mistress Nyte Snow of Abbiocco's Fine Dining had mysteriously vanished, and her own special team of individuals have been hard at work solving the mystery behind her disappearance, working in tandem with the Regalia to gather leads. This coincidentally occurred just as the two organizations confirmed the event that would bring forth Thiji's greatest clothing line yet that would unveil itself during the Winter Solstice (12/21/2022). Everyone is hopeful that Mistress Snow will return before the fashion show.Lastly, and the most heartbreaking: the courtship between himself and the fallen princess Lelesi had failed miserably. Due to an overwhelming clash of ideals and personalities, the two were not willing to come to any middle ground. Lord Thiji's heart has frozen once more and hardened into diamond; this is the final straw that broke the dhalmel's back. Never again shall he make himself vulnerable to the "auspices" of love, and as a result, has informed his closest allies of this update as he reverts to a state of reclusiveness. The Diamond Sultan reevaluates and contemplates things as he now makes himself scarce, placing himself beyond the reach of anyone looking to meet him, revealing himself only when he sees fit, and never when commanded. The Angels now serve as his eyes, ears, and voice as he continues to operate and lead the Higuri Regalia from the shadows, while still fulfilling his promise of giving back to the realm and enlightening Etheirys through high fashion...The Diamond Unearths At Last(6/5/23) Whilst the Diamond Sultan remained in solitude, a great many events transpired. His Angels, serving as his eyes, ears, and voice, have been performing at an increased level of efficiency to compensate for their lord's current status. With the formation of the new Etheiryan Blitzball League, the Higuri Regalia was among the first ones called upon to help supervise matters within the new org. Sponsoring the Limsa Lominsa Barracudas, their resources and manpower helped ensure numerous matches and events were possible.Meanwhile, a recent incursion from denizens of the Thirteenth have sparked interest in Lord Thiji's allies - namely Ser Dione Averre, who made it her personal mission to rescue the Satrap's sister from the clutches of the diabolical memoriate known as Golbez. With the Diamond Sultan's blessings, he would do his utmost to aid in the quest to bring Azdaja back from what seemed like an eternity of war against the Voidsent.To further catalyze matters, the enigmatic Baroness von Suna - a purported heiress of the Regalia and one of Lord Thiji's elite agents - made herself publicly known during a date auction, where she had flaunted a massive amount of gil that would make even the Syndicate's wallets shudder, with the highest amount (100 million gil) being given to Captain Khallendra Khaine of the Garlemald Ceruleum Knights. This left a powerful impression upon everyone who bore witness to the Regalia's financial strength through the gilded Ul'dahn quaintrelle's actions, and even earned some favor from the players and fans alike.This, along with several meetings in private with his confidants, inspired him to finally rouse from his slump, taking back to the scene with renewed vigor and resolve. There was moves to make, lines to create, and Power in Beauty to bring to the community!Quadfectas of Fortune
With the Diamond Sultan back in action and another Largesse under the Regalia's belt, the time had come to proceed apace with their plans (7/10/2023). Firstly, in light of the recent renewal of the trade agreement between Garlemald and Thavnair, the defunct Ilsabardian nation has begun taking its first true steps in becoming an autonomous state. Thanks to the efforts of the Regalia's Enforcers - helmed by Princess Telphie Higuri - who have been aiding the Ilsabard Contingent since their insertion into Garlemald, some of the Imperial soldiers have taken interest in the Regalia - namely Youmei pyr Kyria, a palace servant-turned-Hoplomachus hailing from a merchant house with ties to the Higuri family. She had explained her story to the Angels and expressed her gratitude for their aid, and with the situation at hand finally turning for the better, was welcomed into the fold as an Angel and Enforcer, making her the first Garlean to do so.
Secondly, after spending some time to catch back up with several individuals and parties, Thiji Higuri had met with Izzy Sapphira of the Bandee Pakshee - a Raen courier and courtesan native to Radz-at-Han who had been a close follower of the Diamond Sultan since the PiB Catalogue's creation. His genius and passion for high fashion were the greatest attractants to her, and after some intense negotiations, she had finally acquired her dream: to become a fashion designer not unlike her idol. Seeing her talent and enthusiasm expressed in the past, Thiji saw no reason not to take her under his wing, and as such, has become an apprentice designer under the Higuri Regalia.Third, the season of the new Blitzball organization had ended, but the machinations of the Baroness did not. After finally making well on the date auction, she had invited Ry'lah Dinhe of the Ul'dah High Rollers to join her in the Birdcage - the Bandee Pakshee's establishment and base of operations. It was upon here that they would discuss matters regarding the creation and shipment of adventuring gear for the utilization of Invictus Company. They would then resell said equipment to the public once their needs were satisfied. The deal was enticing to the Baroness, for it meant that her lord could take a break from the aesthetic side and make good use of their massive reserve stock to create gear practical to combat.Lastly, as an unexpected twist, Ry'lah brought with her a business partner by the name of Delilah Bloodmire, a seedkin enthusiast who runs the company known as Bloodmire Botanicals. After a venerable feast of wings and popotoes, she had explained her wondrous trade of crossbreeding morbols to produce pleasant scents and aromas in opposition to the offal breath by which they are well-known. This in turn resulted in the creation of perfumes that her company distributes to the public. The timely arrival of Madame Andromeda, whose company has long been attempting to capture the Hannish aesthetic via control over the olfactory senses. Sparking a magnificent start for the latter part of the year, this auspicious business meeting resulted in a deal that would benefit not only the Regalia, but its closest allies.A Two-Pronged Attack; Two Feasts to RememberAmidst all of the recent success that the Regalia and their allies have enjoyed, they did not come without consequence. In recent days following the establishment of the Kahlzahl Foundation, another disaster struck the greater Ilsabard region in the form of a Voidsent incursion. What seemed like a random attack was in fact a planned assault by the forces of the Thirteenth. An emergency message from a mysterious female confirmed this when Thiji was notified well in advance that Voidsent had begun emerging from the mountains to the east of the destroyed capital - in an area known as Lapis Manalis.Knowing said female from his stint in Garlemald, he relayed this report to his Angels downrange, who wasted no time rallying themselves to assist in clearing out the former Reaper enclave. Meanwhile, in Thavnair, another - albeit less subtle - attack was reported by the Radiant Host, which resulted in the destruction of a void fissure that was hidden deep within the fabled treasure vault of Alzadaal's Legacy. With the battle to restore order to the region still fresh in his mind, the Diamond Sultan's orders were swift and decisive: to launch a counter-strike at the commanders behind these attacks, whom were revealed to be the Archfiends, Cagnazzo and Rubicante.While he kept it secret, the Regalia was also supporting the efforts of several brave companies who spearheaded a dangerous mission to rescue Lord Vrtra's sister - Azdaja. Among them were White Wings, a mobile aid agency that operates from an airship. Their leader, Dione Averre - a longtime friend of Lord Thiji's, and collaborator of Dragonsong Couture - was adamant in seeing the mission to its conclusion, and owing much to the First Brood, Thiji saw kindred spirits in her. Before their rescue mission could resume in earnest, however, these two Archfiends needed to be dealt with, as the previous two - Scarmiglione and Barbariccia - have already been routed.The Angels' orders were thus: to clear out any Voidsent with the intent of causing trouble, but to avoid direct confrontation with the Archfiends until reinforcements arrived. Thanks to their efforts, the Archfiends would soon be history, and the eventual campaign to liberate Azdaja would result in a resounding success - though it came at a worthy price of one of the great wyrm Vrtra's eyes.(10/3/2023) In celebration of this most daring undertaking, a feast was created by Dione, where all of White Wings and the Regalia were invited. A great repast was had as Thiji expressed his heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all that they have done, as well as to the First Brood for helping shepherd Etheirys's growth through their actions - for without them, Radz-at-Han may not ever have existed. With this knowledge, both he and Dione agreed on the final piece of their line: an armored robe bearing the colors of the Satrap and his reunited sister.About a week later (10/8/2023), Nyte Snow of Abbiocco Fine Dining commenced her third annual culinary festival: A Feast Reborn. The Regalia, being longtime friends and allies of the proprietress, happily pitched in to aid in the festivities, along with numerous other sponsors. Whilst helping facilitate order around the fairegrounds, he also gathered data on what people enjoyed the most from the PiB Catalogue as a sort of quest. Furthermore, on the final day, he had donated a great amount of gil towards Abbiocco, but also won a cornucopia that would be sent to Ffon Aveross, Captain of the Radz-at-Han Radiance.With yet another disaster thwarted, and normalcy returned to the region, the Garleans have slowly begun taking their first steps towards autonomy, and thus were Thiji's Angels downrange - headed by Princess Telphie - called back for rest and relaxation. In time, Telphie thought, the Ilsabard Contingent would also dissolve and grant Garlemald the space they need to stand on their own two feet. But with little other problems left to face, the only thing left on the agenda was the acceleration of his upcoming clothing line...

Secrets of the South SeasThe lull of activity paves the way to numerous opportunities for exploration. Following the tenth return of the All Saints' Wake celebration (31 October, 2023) (of which Lord Thiji's social calendar does not register), the discovery of a forgotten isle in the South Seas piqued a certain Angel's interest.Umimi Umi, Head Secretary of the Higuri Regalia Main Branch and sister-in-law to the Diamond Sultan, requested for her lord to accompany her to a place known as Aloalo Island. Given its proximity to the Bounty, an expedition was doable. She was determined to learn more about the history of her people, and with her husband Horu taking care of matters in his brother's absence, the journey would thus begin.They would not be traveling alone, however. Prior to embarkation from Yedlihmad, Thiji and Umimi would be met with Plam Aisenfield and Curiosity "Curie" Blanchimont - aka Marvelous Altima. Their own interests aligned with that of the Lalafellin duo, and thus the (light) party was formed.With a vast array of skills and strengths provided by this diverse team, they were capable of uncovering a great many things throughout the expedition. Plam, who later revealed to be a Conjurer of Stillglade Fane, was adept in consulting with fae creatures alongside Curie, whose firsthand experience with said creatures kept the party on their toes for any trickery. She had been given an assignment to Aloalo Island to gather samples of the waters from various points of interest for study.Thiji, armed with his Scholar attire, was quick to deduce the numerous geometric shapes that were carved throughout the boughs of the colossal tree which loomed over the island. His assumptions would be confirmed towards the end of their expedition, whilst Umimi, given her maritime know-how, easily knew of the various wavekin which lurked beneath the limpid waters; ones that were safe (or unsafe) for consumption, and others that bore interesting stories and legacies - such as a whale of great size capable of flight.At the crux of their journey, the Diamond Sultan shared the information he had compiled: Aloalo Island was one of, if not, the ancestral homeland of the Plainsfolk Lalafell, as well as the birthplace of Arcanima - the selfsame magical art that is studied and practiced in Mealvaan's Gate in Limsa Lominsa. From the aetherial constructs conjured by overzealous treasure hunters; to the great guardian which slumbered at the heart of the tree; even the faerie that inhabited the island long after its previous masters had parted, there was incontrovertible evidence that the citizens of Nym emigrated to this island to escape the horrors of the War of the Magi during the Fifth Astral Era.Even more importantly was what the trio discovered at the mountain's summit after solving a clever riddle pertaining to Aloalo's deities: the very Speaker, Loquloqui, who guided the ancient people of Aloalo during the time of its vibrancy, made herself known to the three and displayed a powerful mastery of Conjury and Arcanima, utilizing the wood of the trees and the very gemstone which gave life to Aloalo Island to an amazing degree. Furthermore, the unique wavekin that were caught and consumed by the island's locals gave the ancient Lalafell haler and heartier bodies, which attests to the enhanced resistance to poison and disease their race is (uncommonly) known to have. The religious parallels of Aloalo Island and Radz-at-Han were of great intrigue to Thiji, and made him all the more grateful to have uncovered such wondrous truths within the South Seas.These revelations were more than Umimi had hoped to uncover, for Nymian royal blood flows through her veins. It is because of this that she would work ever harder to hone her mastery of the Royal Marines' art, and the knowledge gained that day would be shared to her Angels who practiced Arcanima - namely Lilina Lina. The capabilities of proto-Arcanima, however, was the cause for much annoyance for Thiji, however, as he openly expressed how - despite numerous advances in strength and skill - adventurers could be capable of so much more than the watered-down combat disciplines that are practiced in the present day...The Valide's InitiativeWith the arrival of yet another Starlight Celebration (12/22/24), the time had come for merriment and gift-giving. Knowing the Regalia at this point, the gift of high fashion would be in store for all of Etheirys. Thus did Lord Thiji work together with his old friend and flirt interest Nyte Snow to establish another fashion show to provide a sneak peek of their upcoming clothing line.Only this time, it would be the Mythrite Valide Sultan taking the reins whilst her beloved son was busy tending to said line. With Lady Mimizo and her husband taking a more active role in Regalia matters, the business could not be running any smoother. Revealing the new line as "The Abyssal Gala", these outfits would take from the beings of the Thirteenth shard - the Void - while also blending elements from the Near East as Radz-at-Han had been founded atop a void fissure. But matters would only get better for everyone...At the climax of the Void & The Vogue Fashion Show, Mimizo provided insight to the audience on the Regalia's ambitions for the coming cycle: namely allowing aspiring fashion designers the opportunity to hone their craft and seek apprenticeship, as well as collaborating with others who may have concepts worthy of immortalizing into cloth. With the massive success the Higuri Regalia has had now, the time had arrived to share that success with everyone in broader strokes - which may imply the formation of a guild within the Regalia...Highway to the Mimi-ZoneThe release of the Abyssal Gala marked the ninth successful clothing line the Regalia has created, and its prosperity continues to skyrocket as a result (1/31/2024). As the realm at large is taken by yet another storm of high fashion, the Blitzball season is also fast approaching.Youmei pyr Kyria - the Regalia's newest Garlean pureblood Angel - was encouraged unanimously by her peers to represent the Ceruleum Knights in a bid to maintain the good relations between the Ilsabardian nation and Thavnair. Meanwhile, the ambitions of the Higuri Regalia are finally made public as they aim to serve as league sponsors for the EBL as a whole, preparing a slew of events, giveaways, and promotions to uplift and support all teams competing for what is looking to be another excellent season.Amidst the festivities, Lady Mimizo, together with her loving husband, Lord Fafastima, work towards the initiative she had disclosed some moons prior, where the Regalia would open its doors to aspiring designers and apprentices looking to make their own mark on the realm. Whenever they are not dealing with breakthroughs, the Mythrite Valide Sultan endeavors to help oversee and collaborate with others, which would soon pave the way to fulfilling the Regalia's primary goal of sharing its opulence with the rest of Etheirys.The Diamond TruthWith a new chapter in this age of adventure preparing to unfold, Thiji gathers his remaining allies to discuss future plans... (6/23/2024)

The Great Western Voyage
The time had finally arrived. The ship bells were ringing, and everyone restlessly began packing whatever they could carry for what would be known in Etheirys's history as "The Great Western Voyage". After so many long years of waiting, the route was finally clear for individuals to set sail...... To the New World - Tural.With determination behind his icy gaze, Thiji would prepare the Mythril Wavetraders and set sail across the Indigo Deep, to join the first wave of adventurers and explorers (pun not intended). He would not be traveling alone, however.Backed by his mother and father, Lady Mimizo & Lord Fafastima - whose intrepid spirits blazed bright once more - the Diamond Sultan joined the grand expedition with three set goals in mind: to establish diplomatic relations with the capital of Tuliyollal as Hannish ambassadors; to recruit an exceptional native into the ranks of the Angels per Sesena's request, and - most importantly - better himself as a leader and person. Having grown so accustomed to the lax side of life building and managing an empire was admittedly getting to Thiji, and he needed a means to expand his skills and knowledge - traits he would hone through the best way he knew how...Further backed by his favorite Angel Tu'shasha Tusha, Lady Nyra, the "Vee Twins" - his deadliest Angels - and sister-in-law Lady Umimi, as well as his dearest companion Glacius the Chocobo, with an expanded arsenal of gear and supplies to boot, Thiji was more than prepared for an extended stay in Tural. For in fact, that was his plan.The Higuri Regalia had been welcomed into a golden age of prosperity since he took the reins from his father, establishing numerous connections and allies; creating many successful clothing lines, and even collaborating with other nations and prominent individuals. It was an excellent boost for his self-esteem, yes, but in his heart of hearts there was no denying that which he craved the most - something passed down to him by his mother, which he has polished to a mirror sheen since Operation: Rhalgr's Beacon...... His lust for combat.The Higuri Show their Sea Legs
So serious was the Diamond Sultan about his sabbatical from his workshop that he left behind his signature robes, putting them on display in the Aldenard Branch for visitors and clients to know that Thiji Higuri was going to be gone for a good while (despite the fact that he could just teleport).Donning more chivalric and elegant garments to mark this shift, the Tural expedition would proceed apace. With the Angels and Head Secretaries given their respective duties, the company was in good hands whilst Thiji went on this new journey, emphasizing to everyone that the care and attendance of his Diamond Apprentice, Izayoi T. Keer, was of utmost priority, for she had the blessings of House Higuri in more ways than one.Ever a step ahead, Thiji's spy network and Umimi's innate maritime knowledge informed him of the Shades' Triangle - a body of water just beyond the Indigo Deep that is said to be responsible for many a shipwreck. House Higuri, however, wasn't having that. The Mythril Wavetraders would make it through this treacherous region with little damage as their reserve stock came equipped with aetherial converters to shield themselves from any storms and damaging waves.With the Gilded Blade and Blissful Bosom at the van, Thiji, Fafastima, and Mimizo expertly commanded their way through the Shades' Triangle, ensuring not a single crewman or piece of cargo would meet an untimely change in scenery underwater, much to his parents' amusement. Their son, who spent so much time in such luxury, still had no qualms on getting his hands dirty - even leading from the front.Eventually the push through that volatile strait would finally win through as the shores of Tuliyollal would be seen on the horizon, though Thiji knew - without a doubt - that a more thorough investigation of the Shades' Triangle would soon be warranted...As the Turali shores were strewn with rocky reefs, it was imperative for larger vessels to make port further away from High Tide Harbor, which was perfect for the Mythril Wavetraders, whose larger flagships docked some yalms away from the seaside entrance to serve as their base of operations. Their smaller ships, meanwhile, served as their primary method of entry and egress.The stage was now set for the Diamond Sultan to spread the meaning of Power in Beauty to yet another unfamiliar land...A New Dawn; A New Day; An Old Life Resurges
Dubbing this new initiative as "Operation: Mythril Dawning",
Thiji and his expeditionary team would proceed in earnest, learning all they can about the various cultures, lifestyles, and mannerisms of the myriad peoples of Tural. Tuliyollal was a melting pot of many races, all united under their ruler known as the Dawnservant. And while Thiji secretly yearned to enjoy the comfort of his loom and bench, he was a changed man once he made the choice to join in the western voyage. A fashion breakthrough would no doubt be nigh, but time for that would come later. For now, action had to be conducted.
His spy network would commence information gathering within the city, led by Veeveera, who was also keeping an eye on certain individuals of note they knew from Eorzea and the Far East; Veeveena and Umimi would ingratiate themselves with the locals and spar with the city's military arm: the Landsguard. It was their bid that the exchanging of martial techniques would benefit both parties, on which they would deliver with gusto. This would also be around the time where Thiji would cross paths with some familiar faces, including his Prime Honorary Angel, Lyriah Karnelle, who had recently taken up the Sharlayan art of Pictomancy, and Princess Kikki, the Viis from Norvrandt who had found love in Sahno, and are enjoying their vacation together.Lord Fafastima headed the diplomatic and trade affairs with his merchant fleet, becoming a fast favorite in the Bayside Bevy Marketplace through display of the Power in Beauty Catalogue and sharing the beauties of Radz-at-Han, as well as its similarities to Tuliyollal by expressing the former's national motto: "Embrace the Many, Thrive as One".As for Lady Mimizo, however, she and Thiji were working in tandem to further their martial and magical pursuits. The Valide Sultan took up the ways of the Viper, marrying its relentless style with the frenetic paces of the Dancer to create an even deadlier means of battle. This would reawaken her own lust for combat that she had suppressed since her heyday as a Pirate Lord alongside her husband. She would share this part of her past with Thiji as they trained in the jungles of Kozama'uka and mountains of Urqopacha: of how Mimizo, being true to her South Seas heritage, gained notoriety under a different alias: "Sardee K'chaal", which meant "Winter's Guile" in the Thavnairian tongue. Such a name came into being due to her grace and deadly skill with Dancer's arms combined with their unique style of the Eistanz, only Mimizo at the time was a lot more savage with her strikes, reveling in the sight of canrage, and even more so the thought and notion of bloodletting. It was said that she always left the fields in which she traipsed a frightening visage of frozen viscera, letting her ice powers and bladework run as wild as her bloodlust.Before she would be tamed and her heart won over by Fafastima, who had his own reputation later on as "Sardee K'maar" - "Winter's Bite" - she grew a reputation as a pirate scourge known to stalk the gelid waters of the Blindfrost, and their crew later became known as the Blindfrost Bitches: hooded and masked femme fatales who embraced the unforgiving and harsh chill of the north with a reverence that bordered on deific worship, with Fafastima being the sole male. His skill with the kilij and hexagun were without peer, however, and the last sight his foes would see was always a bright blue orb piercing the veil of mist, thus earning him the name of "Ol' Blue Eye".This was what Thiji inherited from his mother: a gift and potential that he had unlocked during the events of the Dragonsong War, recalling his duels against Ravana, and his skirmishes with the Harriers. And now, with even greater strength and mastery over ice-aspected aether, he would unleash this glorious gift upon those foolish enough to challenge the Regalia's ruling family.

As the Owl Flies
The Regalia's efforts within Tural proceed apace, with everyone performing their tasks admirably and efficiently. Word would reach back home to Susuna regarding the Pelupelu, whose mercantile culture and alcohol-indulging society becoming great motivators for her to see Tuliyollal for herself."Such an Angel would help take Tural by storm!" she thought, and eagerly pleaded for Thiji to consider adding a Pelupelu to their roster. A difficult endeavor, but not an impossible one. This was also around the time where the rite of succession was underway, which were a series of tests that involved experiencing the grand journey of Tuliyollal's founder, Gulool Ja Ja, as he learned of the many peoples of this continent, and would eventually find the "golden city", which was the crux of said rite. The one to attain this feat first would be crowned the new Dawnservant. Thiji and Mimizo both took advantage of this rite to better explore the regions beyond the city as its participants - sons and daughters of Gulool Ja Ja, one of whom was a Xbr'aal (pronounced "Shi-brawl") female named Wuk Lamat - ventured throughout Tural to collect keystones pertaining to important moments of the old Mamool Ja's adventures.Lady Nyra had also conducted her own reconnaissance work one eve whilst circling above Xbalyav Ty'e, where she overheard a group of individuals discussing nefarious matters. Dubbing themselves as the "Passage of the Unbound", this band of misfits seek to undermine the various nations of the world through a variety of methods, but with a common theme: the misappropriation of various Turali relics capable of bringing great wonder and ruin.Considering this threat to be worthy of concern in a manner similar to the blasphemy hunts, Thiji sent news of this information to the other branches as well as to his Ilsabardian operatives, ensuring that these ne'er-do-wells wouldn't get close to fulfilling whatever dastardly deeds they intend on enacting.Killing (Bonding) Time
While all was well and good with the Higuri Regalia learning of the Dawnservant's journeys and the lifestyles of the Turali natives, Thiji's team had only been exploring the southern half of the continent - Yok Tural. Its northern portion of Xak Tural was sealed behind the Skygate which led to the bridge, Zorgor the Boundless, and with the Landsguard's headquarters of Brightploom Post being so close by, compounded with the rocky outcroppings creating an impassable basin, there was no feasible means of getting around on sea or land. With no other alternative, Thiji would find a brief reprieve to spend some quality time with his parents.Traversing the forests of Yak T'el via dirigible, they would seek out the village of Iq Br'aax (pronounced "Ick Brash"), where they were greeted by the native Xbr'aal who called the forests home. Due to their attire, they stuck out like a sore thumb, and were asked a great deal of questions as a result of the leonine race's curiosity. It was also during this time where Mimizo explained in further detail about her past: of her escapades as a pirate queen alongside her husband, and why Thiji was such a treasured son who not only inherited the bloodlust she but recently re-embraced, but sought a higher calling in fashion design. As a loving mother who wanted nothing but the best for her children, she was all the more happy to know that - in spite of all he has suffered through up to this point - that Thiji was no less an incredible individual who has created a significant impact on the world.Thiji ruminated over these new revelations over a feast of Xibruq Pibil that Mimizo and Umimi (whom was nearby looking for prime fishing spots) cooked after learning of the recipe from the Xbr'aal, though it was difficult gleaning the recipe at first as they were assumed assisting one of the Promises in the rite of succession, though that rumor was easily allayed when a convincing argument on their ambassadorial tendencies was made.A Vali-ant Encounter
As the House Higuri heads enjoyed their time in Yak T'el, Veeveera and Veeveena embarked on an adventure of their own within Kozama'uka. The striking similarities to Thavnair made exploring its vast swamps and jungles a memorable experience, though what made it more unforgettable was the chance encounter with a small band of Pelupelu peddlers transporting a wealth of goods from Urqopacha to the Moblin settlements in the upper reaches in the southern region of Miyakabek'zoma. This was also a common area for bandits and highwaymen to stalk and pilfer, which would doubtless occur on so prime a target as a defenseless trade caravan. The timely aid of the Vee Twins ensured their safety (though some of the bandits were unfortunate enough to fall to their wrath).What stood them out from others, however, was the clothing they wore: it was not the usual sanguine ponchos by which the locals are seen wearing; they donned garbs of cerulean blue, with masks to match. One of them - presumably their leader - was a Pelupelu in her low twenties by the name of Yuvlu, who recognized the two Lalafells as Angels of the Regalia. She explained how the Power in Beauty Catalogue reached the New world on several occasions, and the Ceruleum Dress of the Whalaqee was a very popular clothing item for Blue Mages and fashion-conscious Turali natives alike.Owing her livelihood and that of her caravan's to the Regalia, Yuvlu insisted on having the two accompany them the rest of the way to Dock Tumu, where they would sail to Tuliyollal to complete their trade route. During the journey Yuvlu spoke further on what precisely she was peddling: plumage from the greatest among the tural vidraal: Valigarmanda, the Skyruin - the same tural vidraal that Gulool Ja Ja and his companions fought and sealed within Urqopacha. Given the significance of the great cloudkin in Tuliyollan culture, Yuvlu had intended on turning a great profit of pel for them, but fate seemed to be smiling upon her, which convinced her to change her tune.Due to the Regalia being recognized by Yuvlu and her caravan, she was made herself a counteroffer in lieu of monetary compensation: she would provide the Regalia with the plumes in exchange for an audience with the Diamond Sultan himself, knowing he would likely make use of these in an upcoming clothing line, to which Veeveena and Veeveera couldn't refuse.Merchants Stronger Together
Circumventing the usual method of transportation for the aetherially-gifted, Thiji and his team would take the next dirigible back to Tuliyollal once the message was received by Veeveena and Veeveera regarding their latest mission. Just as the Twins did previously, Thiji immediately recognized the Cerulean Dress worn by Yuvlu and her troupe, which warranted some pleasure knowing his fashion efforts have reached so far west.The intrepid Pelupelu was starstruck to meet such an esteemed personage in the flesh at long last, and she was all the more enthused to negotiate trade with the Diamond Sultan. Though knowing Pelupelu customs, he and his team would be invited to talk over mezcal, but Yuvlu - being knowledgable of Thiji's mannerisms - knows that he does not drink.She assumed the Regalia's presence here warranted a future breakthrough in his couturial pursuits, and in order to help that along, Tural needed to be explored as much as possible. As a fellow merchant, she was willing to sweeten the deal in a sense after Thiji proposed an offer to find a means to be granted entry to Xak Tural. Coincidentally enough, Yuvlu had said means readily available. Being the race responsible for Tuliyollal's prosperity in many ways granted them a considerable level of freedom to explore the continent at their leisure. To this end, Yuvlu presented them with the means to cross the bridge to Xak Tural: a special merchant's permit. The Regalia may be known on this side of the world, but their renown was still understandably wanting to warrant unmitigated passage.As a symbol of gratitude, the Vee Twins insisted on remaining with Yuvlu, leaving Thiji, Mimizo, Fafastima, and Umimi free to resume their journey. It was also around this point in time where - in his continued pursuits of martial cultivation - the Diamond Sultan engaged in a bit of image training, mentally pitting himself against certain entities from his past in order to steel himself for whatever comes their way in the coming days.Rise of a New Dawn(servant)
After some time had passed, Yuvlu and her associates, now allying themselves with the Higuri Regalia, accompanied them across the vast bridge of Zorgor the Boundless, at last arriving in Xak Tural, where the Tonawawta, Shetona, and Hhetsarro (Hyur, Viera, and Miqo'te, respectively) make their home. The familiar heat of a desert sun would greet them as the arid plains of Shaaloani came into view, with Yuvlu explaining to them about the land's history: a region of great anarchy, where disputes were usually settled through dueling (which became of great interest to Fafastima). The formation of the Dustwatch by the Second Promise, Koana, helped provide some stability to Shaaloani as he strove to create a more modernized Tural. It was also a place were naturally occurring ceruleum was found, and numerous companies were made to capitalize on this precious resource. This led to Thiji deducing that this place is also, or was in close proximity to, Lapis Canyon, an area sacred to Blue Mages.The trading town of Hhusatahwi was their destination, and the rroneek served as their mounts to ease their travel. Yuvlu would also provide more information on Xak Tural to pass the time, mostly touching on the region of Yyasulani that lied to the northwest, past the train station near Sheshenewezi Springs that served as its primary mode of transportation. However, some recent tremors have rendered the tunnel inaccessible, thus providing yet another inconvenience for the Regalia's team. This would also be around the same time that the rite of succession would end, with Wuk Lamat and Koana succeeding their adoptive father as the Vow of Resolve and Vow of Reason, respectively. Because of this, Yuvlu would bid her farewells to Thiji and his team, leaving for Tuliyollal to attend the ceremony with the Vee Twins (and maybe turn a profit in the process), once more leaving the House Higuri heads and Umimi to explore the land at their leisure.Making the West Less Wild
Recalling what Yuvlu stated about the erstwhile lawlessness in this region's history, Fafastima had decided to proceed with the standard adventurer's wont: quelling problems where needed. Already taking stock of the area surrounding Hhusatahwi, the Dustwatch informed the Regalia of a band of local outlaws who call themselves the Daybreakers, which were apparently a vigilante force from Shaaloani's days of eld, now twisted into an organization of thievery and corruption. With the intrepid Corsair taking the lead, he ventured out into the Eshceyaani Wilds with Mimizo to engage in small skirmishes with the petty brigands, finally showing off his skill with the firearm and unique luck-based abilities. Their exploits would find them at their base of operations in the derelict town of Tonatenyawi, where they would drive back or silence a large number of them before making for Sheshenewezi Springs, considering their job well done.Thiji and Umimi, meanwhile, commenced with the tried-and-true adventurer method around the northern reaches of Shaaloani: culling wild beasts and ridding the land of seemingly random encounters, with their most curious pertaining to a certain Xbr'aal warrior uttering tales about a tural vidraal in the area known as "The Serpentlord". While Umimi did enjoy battling alongside her brother-in-law, she found time in between battles to enjoy some fishing at Lake Toari in the northeast, by the hamlet of Mehwahhetsoan. Thiji, however, was laser-focused on battle, dealing out frontier justice to anyone unfortunate enough to meet his fists and magical furor.Once some modicum of stability was brought into the greater Shaaloani region through their efforts, the four would reconvene at Hhusatahwi, using the resources they've gathered from their deeds to barter for provisions before enjoying a peaceful night inside of the inn. Though he did miss the comfort of his workshop, the Diamond Sultan felt content in blowing off some steam...

Attack of the Drones
Thiji, Fafastima, Mimizo, and Umimi grew accustomed to life out on the frontier thanks to their time spent living in the similar climes of Thanalan. Though they have developed a reputation for themselves in merely a matter of days, they would be met with an unexpected event that would warrant their return to Tuliyollal.The skies over Xak Tural began to darken as a great tremor roiled across the region, waking Thiji and his family. What they saw next was something the likes of which they never beheld since the Seventh Umbral Calamity: a massive host of aerial vehicles and warships began making its way southward towards Tuliyollal, casting a great shadow over the plains of Shaaloani. Thiji quickly informed the Vee Twins of what seemed to be an incoming invasion and steeled themselves for battle, ensuring the safety of their newfound allies. They did not seem overly concerned about Shaaloani, allowing them to freely make their way back from Hhusatahwi to reinforce the others.Before too long, Tuliyollal would fall under siege by an army of strange soldiers brandishing stranger weapons, whilst cannon fire from above laid waste to several structures throughout the city. The Landsguard were caught off-guard by the sudden attack as these unknown assailants began slaying citizens and soldiers alike, and once done, were siphoning the souls of the fallen in queer containers. Terror had befallen the crown of Tural for reasons yet unknown.Veeveena and Veeveera kept the enemies at bay within the Dirigible Landing as it was more defensible and less prone to aerial bombardment, ensuring the safety of the Pelupelu and their Alpacas. In an unexpected bid to aid her friends who were fighting valiantly to protect them, Yuvlu used her curiosity to her advantage, seizing an opportunity to commandeer one of the fallen soldiers' firearms. Recalling Fafastima's skill with the gun, Yuvlu would take aim and - to the Vee Twins' amazement - take out at least five enemies with clean shots to the head and torso.With the landing and stables secured by the nascent marksman, the Vee Twins pushed forward through Exultation to rendezvous with Thiji and his family, who were helping the citizens to safety on the opposite end of the city until eventually meeting in Bayside Bevy to contain the threat. Other matters would have to wait in the meantime.Tulidisaster Strikes
When the dust settled, their team would be met with terrible news: the great Gulool Ja Ja had been slain by his own son Zoraal Ja, who employed otherworldly technology which allowed him to revive from the dead and cut down his father in a bestial-like rage. Though their time in this land was yet short, the Regalia had already made great strides in establishing relations with the locals, and knowing that its great founding leader had been slain by a patricide made everyone recall the similar sudden attack in Radz-at-Han, when Ahewann Bin Alzadaal would be lost defending his beloved people from the blasphemies.
A fleet of warships now loomed ominously over the city, and the duplicitous Mamool Ja would retreat with an ultimatum: Wuk Lamat must seek out and face her estranged brother, or he would order his army to raze Tuliyollal to the ground. Refusing to allow a repeat of Radz-at-Han, Thiji and his team would report to the Landsguard headquarters after considerable time had passed, hoping to appeal to them as ambassadors of the Near East. During their flight back to the city, Thiji recalled witnessing the emergence of a gargantuan dome made entirely out of lightning which followed the massive tremors, appearing far to the northwest of Shaaloani.Yuvlu, who had just returned from the stables after ensuring the safety of her people, was able to vouch for them yet again, explaining the selflessness displayed by the Higuri Regalia in recent days and their quest to establish diplomatic ties in the New World. Her testimony was just what was needed for the Landsguard to be swayed, allowing their plea for an alliance with Radz-at-Han to be heard with Koana, the Vow of Resolve. This would, however, require news to be sent over to Meghaduta, by which Umimi volunteered to do so.While it pained her to already part ways with her in-laws, she felt it was necessary to fulfill this duty as Main Branch Head Secretary, to which none would object. She would alert Telphie and the other Angels of the situation along the way. With the blockade placed over the city, the only viable means of getting to Thavnair was via teleportation. All that was left on the table was how to proceed with the counteroffensive against Zoraal Ja's new allies...The Hard Fight to Vanguard
Twice now has the Higuri Regalia come to the successful aid of Yuvlu and her Pelupelu peddlers, and twice thus has she returned the favor by using her influence to accelerate their endeavors in Tural. It is because of this bond that Yuvlu has elected to accompany Thiji and his team northward, foreseeing a profitable promise with their continued collaboration. Backed by her caravan, they would proceed back towards Shaaloani to ascertain the current situation.After informing their new ally about what they saw prior to returning to the city, Yuvlu was able to fill in the blanks by explaining that the region in which the dome was formed is Yyasulani. Why this was troublesome was because entry into the region was primarily via train, and the path was blocked due to the lightning-aspected barrier which loomed over the horizon. Reconvening in Hhusatahwi, they doubtless knew that some more fighting was nigh as the fate of Tural was now in peril. To aid in its defense, Fafastima, taking note of Yuvlu's burgeoning firearm skills, decided to train her, along with volunteers within the local Dustwatch and even the reformed Daybreakers after their previous efforts helped restore their good name. Her fellow Pelupelu were inspired by her acts of bravery, and decided to take up arms as well, using the weapons they acquired from the fallen metal soldiers to aid in Tural's defense.Meanwhile, in the outskirts of the town, Thiji and Mimizo would be met by several hooded figures - the same mysterious band which came to his aid during the Ilsabard Contingent campaign. Their Auri leader was able to obtain some new information that would prove vital to their efforts:Firstly, they were able to discover a main point of ingress that would take them inside the barrier and into Yyasulani: a fortified base of strange metal that was appropriately named Vanguard. This served as a staging area for Zoraal Ja's forces to launch assaults upon the rest of the land. Breaking through Vanguard was the key to entering Yyasulani.Secondly, they have received word from around the region that there is being work done on a recently-repaired train, the people of Shaaloani working together with a certain group of prominent figures to retrofit it into a hardened battering ram that will be used to breach the aforementioned base. They had also been informed of those same sentries that attacked Tuliyollal patrolling the area in small units, which may potentially curtail their efforts.Their strategy was then decided: the Diamond Sultan and his group will engage in small skirmishes to rout enemy forces to ensure progress of the train goes uninterrupted. The hooded Auri woman agreed to engage with any outlying forces beyond the tunnel to reduce their surge of reinforcements, and if possible, send any technology over towards Garlemald for his sister Telphie to analyze and reverse-engineer.In another surprising turn of events, Umimi had contacted the House Higuri heads with an update on things: the Passage of the Unbound has reared its ugly head in Radz-at-Han, as well as other city-states around the globe, stirring up trouble by misusing powerful Turali artifacts stolen from its rightful guardians. However, they seem to be nothing more than mere nuisances trying to destabilize the status quo in their respective areas of operation. While this brought no small amount of annoyance to Thiji and his parents, the Head Secretary reassured them that she and the Angels in the Main Branch will make short work of this "threat", which will make her mission to send aid to Tuliyollal much easier once it is finished.With the plan thus laid, and after sufficient training, they would split into two teams: Thiji and the Vee Twins would proceed towards western Shaaloani to handle the heavier concentration of enemy forces, whilst Fafastima, Mimizo, and Yuvlu's militarized caravan would reinforce Mehwahhetsoan, using the forests to their advantage. Their expert handling with Alpaca also worked in their favor as they turned into a sort of shock cavalry force to maneuver through the forests, striking hard and fast before the enemy could retaliate.Thiji, meanwhile, recalling an auspicious meeting in the city with Luccette "Mad Catter" Tatsumaki - a fellow colleague of the arcane arts whom has fought alongside him on several hunts - taught him an excellent defensive maneuver that allowed him to temporarily escape from harm's way - a technique she coined as the "Fade Step".As predicted, fights would break out throughout Shaaloani, with Thiji and his powerhouse Angels making easy prey of the sentries in the Eshceyaani Wilds; though their aerial troops were of some trouble, they were more than capable of shooting down aerial foes, with Thiji's formidable ice magicks working in tandem with the swift and deadly wind-based attacks from Veeveena and Veeveera. In the Pyariyoanaan Plain, Lord & Lady Higuri provided support for Yuvlu and her cavalry, dealing with any threats from above as they enjoyed their first battle, showing their adroit skill on alpacaback. Their small stature made it easier for the Pelupelu to outmaneuver the enemies on the ground. The Hhetsarro who were catching the spectacle from afar were especially amazed at Pelupelu actually posing as warriors instead of traders.The two-pronged operation was going well as their scattered skirmishes ensured the completion of the "Dawnblazer". Once its retrofitting was complete, Thiji notified the second team to reconvene at Hhusatahwi. As they regrouped at the trading post, a massive explosion could be heard from the direction of the lightning barrier, with the cacophony of klaxons following; objective complete.The Shocking Fate of Yyasulani
With the way to Yyasulani now clear, it would be time to advance to investigate the dome proper. After a well-earned rest at the insistence of the locals, Thiji and his group would make the journey into the barrier, with Yuvlu taking point, now comfortable with her combat experience. During their trek they came across supply crates littering the outskirts of the base, most of which bore a strange mineral that resembled a block, with purple energy pulsating along its surface.Thiji, recalling his recently-discovered South Seas heritage, combined with his Nymian and Allagan teachings, quickly deduced that this ore was created partially through the power of Arcanima, recognizing the geometric sigils and etchings. Telphie and Umimi would doubtless be ecstatic by this discovery, and would send for a team from Tuliyollal to retrieve the ore. One man's trash becomes a merchant's treasure.Immediately upon emerging from Vanguard, the team saw the entire region absolutely inundated by levin, with lightning strikes intermittently occurring throughout the land, and a massive structure loomed over the area, which appeared to be responsible for the barrier's formation. The land was also divided by a massive wall to the west that was made of the same ore that they had just uncovered. To Yuvlu's shock, Yyasulani had changed drastically, as it was once a bustling locale, home to the Shetona and Tonawawta. But its buildings and even the train station were left derelict and dilapidated, as though no one had maintained it for decades.Determined to gather whatever information they could about this, Thiji and Yuvlu surveyed the area, whilst the Vee Twins went further inland to serve as scouts. Lord & Lady Higuri remained in Yyasulani Station to relay what they've learned to the other branches and the Garlemald team. The advance parties would come across the occasional hunter during their exploration, noticing strange devices on their left temple that seemed to activate whenever they perished, reviving on the spot instantaneously. Another effect these devices had were when it gave off a red glow, granting the user a bestial fury that enhanced their combat prowess to unprecedented heights. After some time had been spent assisting the locales, they were able to successfully glean the truth behind everything, and gathered at Yyasulani Station to share the revelation:The barrier that had formed was the result of a fusion of dimensions between this world - the Source - and this civilization that became known as Alexandria. The devices its citizens wore on their heads were known as regulators, and their powers are derived from souls - spoken and beastkin. The ore they had discovered earlier was known as Electrope, and was the lynchpin to ensuring Alexandria's survival when their world was inundated with lightning storms that caused great turmoil and illnesses throughout the land. The ore possessed the unique ability to convert lightning-aspected aether into other elements to create a variety of effects. It is because of this ore that many other kingdoms vyed for control over it in an event that became known as the Storm Surge, a calamity of fulgurous proportions that resulted in the loss of their beloved Princess, Sphene Alexandrov XIV. The Yyasulanians coexisted with the Alexandrians for at least thirty years within the dome before the flow of time stabilized post-fusion.When word of that kingdom was mentioned, Thiji felt the strangest sense of vertigo as he involuntarily delved into the deep recesses of his mind, recalling distant memories of a majestic empress of stunning beauty, proudly bearing the horns of a dragon and brandishing a shining blade that never tarnished. The great surge of reawakened memories was too much for even Thiji to bear, and he would fall unconscious as a result.Whilst everyone was concerned for the sudden pangs the Diamond Sultan had endured, Mimizo knew entirely what he was experiencing, and reassured everyone that he will be fine after a long rest. The unforeseen circumstance, however, would cause them to retreat from the region, but the locals they had recently assisted out on the field offered their aid, inviting them to the outskirts of Everkeep, the massive tower that overlooked the region, and the seat of power for Zoraal Ja, King of Resolve, as well as a revived Sphene, Queen of Reason.Veeveena and Veeveera watched diligently over Thiji as he rested. Yuvlu, owing much to the Regalia, stayed as well, knowing the information she could gain from this would work wonders for her mercantile efforts.

The Defense of Tuliyollal
Though Thiji's team was eager to explore Everkeep after hearing about the wonders of Solution Nine by the locals, they did not possess the credentials necessary to gain entry, and even Yuvlu would not be of much aid this time. With their luck run out, but learning all they could of the current state of events, the time had come for them to finally retreat southward. Once the Diamond Sultan came to and regained consciousness, he would explain to everyone on the way back what he had recalled prior to his stupor:
The memories he had regained were from a shard of himself that he had encountered in a dream, and this version of Thiji vividly knew of a woman by the name of Liliana de Nazareth, a native of the reflection that fused with the Source. She hailed from the regency of Lindblum, which was the aggressor in the Storm Surge conflict they had learned about when they created a terrible superweapon that tore the earth asunder, uncovering numerous Electrope deposits in the process. The sheer realization of potentially reuniting with a long-lost friend and ally gave Thiji great cause for celebration, and this knowledge could be used to grant them entry into Solution Nine, but it would have to wait.
As they emerged from the barrier, a significant amount of time had passed during Thiji's slumber - so much so that the order to raze Tuliyollal would soon be made, and another fleet of Zoraal Ja's forces would begin mobilizing upon the city. This gave them cause to hasten their march, with the Vee Twins and Yuvlu's caravan insisting on staying behind in Shaaloani to assist the locals once more, leaving the safeguarding of the capital to Thiji and his parents. Recalling their previous skirmishes with these Electrope-forged soldiers, they would easily cut through anyone foolish enough to challenge them, with Yuvlu's unit taking advantage of the terrain to outflank the enemy, whilst Veeveena and Veeveera kept them guessing with their unpredictable wind-based tactics.Teleporting to the city to save time, they would behold the sight of aetheric beacons shielding the city from the warships' bombardment. This was thanks to Vow Koana, who oversaw the city's defense with the power of technology whilst his sister was stopping their former sibling's mad scheme. Umimi had also returned from Radz-at-Han, eager to inform House Higuri that talks with establishing an alliance with Tuliyollal went smoothly, which was guaranteed after dealing with the Passage of the Unbound trying to stir chaos within the city. As a result of this, the most beautiful sight was beheld from below that would've made even Thiji cry: Lord Vrtra himself came to Tuliyollal's defense, along with a small host of his draconic allies and Lady Azdaja, who made short work of the warships and clearing the airspace, denying Zoraal Ja's forces aerial superiority.What followed would be the most spectacular display of combat prowess ever shown by the heads of House Higuri: Thiji, with his myriad martial and magical knowledge, pummeled the soldiers with the power of his ice-enhanced fists - the same hands that have been creating beautiful works of fashion for many winters since his retirement from adventuring, were now being used to destroy for a greater purpose. Fafastima, with years of adventuring and swashbuckling under his belt, showed that he could still keep up with the best of them as his deftness with the hexagun and the power of his dice kept the odds in his favor, taking advantage of the soldiers' inherent weakness of lightning thanks to his aetherotransformer, and when bullets failed him, his trusty mythril kilij did the job just as well. Mimizo, the Valide Sultan with a violent past, finally let her bloodlust loose as she married her Eistanz with the skills she gained as a Viper to create a deadly new combat style she is dubbing as "Williwaw" - dancing in a storm of frozen swords like the violent gusts of wind from mountainous coasts. With Umimi as their ever-reliable, scythe-wielding Nymian Marine, now enhanced with the power of Arcanima, she was a powerhouse all her own as she shrugged off gunfire and sword blows alike, returning the pain tenfold.All pretense of beauty was unceremoniously defenestrated as the Higuri Regalia showed off 100% power this day, this Lalafellin Light Party bonding through glorious battle, their morale skyrocketing with Radz-at-Han's timely assistance. For the first time ever since Operation: Mythril Waves, Thiji fought alongside his parents and sister-in-law and helped ensure the safety and prosperity of a nation.Meanwhile, it was Thiji's fondest hope that his old friend Liliana was still out there, fighting the battles abroad to help bring an end to the turmoil...The Sultan Finds His Wings (of Resolve)
After what was undisputedly the most fun the Higuri Regalia has ever had in recent moons, the forces led by Zoraal Ja were routed. The days leading up to the resolution of the entire conflict were spent repairing the damages sustained from the initial attack, contacting the other branches on recent events, and reassuring the natives. Vow Wuk Lamat would return with news of her victory over not only the King of Resolve, but also the Queen of Reason, Sphene, whose twisted desires for an eternal paradise would've spelled the end of all worlds. All of Tural was freed from the threat of the Alexandrians, who now live in peaceful coexistence with their newfound neighbors from beyond the barrier, having found a new King in Zoraal Ja's son, Gulool Ja. A great celebration was thrown in the city, and all were welcome to the revelry... save for one.
In the short time he has been in Tural, Thiji has been given a great deal of things to mull over, and doing so in the city was definitely not in the cards. Per his wont, he would go where he was at his strongest: far away from the eyes of others, in icy solitude. As Tuliyollal rejoiced in their new era, the Diamond Sultan stole away from the city and went on a solitary trek up the sacred mountain of Worqor Zormor. Urqopacha's topography resonated with Thiji the best as being so high above ground begot freezing cold air. With the rite of succession resulting in the clearing of dangerous beasts patrolling the mountain (though he would've delighted in facing them either way) along with the High Luminary, his journey into the heavens was relatively uneventful. Upon reaching the Summit of Zor, he would find a secluded patch of frost and meditate over all that has transpired.From the very first decision that started his grand journey - to cast aside the noble life of luxury to become an adventurer - he had experienced no small number of hardships: from scorned love interests to near-death encounters with primals and other dangerous beings that plagued Etheirys. Every victory made him stronger in some way, and every loss - though crushing - made him more resilient.After Operation: Archon, where he aided the Eorzean Alliance in thwarting the Garlean Empire's western push, he recalled his talk with the Adventure League's Doyenne, and the wisdom she imparted on him:"It is the everyday deeds of people -- including themselves -- that make Eorzea a better and safer realm in which to live in." -Aveline BlueHis former lofty ambitions of winning a seat upon the Syndicate came back to mind, and how it was replaced by a more benevolent dream: to share his wealth with the rest of the realm, much like he has done in recent days.When the Dragonsong War resurfaced, he had lost his beloved Mamai, which set him down the path to martial perfection, attained upon a decisive encounter with Ravana, Lord of the Hive. His nascent lust for combat was awakened, but would not be realized until much later, when he had become Sultan, and aided in Operation: Rhalgr's Beacon, whereupon he recruited Himmeya and fought the Lady of Bliss, Sri Lakshmi.And between all of these major events in his life - from the moment he came back into the fold of nobility to re-embrace his heritage - Thiji gained many friends, and lost some besides, with the ones who have endured with him through it all remaining his true allies - namely the Bandee Pakshee, and Biri Biri, the Thunder Mouse. Even Izayoi T. Keer and Tu'shasha Tusha, his two greatest loves, who cared for him unconditionally all this time, were still here, cheering him on. They were all the love he ever needed to keep him moving. To him, they were a source of inspiration; they were his muses.And his beloved Angels, whom he adored ever so much; who fought tooth and nail for him and the Regalia to reach the status they now hold - even conquering the Telophoroi, the Final Days, and the threats of the Voidsent - only grew in strength and in number. There were times where he strayed from his path, yes, but he did not stray for long, as he had more aid than he had realized when he was in a low point in his life - much like he is now. And through all the internal strife and sadness which would turn his heart to ice, he still felt compassion for his fellow child of man, and was determined to fulfill his two greatest objectives: enlightening the realm through high fashion, and giving back to the realm. He had his pride as a noble and as a fashion designer, but maintained his humility in that he was but another servant of the realm looking to make it a better place to live in through his actions. The Mothercrystal, Hydaelyn Herself, instilled this lesson into the people She had shepherded and watched over all these years: though the lesson was harsh, and not always guaranteed survival, mankind had to suffer and endure in order to learn and grow, that they may be more prepared to face the challenges of tomorrow wherever they may rise. This was what the leaders of Tural - and even Alexandria - also learned.Resolve. That was the greatest trait that drove him; that drove Zoraal Ja to conquer; that drove Wuk Lamat to cultivate Tural into a peaceful era; that drove Gulool Ja Ja to unite the disparate races into a grand capital city. He, too, harbored that same resolve - to be a bastion of generosity and goodwill, and to leave behind a legacy where he could be remembered as a Sultan with a heart of gold and diamond. The many lessons he had learned in Tural have all culminated into this, and with the memories of his past - both distant and recent - surging through his mind, a great burst of Akasa shot out from him, alerting some nearby frost spirits who were watching from afar, attracted by his powerful ice-aspected aetherial signature.Thiji would find himself levitating some few ilms off the ground as a royal blue aura emanated his body, and two navy-blue wings (and a tail) accompanied his form. This was a manifestation of his own innate resolve that was honed throughout his life, and in a daring leap, would spread them wide as he began his descent down the frosty peaks of Worqor Zormor.It was not until midway through the celebrations that his team noticed his disappearance, but they did not pursue him until after it had passed, knowing that their lord worked best in solitude. Mimizo, however, knew that he would go someplace cold, and thus took everyone to Wachunpelo, where they spotted something descending from the sacred mount. The Diamond Sultan would come into view, with a frost spirit in his arms - eager to accompany him and his house on their journey - before touching down to the Pelupelu village.After explaining his reasoning for leaving unnanounced, and a heartfelt exchange of words, he would declare Yuvlu and her band of pelupelu traders Honorary Angels for their diligent efforts in helping the Regalia in their mission that has now all but succeeded. And after the festivities in Tuliyollal would cease, they will proceed with exploring the New World at a much more leisurely pace.

A Filial Detour
As matters in the west had begun to calm down, the Higuri Regalia had taken the time to rest and relax. It was at this point that Thiji received shocking news that would warrant an emergency trip back to Eorzea: Andromeda Laruzedah, his beloved Sister and proprietress of the Bandee Pakshee, has returned to her true Hyuran form. Furthermore, but slightly less important, was that the North Wind had been reported seen to be attending a massive music festival known as Mogstock, to which the Regalia had been able to serve as one of their many sponsors.
Without hesitation, Thiji would make his way back to Eorzea, eschewing the conventional method of seafaring to teleport back to the Aldenard Branch, for he would require his best robes in order to aid in the giving away of their coveted Higuri Vouchers. Held in the Lavender Beds district of Gridania, Thiji would make his presence known to his allies once more, but not quite in his good robes.He was instead clad in his magical attire, raising his focus to Andromeda and quizzing her with something only she would know. To his satisfaction, she was able to answer with little pause, and after apologizing for his tense act, would explain that his Angels have been dealing with individuals posing as others in recent moons, and had to ensure someone else was not posing as Andromeda, who - for the longest time - has embraced life as a Miqo'te. Relieved by this, he would spend the weekend with his closest allies, partaking in Near Eastern delicacies and sharing with them the many wonders of the New World.The Return to Everkeep
With Tuliyollal now granted peace once more and the damages wrought by the Resilient Son well under repairs, Thiji was eager to continue about his mission. He had learned much and more about Tural's peoples, their history, and customs, and have even recruited a few under the Regalia's wings. Thus was the next phase underway: parlaying with the Alexandrians.With the King of Resolve summarily crushed, the clearance required to enter Everkeep would have clearly been alleviated. It was this hope that gave Thiji and his team the motivation needed to make the trek through Xak Tural once more, but not before making a pit stop in Hhusatahwi, as Thiji would once more have a rencounter with Luccette.They shared a repast in the likeness of a picnic, as well as sharing a few drinks in the saloon, as they informed each other of their own developments. The magic-loving Miqo'te expressed her relief in having vengeance exacted upon the loss of a loved one when a tural vidraal had struck them down. Furthermore, she was curious as to learn the truth behind the regulators that the Alexandrian citizens wore.Thiji already had prior knowledge of this thanks to a few reliable sources, as well as his previous excursion into the barrier. Respecting his friend's want for adventure, however, he would refrain from sharing that information with her; he only disclosed that he intended on learning all he could about the stranded peoples who now live their lives within the barrier in Yyasulani.After exchanging warm farewells, they would at last part ways, promising each other that any findings they acquire would be shared. It was at last time to venture once more into the barrier and explore Yyasulani's new capital.Veeveena and Veeveera, meanwhile, would escort Yuvlu and her "Yunit" back to Urqopacha for rest and relaxation, assisting Reneeia Belloq of the Bandee Pakshee in a short romp around the region to cull local threats all the while; they would catch back up to Thiji's team prior to resuming their trek back into the barrier. Retracing their steps through Yyasulani, they would reach the Outskirts safely, and after a brief encounter with some defective turrets (which Fafastima made short work of as he was out of cares to give at this point), they would finally make arrive at Scanning Port Nine, where - against all odds - they would be granted access into Everkeep. At long last, Solution Nine would be open to them.Vibrant Sights; Neon Lights; Alexandrian Delights
The lightning-struck lands of Yyasulani was a stark contrast to the environs they would next witness. Solution Nine, located on the ninth level within Everkeep, was a venerable paradise, replete with skyscraping structures, flying automobiles, and colors of great vibrancy, all standing proudly as a testament to the marvels of electrope. Utterly astounded by what they beheld, it felt as though the Regalia had stepped into an entirely different world.At the information kiosk they would glean all they could about what they could find within Solution Nine: there was the leynode network, which allowed for near-instantaneous transportation around the city; a Recreation Zone where numerous attractions, bars, and recreational facilities were held, garnering the attention of the Vee Twins; a Residential Sector, organized into radii, where civilians and guests alike could stay and relax at their leisure, which would strike the fancy of Umimi.With Thiji, his parents, and Lady Nyra remaining, they would scratch the greatest itch any self-respecting Lalafell worthy of their salt would have: mercantilism. Their curiosity was satisfied when they learned of the Commerce Sector where all the merchandising (and coffee stops) was had. The Government Sector also bore some significance, but that was mainly for elevator access and soul supply for those with regulators; they would save that area for a later time.After a detour to attune to Leynode Nine, they proceeded towards the Nexus Arcade, which was not unlike the shopping districts by which they were used to seeing, but this was an entire complex consisting of multiple floors, all within a singular building. There were numerous oddities Thiji, Mimizo, and Fafastima enjoyed during their self-guided tour, such as carousel displays of various air and land-based vehicles (which they would later on give away to numerous individuals wanting to walk away with a new Air wheeler), processed food and drink in tube and powdered forms, and most importantly, the unique aesthetic of the Alexandrians. Many of the citizenry wore jackets, hoodies, and jeans with strange graffiti-like designs and bedecked in neon trim. All this data would be crucial for the Diamond Sultan, for when word of this would inevitably get out to the realm outside the barrier, he would be at the forefront. They were even astonished by the sight of a reflection of their Rowena, whose Consortium was a far cry better than the House of Splendors the Eorzeans came to know (and hate).The atmosphere was pleasant all around, and the cafes strewn about the place allowed plenty of opportunities for hard workers to relax - which they would do, heading to a place called "Mosaic" to recline and partake in the local delicacies. The technology this city boasted also put every other civilization's to shame, proving even far more impressive than that of the Allagan Empire in its prime - knowledge that the Garlemald team would very much appreciate, and more so get their hands on.A Galactic Tour
Fortunes continue in Thiji's favor; whilst out on the town, he would come across a resident of the area: an Au Ra named Ahri Izumi, who reveals herself to be an up-and-coming idol who goes by the stage name of "Galaxy". Excited to meet someone from beyond the barrier, she offers to give the Diamond Sultan a tour of Solution Nine, whilst also providing him with a means to stay, inviting him into her own apartment within the Residential Sector. Lord Fafastima and Ladies Mimizo and Umimi would acquire one of their own as visitors, ensuring Veeveena and Veeveera would have a place to stay as well.
He would be given a more in-depth introduction to the various facilities within Everkeep, whilst also sharing sentiments regarding the late King and Queen - the latter of whom gave colorful remarks in light of how they decided to lead their people. The Arcadion would also be a significant point of interest to him as it was when Ahri informed him of her rival songstress - Honey B. Lovely, a self-proclaimed queen bee and local celebrity - an individual Ahri one day hopes to overthrow. Learning of regulators prior to their meeting, Thiji knew that feral souls were a means of granting wearers temporary boosts in battle prowess, which was doubtless how battles in the Arcadion were conducted.More interestingly, however, was the clothing they wore and the materials involved in its creation: electrope, which was already known to Thiji and the Regalia; and thundersilk, which is a staple textile cultivated within Yyasulani's Thunderyards. Lightning-aspected aether was of great significance, and electrope truly was the answer to the Alexandrians' woes.Before leaving him at the Government Sector to attend to one of her rehearsals, Ahri had further explained to him about souls being used as actual currency within Alexandria, and that the ones used for resurrection are considered "pure", meaning that, upon the expenditure of one, the user would retain their sense of self should they be revived, thanks in part to them being stripped of its memories.Too True for Vue
With the Diamond Sultan preoccupying himself learning all he could about souls and their use in Alexandria, the Vee Twins were getting an eyeful of True Vue, Solution Nine's prominent entertainment district. Billboards and poster ads circulated and flashed all around them, and they visualized that one day the Regalia could be seen along those neon signs. The crowning jewel, however, was what demanded their attention - the Arcadion. An imposing tower where Alexandria's greatest fighters compete for the Ascension Arcadia Championship and the chance to be "immortalized".The temptation of battle was always welcome in the minds of Veeveena and Veeveera, and it looked like a more approbated dueling ring as opposed to the Wolves' Den. As it had but recently reopened its doors to alleviate the emotional blow the passing of Queen Sphene had upon her people, the two notified the rest of the team about the Arcadion's re-emergence, which delighted everyone (sans Thiji, who couldn't really express it) into heading over and finding some good seats.Prior to witnessing this brand new entertainment spectacle, Thiji would receive a call from one of his agents: Baroness von Suna, to be precise. She had informed the Diamond Sultan of a new initiative - or rather, one they are resurrecting - that will involve a smaller-scale version of their annual Largesse, with the Mythrite Suites being used as its base of operations. Knowing his ever-dependable Angels were hard at work fulfilling the Regalia's ongoing mission and duties, he saw no reason to deny her, giving the Baroness and the Othard Branch his full support.Meanwhile, the matches in the Arcadion proceeded apace. Fortune would be in their favor as they bore witness to an exhibition in the form of a battle royale consisting of eight fighters. This would be where everyone would get an extensive look on the usage of feral souls; all of the fighters seemed to have been infused with the souls of legendary or exceptionally-powerful beasts of yore to augment their fighting prowess. It was quite the spectacle to behold, and it was no small wonder why this was Alexandria's foremost entertainment venue. The allure of battle would bring them back for future matches, and the myriad tiers promised more electrifying (no pun intended) bouts.

The Eleventh Twelvemonth
Some sennights hence, the Regalia would feel more and more at home within Alexandria, having partaken a great deal of its culture, lifestyle, and aesthetic. But there was still more matters to attend before Thiji would come to his next breakthrough. Now that relations have been established within Tural for the most part, the Regalia could now proceed with its next phase: ingratiation with the Alexandrians.Having already been indebted to those who defended their home and the continent itself, it would be easier to befriend the people of the bygone realm. Coincidentally, the Rising Festival would be returning for its eleventh occurrence, and this one was said to be far more spectacular than the previous, as it is to be held in Limsa Lominsa this time. As fellow pirates, Thiji and his family felt compelled to return to Eorzea to at least witness this spectacle. Thus would he entrust the diplomatic efforts to the Vee Twins and Umimi, and recalling a conversation with his sister Telphie via long-distance communication, he also tasked them with the additional objective of acquiring technology through the dismantling of the numerous defective forgekin roaming throughout Yyasulani - more combat, which was always a fun time for Thiji's Angels. Calling in a favor from their newest Angel Yuvlu and her team (who just happened to be in Shaaloani peddling at the time), the Pelupelu would witness the wonders of the environs within the dome.With the thirst for the sea fresh in their hearts, House Higuri would use their flagship - the Gilded Blade - brave the trek across the Shades' Triangle, though they would circumvent this on the way back to Tuliyollal. They would safely make it to Vylbrand in time to behold the spectacle - a venerable fusillade of cannon fire and dazzling pyrotechnics; a broadside salute featuring the Captains of the Black Sails factions: Carvallain of the Kraken's Arms; Rhoswen of the Sanguine Sirens; and Hasthwab of the Bloody Executioners. While the Yellowjackets were the hosts of this event, it was the three great pirate powers of Limsa Lominsa performing the deed, and it was nothing short of breathtaking.As they marveled at the sight of the fireworks show, the Diamond Sultan would once again retreat into the sanctuary of his inner thoughts: so much and more has happened over what has felt like the past eleven years since he took his first steps as an adventurer in Eorzea. He and the Regalia had gained and lost so much throughout their time, and the Rising was a reminder of those who gave everything to ensure that the realm would survive, but more importantly, it was a promise - a kindling flame of hope for a better tomorrow, no matter how dark things may seem. Thiji sor Higuri was of no exception to this. Even now, as the Regalia is at the zenith of its prosperity, there are those who would see it and him fail; to fall short and lose in spite of the hard work and dedication he puts every single turn of the sun to fulfill his life's two greatest goals: to enlighten the realm through high fashion, and to uphold his duties and obligations as a noble by giving back to those around him. Not everyone is perfect, and everyone is prone to misgivings and mistakes, but those willing to pick themselves back up, try again - start over, if the must - for the betterment of themselves and those around them, are worthy of support. The introspection reinvigorated Thiji's drive to continue along the path he has made for himself, taking it in the best way he knew how: one day at a time, with meticulous and calculated steps.One's Purpose; A Twice-Struck Reunion, & The Third Sister
Having his fill of the festivities, it was time to resume the mission. Thiji would make the sail back towards Tural, but not without acquiring an additional companion to join him. Though this was no mere companion: it was an Angel. And it was not just any Angel, but the third sister of the "Vee Twins".Veeveeja Veeja, another Thavnairian native who was gorgeous as she was cunning, would resurface after a long stint around the Bounty, finally being granted leave from House Sener after an extended period of service maintaining the peace in Uznair, as well as quelling other underlying threats to the Near East outside of the Final Days. Her skills as a "Sea Witch" would prove invaluable to the Regalia's ongoing mission, and would serve as the eighth member of their party. Being kept abreast of the situation via linkpearl, she would hear things firsthand from the lord she had so dearly missed, and would resolve to remain by his side until it is complete.With numbers thus strengthened, they would once more make their eventual return to Yyasulani, where the other Angels were well underway with their task given to them during Thiji's maritime siesta. They had also encountered Popiyoi, an android Puppetmaster with the appearance of a Viera, followed closely by a mammet by the name of Plum. They and Thiji previously met at the beginning of their exploration in Yak T'el, and being drawn by the energies coming from the barrier, Popiyoi would be seen initially sapping the energies from the defective forgekin which littered the region.After explaining what precisely these forgekin were, and the reason behind the barrier's emergence, Popiyoi had all the motivation she needed to explore Everkeep with her little mechanical friend (and her organic, fashion-forward friend), catching her up on matters revolving around Alexandria as they enjoyed an uneventful stroll down the route to Scanning Port Nine. Veeveeja had already proceeded ahead, eager to reunite with her sisters and her Sultan's parents, promising to rendezvous in Solution Nine.The intriguing matter at hand was the fact that Popiyoi - for all her cybernetic enhancements and advantages to being a forgekin - wanted sentience: to feel and experience emotions. It was this notion that gave Thiji the means to offer a meeting with his sister Telphie in exchange for the completion of a confidential quest, though Popiyoi openly expressed that an audience with the Magitek Maestra herself was guaranteed regardless if she accepted. They would part ways once more, ensuring that they would both have each other's backs whilst in Alexandria, and the greater Tural region.Soul Searching
Resuming the mission in Alexandria, Thiji would meet with Galaxy once more, having been so generous in offering the use of her abode to the Diamond Sultan. They would share a wholesome-yet-brief exchange of words before the conversation deviated to the topic regarding the Arcadion, with Thiji emphasizing how Alexandria's greatest combatants rely on the usage of feral souls to do battle.It was also during this point that Thiji's own network of spies discovered a harrowing truth behind the usage of feral souls: a particular ailment befalls the user, slowly killing them from within. Ahri knew of this development through her fans, much to Thiji's surprise, and shared with him the approximate location by which Alexandria's other most precious resource was refined.With a desire for the truth burning in her breast, the rising songstress ventured out into Yyasulani with Thiji, where they would find the pier that would take them to Origenics, where they would commence their search on the bottom levels of Everkeep. To their shock, the place was not swarming with sentries or automated defenses, and numerous crates lied open - large enough to house a great beast or fiend.Exploring the facility, they would begin discovering a great many details regarding souls, not least of all the procedures involved: where souls were taken via special cylindrical containers called extractors, and would be stored within this facility for purification through the separation of memory aether and soul aether; the former of which would be conveyed to the upper reaches of the complex, and the latter to a place known as the "Meso Terminal". Thiji had surmised that this was how Zoraal Ja was capable of obtaining such incredible heights of power.Galaxy, meanwhile, was attempting to access the various terminals to glean additional information regarding the entire process, but even with her native Alexandrian credentials, she could only find so much. However, she realized that the regulators in storage were of a newer model, which began to raise suspicion...Their search continued as they reached the uppermost levels of Origenics, where they would not only find more clues regarding feral soul research and the effects on the user - which would confirm Thiji's original hypothesis - but Galaxy would also find a peculiar individual whose information was still logged on at one of the desks: an Igor Ivanovitch de Dzemael, heading a group identifying themselves as the "Lance of Alexandria". Galaxy uncovered their motives at that same instant: apparently they're a covert group of radical Alexandrians and faithfuls bent on restoring the nation to a time before Zoraal Ja's rise.While the latter name was new to Thiji, the surname of Dzemael was not. He explained to Galaxy about the High Houses of Ishgard, and how Dzemael was among them, and even the most prolific. She had also saw that their operations were involving utilization of Alexandrian technology around several remote locations within Eorzea, and that they were operating within the Aurum Vale.Before they could uncover too much, however, the data would be erased from the computer; it was done remotely, and locally. The two, backed by Thiji's faerie and Lady Nyra, would race towards the far end of the floor, where feral soul testing was conducted. There they would find Igor himself, who only spouted a premonition before departing. Thiji and Galaxy would follow suit so as to not risk the return of security, and met back at the Driftdowns.Thus armed with this newfound knowledge, the Auri songstress was more resolved than ever to pursue her own goals, whilst Thiji stayed the course of his mission, using this new development as an excuse to give his Angels in the other parts of the world something to do.

Thiji’s Angels are a subgroup within the Higuri Regalia founded by the Mythrite Sultan’s Head Secretary, Sesena Sena. Formed when the Regalia began growing influence within Eorzea around the Seventh Astral Era's inception, Thiji’s Angels are a contingent made up of beautiful maidservants who are primarily charged with maintaining the inner workings of the business’s branches.They are also sent on missions to occasionally do battle with local and foreign threats, which may vary from dealing with highwaymen to thwarting smuggling rings. Their post-fight catchphrase is: "There is power in beauty, and the Angels have both in spades!"Their emblem consists of a pair of angel wings with a haloed decorative eye in its center, reminiscent of Radz-at-Han's standard. The wings themselves are a stylized variant of an owl's, representing wisdom and protection. The ice-blue, silver-white, and lavender-violet colors reflect those of House Higuri, and the gold represents the ubiquitous color of coin. The eye and halo are symbolic of vigilance and generosity, respectively. The dots beneath the eye depict the three primary branches of the Higuri Regalia, with the large one in the center representing the Main Branch in Thavnair, flanked by Aldenard to its left, and Othard, its right. Finally, the cone-shaped "beam" is an extension of the eye, which also pays homage to the ever-watchful group that serves House Higuri with unwavering loyalty. (Credit and thanks to Xheila Olar for the emblem)Their uniform of choice consists of a blue Lady’s Yukata with a Spring Skirt dyed ice blue. After the Othard Branch Headquarters was created, the former attire became the uniform for the Angels serving the Aldenard Branch. For the Othard Branch, members wear a suikan and a hakama - both dyed the same color. Angels serving the Main Branch located in Thavnair wear a special Near Eastern gown as their uniform. Feet and headwear are left entirely to their choosing. Those who hold a position within the Regalia’s hierarchy are given free reign to wear whatever they please. Currently, there are thirty-five Angels of import under Thiji’s employ, with more seeking enlistment as the business continues to grow.Honorary Angels and Regalia Wardens (denoted by an asterisk) are select women and men (respectively) hand-picked by Thiji himself and are not necessarily adherent to the Regalia, but are still given uniforms (if they so desire) or a special badge to signify their allegiance, and are supported fully by the business.

Sesena Sena, Head Secretary of the Aldenard Branch; Apsara of Charity
Epithet: Archangel
Job: Paladin/Musketeer
Voice Reference: Lara Cody
(Age 32) A Lalafell lady who has been serving the Higuri Regalia since before the Calamity, Sesena Sena is the personal maidservant of Thiji. Her hobbies include gambling at the Coliseum, Chocobo riding, and gossiping with her sisters. Sporting eyes of malachite and platinum hair, Sesena is a gorgeous woman, and is wont to using her lovely features to lure and seduce the wanting eyes of men. Kindhearted, energetic and brave, she had decided to accompany her Lord on the journey to Eorzea. In fact, she insisted. Sesena has always been there to keep Thiji in high spirits whenever he was down, which seems to have been most of the time since they arrived. She would even take the time to cook for him his favorite dishes! She now practices gladiatorial and gun combat to better serve and shield her Lord and sisters from impending danger. Sesena is also a skilled botanist, enjoys parties and gossip, and apparent nature-lover.She also seems to have become very close friends with Tahrara Kivenera during her time in Eorzea, and is wont to join her in teasing the lord of whom she serves. She is currently dating Ricodo Macodo, the secretary that works under Shishira Shira and her husband, who now works in the Main Branch.After recent events, and for her magnificent service in the Regalia, Sesena Sena was promoted to Head Secretary of the Aldenard Branch, making her answerable only to Lord Thiji. As celebration for this, her and her sisters frequent the Manderville Gold Saucer to become professional Chocobo Racers -- a dream they have always had since they were mere children.Following the new age of adventure once the Final Days were averted, it has also been confirmed that Sesena's family is related to the "L" Trio (Lelena, Luluma, Lilina) - specifically, they are cousins.Sesena Sena's patron deity is Nophica, the Matron, but as she was born in Thavnair, she also reveres the Magus Sisters - specifically Cinduruva.

Shortstack Lalafell

Yuanji Yuji, Head Secretary of the Othard Branch; Apsara of Temperance
Epithet: Razorwind
Job: Ninja (Throwing Knives Specialty)
Voice Reference: Tara Platt
Yuanji Yuji (Age 29) is a Lalafellin beauty from Kugane that sought out to meet the Regalia following a gathering held by Thiji's best friend, Hollow Thorn. After showing her skills with the dagger to Head Secretary Sesena, she was immediately inducted into Thiji's Angels, making her the seventh person to join. She is a platinum blonde Dunesfolk with eyes of orangish-red, and wears her hair in a long ponytail.Despite her conservative and quiet countenance, Yuanji Yuji is a caring and gentle woman to the weak and innocent. A perceptive woman who thinks of the greater good for the company she now serves, she rarely has tolerance for procrastination or excessiveness. Whenever possible she seeks to reach quick, efficient, and decisive conclusions to conflicts. When it comes to her Ijin retainer Mimazhao, however, she spares him no sympathy and is rather curt with him. More often than not, she is usually patronizing him to take responsibility for his actions. As she watches him mature through his struggles, Yuanji genuinely accepts him and his faults. She usually shows her concern for him indirectly, her cold shoulder belying the respect she has for him.For her loyalty and service, she was chosen by the Mythrite Sultan himself to become the Head Secretary of the Regalia's Othard Branch, placing Yuanji in the same echelon as her once-superior, Sesena. After seeking tutelage from Susuna Suna in the ways of mercantilism during the new age of adventure, she now also founded and operates the Mythril Treasury from within the Othard Branch: a Far Eastern bazaar where assorted curios and exclusive rare items are bartered.

Shortstack Lalafell

Umimi Umi, Head Secretary of the Main Branch; Apsara of Wrath
Epithet: The Royal Reaper
Job: Nymian Marine (Scythe-Wielding Warrior)
Voice Reference: Lauren Landa
The Cieldalaes has its gems from time to time. One of its brightest is a young Plainsfolk by the name of Umimi Umi (Age 29). With ocean blue tresses and similarly-colored clothing, and a love for all things water, Umimi is a beauty born from a region full of luxurious locales and ferocious fauna. Starting life as a simple fisher girl, she was always seen as a calm and collected individual, sweet and kind with an adorable smile, but surviving in the Cieldaleas steeled her into a deceptively powerful fighting machine. Incredibly proficient with the scythe, Umimi's combat prowess was rivaled only by her gentleness and optimism.After hearing of the Higuri Regalia and its accomplishments, she found her purpose in life - to serve the Regalia by becoming a maidservant. Thus, she set out for the Sagolii Desert to meet them, only to find and fall in love with Thiji's younger twin brother, Horu. She is incredibly faithful to her husband and brother-in-law, and treats her fellow Angels as if they were her own sisters. After spending an extended amount of time with Horu, Umimi's service from the home base of the Regalia earned her the spot of Head Secretary of the Main Branch, putting her in equal footing with Sesena and Yuanji.She and her longtime companion - a sea chocobo named Cascade ("Cassy" for short) - have recently returned to Eorzea after her extended vacation to assist Thiji and her fellow Angels in the coming days, and to mete out retribution to those who would otherwise speak ill of the Regalia or its assets. After a chance encounter with one of the Mythrite Sultan's allies, she has now become part of a clandestine team of bodyguards sworn to defend the Regalia from encroaching enemies - its leader, however, being unknown...She has birthed two children: Kakashoa Higuri and Kakasu Kasu, and was recently confirmed to be a descendant of Nymian nobility, blending her ancestry with the Higuri's, which date back to the days of Mhach. After a recent discovery from an excursion through the South Seas, she has also incorporated the use of Arcanima into her combat abilities, now understanding the true roots of the Lalafell race as a whole.Her patron deity is Llymlaen, the Navigator. However, she is obligated to revere Oschon due to her ancient heritage.

Umimi Umi

Sosona Sona, Chief Analytics Officer; Apsara of Sloth
Epithet: Of the Cerise Barrel
Job: Machinist
Voice Reference: Michele Specht
(Age 31) The middle child of the "S" Trio, and the second maidservant of Thiji. Unlike her elder sister, Sosona is a little more brash than her other two siblings. With her technological know-how, she has been given the title of Chief Analytics Officer, primarily dealing with tools, weapons, and equipment in their sales pitches, as well as working with her sister Susuna to manage the day-to-day operations of the Higuri Regalia. She has dark green hair, similar to Sesena's malachite eyes; her highlights are a platinum color, the same as Sesena's hair, and her eye color is amber.Although she can be somewhat rude and impatient, she is still a loyal assistant to the Higuri Regalia and is proud of it -- even if she may not show it as openly as her other two sisters. Aside from her usual training as a Pugilist, she has recently begun to practice her skills with firearms, making her a Musketeer, which was known to be a battle discipline taught at the Coral Tower in Limsa Lominsa.Sosona Sona's patron deity is Rhalgr, the Destroyer, but as she was born in Thavnair, she also reveres the Magus Sisters - specifically Minduruva.

Shortstack Lalafell

Susuna Suna, Treasurer & Chief Financial Officer; Apsara of Greed
Epithet: the Numismatic
Job: Red Mage/Thief
Voice Reference: Grey DeLisle
(Age 30) The youngest of the "S" Trio, Susuna Suna is the third maidservant of Thiji. She possesses a trait from both her older sisters; her hair is amber-colored, resembling Sosona's amber eyes, and her highlights are deep green, resembling the malachite eyes of Sesena, and her eye color is onyx. She is the thrifty sibling and is mainly in charge of the finances of the crew. As Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer of the Regalia, she handles all of the wares that are sold throughout the day, be they products of goldsmithing or rare items found on the field. Like her sisters, she takes practice in combat as well, at first studying the ways of Thaumaturgy throughout most her life, but eventually dropped that discipline in order to become a Thief, which was much more fitting for her, making her an expert cutpurse. As time passed on, however, she learned all she needed to about the ways of the Thief, and has now solidified her combat discipline in the ways of Red Magic.Susuna seldom misses the opportunity to make some extra gil as per her motto: "Because servants can be rich, too!"She has recently assumed an alter ego in which she has been called "Baroness von Suna": an Ul'dahn agent of the Mythrite Sultan who enforces the magnanimity of his financial strength, with a distinct accent to match. As the Baroness, Susuna had established great infamy amidst Ul'dahn high society through her deeds in putting the less benevolent nobles - and any potential rivals thereof - in their place, which has coined her - pun not intended - as: "a dangerous woman with some money in her pockets".Susuna Suna's patron deity is Nald'thal, the Traders, but as she was born in Thavnair, she also reveres the Magus Sisters - specifically Sanduruva.

Shortstack Lalafell

Lelena Lena, Spoken Resources Director; Apsara of Humility
Epithet: Glaciergrin
Job: Black Mage
Voice Reference: Eva Bella
Amongst the many servants that the Higuri Regalia has under their employ, one of those who stand out is Lelena Lena (age 31). She has been serving the Regalia since before the Calamity, working directly under Thiji's parents. She was originally the head maidservant back home in Thavnair, but during the advent of the Seventh Astral Era, she has been called forth from the Sagolii to serve under Head Secretary Sesena Sena. A Wildwood Elezen known as Celuwen is replacing Lelena as the new head maid, making her the first non-Lalafell to ever become such.She is a very lively fellow with strawberry-blonde hair and platinum blonde highlights, blue eyes, and purple eye shadow. She is very attached to Thiji, missing him whenever he so much as ends a conversation with her. She practices the Mhachi arts of Black Magic, paying well to her race's heritage. She is now considered an Angel for serving so long in Thiji's family business, earning the position of Spoken Resources Director, providing training and payroll to the employees of the Regalia, as well as coordinating with the Head Secretaries within the Regalia.Lelena Lena's patron deity is Althyk, the Keeper, but as she was born in Thavnair, she also reveres the Magus Sisters - specifically Cinduruva.

Shortstack Lalafell

Luluma Luma, Chief Logistics Officer & Sergeant-at-Arms; Apsara of Diligence
Epithet: The Duty-Bound
Job: All-Rounder (Lancer-preferred)
Voice Reference: Ming-Na Wen
The younger sister of Lelena, Luluma Luma (Age 30) is a Dunesfolk with smooth black hair and dark brown eyes. She served alongside her sister during the time before the Seventh Umbral Era, and has spent most of her time training with Thiji in the ways of combat -- primarily with polearms and swords. Turning down the opportunity to be the new head maid in her elder sister's stead, Luluma has instead chosen to help her sister in Eorzea, earning her place as another Angel under Sesena Sena.As per her training, Luluma is very skilled with all manner of weapons, with a preference of spears and one-handed blades. She also enjoys fighting in flowing robes and gowns, which the others find interesting since such clothing would be impractical for melee combat. Luluma, however, has made it work in her favor. She is bound by her duty to serve the Mythrite Sultan, always putting her mission first before anything else.With her great sense of discipline and honor, she was given the position of Chief Logistics Officer and Sergeant-at-Arms, providing those within the business supplies necessary for working, as well as managing any weapons or tools they may happen to sell, though this rarely occurs.Luluma Luma's patron deity is Halone, the Fury, but as she was born in Thavnair, she also reveres the Magus Sisters - specifically Sanduruva.

Shortstack Lalafell

Lilina Lina, Special Events Coordinator; Apsara of Gluttony
Epithet: Wide-Eyes
Job: Master of Revelry (Susano Summoner)
Voice Reference: Jodi Benson
Lilina Lina (Age 29) is the youngest sister of Luluma and Lelena. She sports aqua blue eyes and bright, red hair tied in a low ponytail. Lilina had happily served the Higuri Regalia since before Thiji first came to Eorzea, but as time passed, she had become less and less interested in staying behind in Thavnair whilst her sisters are enjoying themselves in Eorzea. Because of this, she had adopted a rebellious and carefree nature as she made efforts to try and join Thiji's Angels, but the Mythrite Prince's family insisted that she stood behind to aid in business at home... until recently.Upon Thiji's reinstatement into the Adventure League, one of his maidservants had been called back home to assist their newest head maidservant in regulating the flow of Mythrite. Upon hearing word of this, Lilina immediately jumped at the opportunity the moment an opening had presented itself, and wasted no expense in making her way to Eorzea, eager to explore and unearth the vast riches it may hold. For her persistence and willingness to serve, Sesena Sena has dubbed her an Angel, making her the sixth member of their clique, fighting alongside her fellow Angels as an Arcanist.After a recent excursion into the Isle of Zekki, however (circa 10 July 2020), she encountered a scintilla of the Lord of the Revel's power. With the timely aid of her sisters, she was able to defeat and absorb its energies with her own, making her an official Summoner and Master of Revelry.Her love for compiling and collecting things earned Lilina the position of Special Events Coordinator, conducting meetings, conferences, and the various giveaways for which the Regalia has built its reputation.Lilina Lina's patron deity is Oschon, the Wanderer, but as she was born in Thavnair, she also reveres the Magus Sisters - specifically Minduruva.

Shortstack Lalafell

Shishira Shira, Aldenard Branch Advisor; Apsara of Envy
Epithet: Flameveil
Job: Black Mage
Voice Reference: Wendee Lee
A friend of Thiji's since before the Seventh Umbral Calamity, Shishira Shira seems to have been Thiji's first love interest. She is a Dunesfolk female of stunning beauty with long silver-violet hair and lavender eyes, and carried a distinct aroma of violets. Shishira is around the same age as Thiji, and was also of nobility; in fact, her family was one of the main contractors who conducted business with the Higuri Regalia during their stint in the Sagolii Desert. She led her family business known as Shira's Lightsday Best prior to her induction into the Regalia, specializing mostly in precious red gemstones, making her the "Lady of Rubies". She is also more popularly known as the "Desert Violet" for obvious reasons.It is also confirmed that she and her clan served Chichibi Chibi of the Deep Sagolii. Prior to her indentured servitude with the Regalia, the Desert Queen was her superior.Thiji had thought to have seen her again when he arrived at Eorzea through Tahrara, who looks just like her, only that their hairstyles, hair color, and voices are different. Though she may have enjoyed Thiji's friendship, his advances would seemingly be for naught as her eyes were set upon another Dunesfolk male whom was part of a mining clan, which would ultimately result in the fall of her own -- and her would-be fiancee, Memejora's -- companies along with their arranged marriage. Since then, they have been good friends with each other, but Shishira had finally realized that the latter loved him after talking with him alone in a recent Yearsend party.She now serves the Higuri Regalia as a Thaumaturge and an aspiring Black Mage under the tutelage of Chichibi Chibi, serving as the newest Angel under Thiji's employ after forsaking her old life to start anew. She has also taken Yuanji Yuji's old position as personal advisor to the Mythrite Sultan after exemplifying the selflessness the Regalia upholds.Shishira Shira's patron deity is Menphina, the Lover.


Meriri Meri, Consultant of Ore & Metals; Apsara of Pride
Epithet: Of Fated Winds
Job: Archer
Voice Reference: Kelly Macdonald
A Plainsfolk with long, curly red hair and bright blue eyes, Meriri Meri (Age 27) succeeded Yuanji Yuji as the newest maidservant under Thiji's employ. She was encountered by Sesena and Sosona one day while they were out practicing their marksmanship with their pistols. She was seen escaping O'Ghomoro from a band of rather irate Kobolds for stealing large quantities of a strange, never-before-seen ore. After routing the Kobolds, she informed the two that it was Lumythrite and Eikon Mythrite -- Mythrite ore blessed by a primal.Knowing that fate had been very kind to the Regalia at large as of late, Sesena immediately offered Meriri a spot amongst her Angels, and she happily accepted, appreciating the freedom that they value. She serves the Regalia as an expert Archer, Angel, and go-to gal for any Lumythrite-related inquiries - Consultant of Metals, replacing Yuanji Yuji in this regard as well.Meriri's patron deity is Nymeia, the Spinner.

Meriri Meri

Koyuki Koki, Othard Branch Advisor; Apsara of Gratitude
Epithet: The Floramancer
Job: Geomancer
Voice Reference: Erin Fitzgerald
Calling in a favor from an old friend, Koyuki Koki (Age 30) is the sixteenth Angel to be brought under the Mythrite Sultan's retinue. During the Regalia's flight to the Far East, Koyuki was but a simple Plainsfolk serving in Hingashi's teahouses, whose skill in tea making and Far Eastern tradition was nothing short of outstanding. She is a delicate flower who was good friends with Yuanji during her time back home prior to their exodus. When news had arrived of Yuanji's return, Koyuki was elated, and overwhelmed her with questions on what type of tea she wanted, how many guests was she bringing, and the like.Being told of the Regalia and what they are about, paired with her recent status as Head Secretary, the violet beauty was excited to hear of her old friend's success, and was eager to serve as an Angel. She is currently the Advisor of the Othard Branch, providing top-quality service whose smile is said to calm even the most tempestuous of hearts. Also, while she does not condone fighting, she is formidable in conjury, providing her allies with another source for support and relief.Not being of Eorzean origin, Koyuki does not possess a patron deity, honoring a different pantheon similar to her fellow Far Eastern Angels.

Koyuki Koki

Veeveena Veena, Main Branch Advisor; Apsara of Patience
Epithet: The Visceral
Job: Spellblade (Wind-Attuned)
Voice Reference: Cindy Robinson
A flower from the Near East graces the ranks of the Angels. Veeveena Veena, age 27, is the seventeenth, and a young beauty born and raised in Thavnair. With bright, blonde hair, aqua blue orbs, and a smile warm like the Near Eastern sun, Veeveena serves directly under Lord Thiji as his personal advisor whenever he is back home within the Main Branch. Extremely fond of the Mythrite Sultan, she is almost always seen by his side, which misconstrues many that they are a couple. However, this is definitely not the case. She, like her fellow Angels, is simply very close to the Sultan she serves, and will go to great lengths to fulfill his wishes.Her calm and demure temperament belies her savagery in battle. Learning of the Hingan styles of combat through Thiji's mother, she has taken up a unique form of fighting known as Tessenjutsu, training herself on the art nonstop until she considered herself a master. The mythril standard of silk hiding steel, Veeveena is a formidable adversary whom even on their best day would provide the Head Secretaries a challenge. She is so devoted to her position as Advisor that she would even stand guard outside her lord's bedchambers, driving away any assassins unfortunate enough to face her tranquil fury.Veeveena's patron deity is Nald'thal, the Traders, but as she was born in Thavnair, she also reveres the Magus Sisters.

Shortstack Lalafell

Veeveera Veera, Main Branch Advisor & Mercenary Captain
Epithet: The Sanguine
Job: Dervish (Dancer + Rogue)
Voice Reference: Tara Platt
The twenty-eighth Angel in Thiji's employ is the younger twin sister of Veeveena Veena (Age 26). With hair of similar color and eyes of deep emerald, Veeveera, much like her sibling, is a Near Eastern flower, though she is less complimented for her looks and more for her cunning. She is bosom buddies with Sosona due to their headstrong attitudes, and while she has the innate skills of a Dancer, Veeveera's true strength lies in her skills with the dagger, and her House's affinity with wind-aspected aether have allowed her to become a deadly Rogue of spectacular prowess, though she refers to herself as a "Dervish".Before the Angels were formed, she was a humble maidservant like her peers, and while she shares her Sultan's vision, she pursues it through other means. Growing up, she offered her services to aid her fellow countrymen and the surrounding islands which made up The Bounty, establishing something of a name for herself, while also extending the hand of generosity as per the Regalia's wont - but in a martial manner. She had but recently returned from her lengthy excursion in Uznair - just south of the main island where Radz-at-Han is located. She was tasked with maintaining the sanctity of its hidden canal system as well as defending the Regalia's purported treasury, which is a tale Susuna had spun for many summers to attract - and perhaps dispose of - nosy adventurers and overly-ambitious treasure hunters.She prefers to work in the shadows, much like her counterparts from the Far East, and has even adopted some of their techniques and styles into her kit, making her one of Lord Thiji's most adroit Angels in regards to gathering information and political intrigue. She's established rapport with many mercenaries and adventurers that she's even known to lead her own band from time to time. Since she is the spitting image of Veeveena, she can pass herself off as her when necessary should her elder sister's presence be required outside of the Main Branch, which also makes Veeveera a master of disguise.Now that events are coming to a head, Veeveera has emerged from the shadows to more directly aid her lord, her fellow Angels, and the Regalia at large, for it is thanks to this Dunesfolk maiden that the Hannish empire of fashion's integrity has been maintained since its formation. She currently serves alongside Veeveena as Lord Thiji's Main Branch Advisor.Her patron deity is Nald'thal, the Traders, but as she was born in Thavnair, she also reveres the Magus Sisters.

Shortstack Lalafell

Veeveeja Veeja, Uznairian Liaison & Main Branch Advisor
Epithet: The Unfathomed
Job: Sea Witch (Archer + Conjurer + Thaumaturge)
Voice Reference: Barbara Goodson
The twenty-ninth Angel is the youngest of the "Vee Trio" - Veeveeja Veeja (Age 25). Her magenta and cerise eyes and coloration help her stand out from her sisters, and shares traits from both: Veeveena's hidden compassion, and Veeveera's dogged conviction combine with her own cunning to make this Near Eastern flower as deadly and as beautiful as her siblings. She and Lelena are close friends due to the passion they have for the Regalia and the house which runs it.Much like her two sisters before her, Veeveeja served the Regalia prior to the Angels' formation, and a majority of her life was spent as a boatswain for a crew of vicious females who called themselves the "Blindfrost Bitches", who built a reputation for themselves savaging the sparse and frozen waters of Ilsabard's northern shores during the Sixth Astral Era.Furthermore, she had also been assisting Veeveera on events surrounding Uznair and the Bounty, but she worked closely with House Sener as a special hire, fulfilling the duties given to her by the opulent-yet-secretive Near Eastern family whilst slowly building positive relations with them for House Higuri.Her unique blending of martial and magical disciplines enabled her to deviate from the typical combat styles; her deft skill with a bow and manipulation of wind and water-aspected aether makes Veeveeja capable of harrying her foes from a distance using arrows imbued with the power of storms. Thus, her peers adopted the term of "Sea Witch" - so named by the ability of creating strong waves and turbulent gusts amidst a volley of arrows. This method of doing battle rounds out her more melee-minded elder sisters.With the Regalia making considerable progress on their diplomatic trade mission in Tural, Veeveeja - after aiding House Sener from a recent altercation with a certain chaos-spreading organization - was relieved from her duties, but also granted the ability to come and go from Uznair as she pleases, making her a liaison of the Bounty's second-largest island. Now officially assuming her role as the third Main Branch Advisor, Veeveeja is ecstatic as ever to aid the ruling house of the Higuri Regalia - the Diamond Sultan especially.Her patron deity is Llymlaen, the Navigator, but as she was born in Thavnair, she also reveres the Magus Sisters.

Isja Kaltablik, the Prime Model; Apsara of Chastity
Epithet: Coldgaze
Job: Blue Mage/Huntress (Archer + Lancer)
Voice Reference: Catherine Zeta-Jones
The twenty-fourth Angel to join the ranks was both a blessing and a surprise. A young Veena Viera by the name of Isja (EES-YAH; Age 27 in Hyur years), who, since coming to Eorzea, held elegance and refinement in very high regard. Hailing from the Skatay Range, she is very pale-skinned, with snow-white-and-blue hair - a contrast to the Mythrite Sultan.Isja's distaste in the Eorzean people's questionable lifestyles coined her the epithet "The Veena with the Cold Stare," by onlookers and passersby. Despite her aloof appearance, she wanted nothing more than to join the Higuri Regalia after being told of their deeds by a fellow Viera during a stay in Gridania. To her surprise, the Regalia was already seeking her out as a result of a bid to get the Angels' retired master back into adventuring.Known for their lithe form and excellent posture, Isja was a splendid candidate to serve as a model, a position over which she was practically ecstatic to receive from her new lord. The devotion she exemplifies to the company and their leader is a testament to her love (and relief) of refinement, earning her the title of "Prime Model".Being raised in the forested regions of southern Ilsabard, Viera are also incredible huntresses, and Isja offers her expertise with the lance and the bow, making her a deadly adversary from any range. As a result this knowledge, Himmeya tends to be her new sparring partner.She has recently begun to put her natural aptitude as a huntress into good use by studying the ways of the Whalaqee. In an effort to better herself and remain in touch with her savage side, Isja has become a Blue Mage, accepting the tutorship of Cerise Maylithos of the Bandee Pakshee to aid in her scrutiny of learning the behaviors and mannerisms of the various fauna within Hydaelyn.Being a foreign race, Viera do not revere the Eorzean pantheon. They instead heed the Voice of the Green Word, essentially sequestering them into the confines of the forests from where they were conceived. Such Viera who leave their homes are no longer considered part of them, and are branded as outcasts. Fortunately, there is little love lost between latter and former; outcasts usually view their forest-dwelling counterparts as blind, hidebound xenophobes, while the traditionalists refuse to acknowledge the existence of their wandering, city-dwelling kind.Fancying herself as somewhat of a revolutionary, Isja deviates from this somewhat in that she seeks to prove that the Viera as a race are capable of so much more. With the Regalia at her side, she just might make that a reality.

Veena Viera

Himmeya Twelvefist, "Hatheliyon" Sect Sifu & Enforcer
Epithet: Twelvefist
Job: Monk
Voice Reference: Jessica Gee-George
A fair-faced Highlander with a slightly muscular build and sky blue eyes, Himmeya (Age 24) earned the moniker "Twelvefist" for her innate ability to augment her extremities with elemental might. She had grown up under the banner of Garlemald, but was defiant in accepting their rule as just. Hoping to one day see Ala Mhigo free, she trained arduously in her youth, away from the eyes of her oppressors, aspiring to one day earn herself a place amongst the Fist of Rhalgr.At the age of 16 she joined the Resistance, and has been fighting alongside them since, serving primarily as infantry and reconnaissance, while also being no stranger to guerilla warfare. One day she happened upon Thiji and his party in Gyr Abania, where she was participating in a training exercise with the Eorzean Alliance to prepare for the coming skirmishes against the Garleans. The Mythrite Sultan visited and spectated her in battle, easily standing out amongst her greener peers. They would then spar as they noticed each other, with the Lalafellin noble emerging victorious.A second fated encounter during an expedition against a primal would result in the two working together to win the day once more. Himmeya admired Thiji's skill in battle, and was eager to serve him more directly, making her the newest Angel. In return for allowing her to join, Himmeya shared her knowledge of the serpentine Ananta tribe to Thiji, which would then lead to increasing his mastery over gemcraft and magic both.With the Rhalgr's Beacon campaign culminating in the liberation of the once-fallen City-State, Himmeya stepped down from her duties with the Resistance and now utilizes her experience serving as the one of the Regalia's Enforcers: Angels - usually non-Lalafell - given liberty to assist with the realm's matters downrange.Her considerable time in service to the Regalia and as a Fist of Rhalgr disciple earned her the respect and adoration of her peers, and was presented with a circlet, signifying her status as a Master, and was thus granted leave to create her own sect. After spending time in Thavnair, she has done precisely that, leading a small army of aspiring Monks and teaching them her unique brand of elemental martial arts. Dubbed "Hatheliyon" - "Palms" in the Thavnairian tongue - she is now an Enforcer in more than just name, and with garments of violet, she is ready to cause problems for the Regalia's enemies - or resolve them.As per most Ala Mhigans, Himmeya's patron deity is Rhalgr, the Destroyer.

Telphie Higuri, Princess & Chief Technology Officer
Epithet: The Statuesque
Job: Magitek Maestra (Machinist + Sage)
Voice Reference: Cristina Valenzuela
See House Higuri Section for full bio

Swoztu Wuotwyrstwyn, Regalia Enforcer
Epithet: The Junoesque
Job: Songmender (Bard + Conjurer)
Voice Reference: Cate Blanchett
Among the Mythrite Sultan's burgeoning army of female maidservants is Swoztu Wuotwyrstwyn, a bosomy Sea Wolf Roegadyn (Age 26) with emerald green skin and beautiful ruby red hair. She was found outside the Aldenard Branch Headquarters one rainy evening, and was enjoying the scenery of the yard before she was taken in by the Mythrite Sultan.Swoztu knew Thiji prior to their encounter from some flyers she read regarding the Othard Initiative, and was taken aback when she had been offered a new set of clothes, as well as comfortable living quarters within the mansion whilst the Regalia continued their efforts towards establishing the Othard Branch. Now given purpose and a more permanent roof under her head, she serves Thiji Higuri as one of his newest Angels, becoming the first Roegadyn lady to have the honor of doing so.Per their conversation, she seemed to be a singer - this led Thiji to believe that Swoztu was an expert bard. She has also been shown to possess some knowledge of Conjury when she was assisting her new master in a short exercise for one of his new inventions: the Gemweave.She currently serves in the Aldenard Branch as the assistant chirurgeon to Sarielle, marrying her powers of song magic with Conjury to become what she calls a "Songmender" - an offshoot of Bard that uses their voice to manipulate aether for restorative purposes. After taking a more active role in serving the Regalia, Swoztu has become bosom friends with Telphie Higuri, and together make a unique duo of healers.Swoztu's patron deity is Nophica, the Matron.

Sarielle Emeraude, Medical Specialist
Epithet: The Sorcerous
Job: Sorceress (Astrologian + Conjurer)
Voice Reference: Emily Browning
After successfully fending off the fell beast known as Nidhogg and his Dravanian Horde on the Steps of Faith, the Angels recruited Sarielle Emeraude (age 29), a fair maiden of emerald green hair and eyes. She is a Wildwood Elezen and Ishgardian chirurgeon. Now a veteran of her craft, she continues her studies as the Higuri Regalia's Medical Specialist, making her the first dedicated nurse and mendicant of the team.She enjoys chatting with the Angels and getting to know her superiors, and seems awfully close to Lelena. With her hairstyle, mannerisms, and demeanor, she is often misconstrued for being a shrine maiden, whom is a special Far Eastern guardian charged with warding off evil spirits and demons. While she has no idea what sort of person that would be, Sarielle is intrigued to adopt and learn more of this lifestyle. She watched over a woman named Nanago for a time while she was pregnant up until her unexpected death and feticide, though she inherited Nanago's powers due to the residual aether left behind, turning her into an Astrologian and a Sorceress.Feeling wholly responsible for the death of Thiji's lover, Sarielle was willing to accept any punishment he deemed necessary, but was instead forgiven on all accounts, being informed that it was not her fault - for Nanago's shred of selfishness was what catalyzed her demise. She now currently resides with the Aldenard Branch team, mastering her newfound powers of Astrology and Sorcery to tend to the wounded and the ill-fated.Sarielle's patron deity is Halone, the Fury.

Umimi Umi

Hanabira-no-Kaori, Doman Diplomant & Regalia Enforcer
Epithet: Petaldancer
Job: Samurai/Geomancer
Voice Reference: Lucy Liu
Doma's representation in the Regalia has been cemented with the introduction of the twenty-seventh Angel known as Kaori Hanabira. With eyes of gold and hair of auburn, this disciplined young woman of twenty-five summers is a Samurai born in the Far Eastern kingdom of Doma. Her skill with the blade is described to be compared to the "twirling blossom petals within a glade in the midst of spring." Born under the occupation of Garlemald, Kaori did her best to eke out a living under their harsh rule, training and studying in the ways of the blade so that she may one day aid in freeing her home.Around the age of 18 she joined the Doman Liberation Front, participating in guerilla-based warfare with her fellow patriots. Later, when adventurers from the west arrived upon their shores and aided towards liberating her homeland from the Garlean Empire, she felt indebted to their efforts and was determined to return the favor. Thus, did she steal into an East Aldenard Trading Company vessel as a stowaway, arriving in Limsa Lominsa, which struck the sailors as odd.She eventually made her way to Gyr Abania to join the fight for Ala Mhigo. Her appearance coincided with Operation: Rhalgr's Beacon, whereupon she met Himmeya Twelvefist and became fast friends as they saw kindred spirits within each other. Fate would bring them together once more after another operation conducted by the Regalia resulted in her appearance in Ul'dah. They met in the Bloodsands and enjoyed an explosive duel, but Himmeya emerged the victor after shattering her katana.Her prized possession is a pink scabbard, similar to a cherry blossom, and in honor of her induction into the Regalia, she received a special blade of Cloud Mythril forged by the Mythrite Sultan himself. The unique properties of the metal would help her better handle elemental forces. She now serves as the Enforcer of the Othard Branch, and resident Doman Ambassador. Also frequenting the contested region of Bozja, Kaori provided a remarkable performance of speed and skill which involved manipulating the aetherial currents to create a "wind barrier" which granted her blinding speed, hinting that Kaori is also a Geomancer of some capacity.Not being of Eorzean origin, Kaori does not possess a patron deity, honoring a different pantheon similar to the other Far Eastern Angels.

Youmei tol Kyria, Garlean Diplomat & Enforcer
Epithet: The Silver Valkyrie
Job: Shieldmaiden (Gunbreaker + Gladiator)
Voice Reference: Julie Ann Taylor
A Garlean pureblood from a merchant house, Youmei began as a humble member of the Palatina - servants of the Imperial Palace - in her teenage years. She then began her career in the Militum at eighteen summers, serving in several legions, starting from the XIVth, then transferred to the VIth, and reached the height of her career as a petty officer under the IVth, achieving the title of "pyr".When the Grand Company of Eorzea and the Regalia's Angels began their push into Garlemald through the Ghimlyt Dark, she led a platoon of IVth Imperial Legion remnants at the time. Himmeya engaged her with ferocity not unlike that of a rampaging minotaur. She had given no quarter in kind as she remained steadfast thanks to the outfitted hydraulics on her tower shield, enabling her to perform impressive feats of athleticism. Though her pleas for secession were falling on deaf ears, Isja would be tempted to join the fray, easily overpowering the shieldmaiden with her Blue Magic specialization of piercing techniques. After a grueling duel, Kaori would finally intervene before her colleagues could land a fatal blow, vouching for the Garlean soldier's veracity. She had encountered the Petaldancer no small number of times during her stint in Bozja, and their burgeoning rivalry gave way to companionship as they worked together with other agents and rebel cells to undermine the efforts of the IVth's duplicitous leadership. While she swore not to disclose the more sensitive details on the matter, Kaori revealed the woman's identity to her colleagues.She claimed to have ties with the Higuri Clan during Fafastima's time as head, which would finally gain the favor - and spare her the wrath - of the Angels. Youmei further stated that she had gathered her fellow dissidents to traverse the Magna Glacies and return to the capital to assess the situation in the motherland.After the aversion of the Final Days and significant aid from the Higuri Regalia's Enforcers and the Ilsabard Contingent, Youmei would at last be accepted into the ranks of Thiji's Angels, serving as an Enforcer and Garlean Ambassador. However, as she is unable to efficiently manipulate aether, her theater of responsibility is mainly the greater Ilsabard region, but thanks to her newfound friends, this inconvenience is alleviated.Her military career would unexpectedly skyrocket after recent events surrounding the voidsent incursions in Garlemald. By recommendation of House Higuri, combined with the friendly relations established between the rebuilding nation and Radz-at-Han, Youmei would earn the blessings from the remaining active imperial legions and receive a promotion to the rank of tol upon transferring to the IIIrd Imperial Legion to serve under Vergilia van Corculum.As "Tribunus Urbanae", she serves as one of the commanding officers in maintaining peace around Garlemald and the outlying region whilst it rebuilds, now further accompanied by Princess Telphie. Equipped with a state-of-the-art gunshield and winged armor befitting her new moniker - "The Silver Valkyrie" - Youmei tol Kyria stands resolute in the path of redeeming her people, her country - and even herself.Per Garlean tradition, she does not revere any deity or higher power, but acknowledges their influence over the other races of Etheirys.

Shiro Reina, Spymaster & Information Broker
Epithet: Mist Queen
Job: "Kirishinobi" (Ninja, Suiton Specialist)
Voice Reference: Mayumi Asano
A refugee that had come in from Doma alongside Yugiri Mistwalker, Shiro Reina is a formidable Kunoichi master of the art of Suiton, or "Water Release." She was taken in by Thiji Higuri as another one of his maidservants, but was always seen with a mask covering the entirety of her face. She takes pride in the ways of the Shinobi, - shunning the "neophytes" that took up the trade because it was "the new thing in town". Her tenure with the Regalia in Eorzea made her develop a dislike for Ijin, which is what the Hingans call foreigners.Shiro thus became an Angel, and serves closer to Thiji as his personal bodyguard. Her motives for being taken under Thiji's wing in the first place were to seek assistance in the coming days to break the Garleans' tenuous hold on her home in the Ruby Sea. It was revealed that Shiro was born in an underwater village known as Sui-no-Sato, which affirms her strong attunement to water. In recent days, however, she has come to the conclusion that, in light of observing her master in combat on multiple occasions, and the selflessness he shows to people in a land so foreign to him (and, in extension, to her), he was worthy of upholding the noble title of Samurai, which she endeavored Thiji's allies to lead him down that path. So far he has not considered taking up the blade, but still remains hopeful.Though an Angel, Shiro served directly under Hiromi Hiten as her loyal retainer and friend, as well as the Lion Order by extension as part of an exchange with Soriah Aron, once liaison of the Regalia. No longer deeming her services necessary, Gwenneth Asamenth, the White Lioness and leader of the Free Company, honorably discharged her from service (as of 8/21/2021), which prompted her immediate reinstatement into the Regalia .In battle, she does not speak, and sees to it that her work is done quickly and with as little blood as possible (if she is feeling merciful, anyway) - staying true to the Shinobi way. Whenever she is not out in the field as a "shadow dancer," Shiro is seen in her all-white Angel uniform, handing out free food to adventurers in Ul'dah on a regular basis. While this may intrigue some and scare others (due to the fact that she is always silent to the point where people believe her to be mute), she makes sure to adhere to the Regalia's values and interests whilst furthering her own agendas.It is not known what patron deity Shiro reveres, as she hails from Othard, and thus serves a different pantheon of gods and goddesses.It has also been rumored several times by a reliable source that this mysterious woman clad in white stole into an Imperial castrum for a special kimono that was modified to fit her personal tastes.

*Yuvlu, Turali Diplomat & Peddler Extraordinaire
Epithet: The Euthanizer
Job: Militant Merchant
Voice Reference: Rosie Perez
A Pelupelu of twenty-two summers, Yuvlu was an otherwise typical member of her race: adroit merchants who enjoy good drink and conversation. However, some time prior to the opening of the western sea routes, she happened upon a foreigner who sought to learn the ways of the Whalaqee, and wore a poncho the likes of which she never beheld. Curious as to what it was, she was told that the particular outfit was a specialty item created by the Higuri Regalia, and bought a copy of the PiB Catalogue that was fortunate enough to find its way across the salt (It was said that she paid a hundred pel in the thousands column for just one copy).After spending some time learning how to use linkpearls, she had a bulk order custom-made for a Cerulean Dress of the Whalaqee, posing as a member of the selfsame race who was honored to have their likeness immortalized into cloth. Once obtained, she was the envy of many a Pelupelu, and attracted several others to the point where she led a small band of traders all wearing the same attire, forgoing the traditional Pelupelu garb.The chance meeting with the Higuri Regalia during their trade mission would serve as a boon as Yuvlu and her team assisted - and were assisted - by Thiji's team during their time spent in Tural. Still holding true to their core tenant of "happiness through trade", Yuvlu was the linchpin to the Regalia's success, enabling them access to Xak Tural during the rite of succession, as well as granting them an audience with the Dawnservants to establish an alliance with Radz-at-Han.During Zoraal Ja's sudden insurrection, it was Yuvlu who took up arms to join the fight to protect Tural, with her fellow peddlers inspired to follow suit. As a result, she gained a bit of combat experience from participating in several skirmishes, and would earn the status of "Honorary Angel" by Umimi Umi.With Tuliyollal now in a new age of peace and prosperity, Yuvlu leads her team of militant merchants she has dubbed "Yuvlu's Yunit", maintaining happiness through trade - by any means necessary. She also serves as Turali Ambassador for the Regalia, as well as their go-to gal for all things Tural.While not adherent to any one god, the people of Tural revere the deific beings of the land known as tural vidraal. Yuvlu in particular is quite privy to Valigarmanda, whose plumage she was fortunate enough to acquire and trade with the Regalia, further solidifying their friendship."I just knew it felt right keeping her around. She's different from the other Pelu - in the good sense." -Veeveera Veera

The North Wind & The Sassy Six

The North Wind is a masked Lalafellin debonair Bard and purported Gridanian war hero whose voice has been said to inspirit and uplift the hearts and minds of those fortunate enough to hear him. Heralded by a chilling gust, he is known to appear unexpectedly, sing his piece, and mysteriously vanish like the fleeting zephyrs by which he earned his epithet.In recent times, his formidable singing abilities have been further augmented with a peculiar addition: a group of ""rapping mini-primals"" who refer to themselves as The Sassy Six, which together their bound master, form their own music group. He has performed in a variety of different venues, including the Bandee Pakshee, Sports Festivals, Entertainment Halls, Mooncat Solidarity, and Queens of Metal. He has even worked alongside other big names and bands such as CHARMED, Savo the Sewer Cat, Kynuh the Snowcatte, and even the Moogle Troupe.(All of the North Wind's songs are done vocally by the player, usually through tracks from FFXIV and other games with originally-written lyrics, as well as the occasional cover song. This has been a side project of mine since the early days of Heavensward, and has been my way of sharing the gift of song to the rest of the community through my unique method of musicmaking. An album of all songs thus far created can be found above.)